

释义 UART 'ju:,ɑ:t COCA²¹⁵⁹⁴¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.电子通用异步收发报机=Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
It is discussed in detail that implement communication experience and procedure and data format between MCS-51 MCU and Bluetooth module by UART HCI.
文中详细介绍了利用 UART HCI实现51单片机与蓝牙模块之间的通信实验设计、程序流程、数据格式。 fabiao

The program in single chip computer is C51 program, using the interrupt that UART receive end and the interrupt that UART send end.
单片机端通信程序采用C51编程,使用 UART接收结束中断、 UART发送结束中断。 cnki

With the operational principle of UART chip8250, the communication of serial port is analyzed.
例举了 UART芯片8250的工作原理来分析串口通讯编程; cnki

CF interface circuit implement the conversion from UART to CF signal.
CF接口电路主要功能是实现了 CF/ UART信号的转换,以完成数据采集。 cnki

Clear this bit to disable the Smart Card UART Transmit interrupt.
设置此位,使智能卡 UART发送中断。 soiseek

Consider a handheld with a built-in CSR Bluetooth chipset interfaced to the system using a UART interface.
考虑一种拥有内置 CSR Bluetooth芯片组的手持设备与使用 UART接口的系统的连接。 ibm

For a board with built-in GSM/ GPRS support for example, a board with a Siemen's MC-45 module wired to a UART channel, the legacy serial driver can drive the link.
对于内置 GSM/ GPRS支持的母板例如,一个带有连接到 UART通道的 Siemen MC-45模块的母板,传统的串行驱动程序就能驱动这个链接。 ibm

GPRS and GSM chips usually have a UART interface to the system.
GPRS和 GSM芯片通常有一个到系统的 UART接口。 ibm

If UART is not available in the MCU, it's valuable to find a new implementing way.
当单片机不支持 UART时,利用别的方法实现异步串行通信就显得非常有意义。 jdzj

In the paper introduces bluetooth module that is made of base controller and the interface of RF receiver and transmitter, and bluetooth interface for data and audio equipments by UART/ PCM and USB.
介绍由蓝牙基带控制器与 RF收发接口组成的蓝牙模块,通过 UART/ PCM和 USB向数字和语音设备提供的蓝牙接口。 dictall

In this paper, we introduce briefly a kind of UART COMS chip TL16C550C and provide the hardware circuit between TL16C550C and TMSw0VC5402 and the way how to program it.
文中简单介绍了一种 UART芯片 TL16C550C,并给出了它与 TMSw0VC5402连接的硬件电路以及软件编程方法。 cnki

In the hardware field, CPLD is entitled for system logical control; Serial communication derived from UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter frees the DSP of burdensome control.
在硬件上采用CPLD来完成系统的逻辑控制,利用 UART通用异步收发器来进行串行通信,使 DSP从繁忙的控制任务中解放出来。 cnki

It gives an example for communication between S3C2410X UART and PC UART with interrupt mode, which main program was written in C language.
给出一个中断模式下S3C2410X和 PC机串口通讯的实例,其主要程序用 C语言代码编写。 cnki

The board communicate with computer through the Universal Serial Bus USB by using CP2101, a highly- integrated USB-to- UART Bridfe Controller, which can realize Pcperpheral's plug& play.
采集卡利用一种高集成度的 USB转 UART桥接器 CP2101芯片实现了通用串行总线 USB接口方式,可实现计算机外设的即插即用特性。 cnki

The second section, the principle of UART and IRDA1.0 protocol is analyzed deeply.
第二章,详细介绍了 UART的工作原理和相关的红外通讯协议。 cnki

The system uses the simulated multi- UART to achieve the on- line and effect-less inspection between the main control unit and ECU.
同时系统通过模拟串口对主控制器和被测ECU的通讯可进行实时无影响的监测。 cnki

This article introduces particularly the UART work elements of ARM and the connect method directly between ARM and the PC serial interface.
详细介绍了 ARM自带的 UART的工作原理及与计算机串行口的连接方法。 cnki

This paper describes the function and characteristics of UART.
本文分析了通用异步收发器 UART的功能特点。 cnki

This paper presents a design of a simple UART IP core.
文章主要介绍一种简易通用的 UART IP核的设计。 cnki

This can be implemented as a hardware facility or UART relieving processor and applications programmer of this low- level, time-consuming, detail.
这种工作可以使用硬件或者 UART来实现,可以将处理器或者应用程序从这种底层的、费时的和琐碎的工作解脱出来。023java

Using EDA and the agility of FPGA/ CPLD could easily and quickly design the high speed and low speed UART.
利用计算机软件技术 EDA技术和 FPGA/ CPLD的灵活性可以方便快速地设计高速和低速的 UART。 cnki

While H4 serves as the standard method to transmit Bluetooth data over UART as defined in the specifications, the proprietary BCSP protocol from CSR supports error checking and retransmission.
而 H4充当通过 UART传输 Bluetooth数据的标准方法。 UART是在规范中定义的来自 CSR的专有 BCSP协议,支持错误校验和重传。 ibm

You can live without Ethernet and IIC, but the UART is really vital for debugging, if nothing else; you need to fix this.
可以没有以太网和 IIC,但是 UART对于调试来说是必需的。所以需要修正这个问题。 ibm

You'll find more information about Bluetooth UART transport later in the article.
在本文后面,您将发现更多关于 Bluetooth UART传输器的信息。 ibm

UART controller and LCD display control module are designed for the improvement of the integrity of the whole system.
设计 UART控制器和 LCD图像显示控制模块,使其与整体系统相互配合,提高了系统的完整性; fabiao




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