

单词 berg
释义 berg 英bɜːg美bɝgAHDbûrg 高COCA¹⁷³⁹⁹BNC¹⁸⁹⁹⁷iWeb⁴²⁸⁶³
a large mass of ice floating at sea; usually broken off of a polar glacierAustrian composer in Schoenberg's twelve-tone music system 1885-1935来自PIE *bhergh, 高,高山,同iceberg, 冰山。borough, 自治市。ice berg冰山berg crystal水晶tabular berg平顶冰山glacial berg冰山,冰川冰山…berg winds山风sugar berg松冰山floe berg浮冰堆
近义词 iceberg冰山Alban Berg贝尔格1885-193…
Nurembergn.纽伦堡; Pneck-berg颈部胸腺Pkonigsberg哥尼斯堡Picebergn.冰山冷冰冰的人

用作名词As the captain watched, the ship came into view from behind theberg.当船长注视着的时候,那船从冰的后面出现了。
The globe is warming, thebergis thawing, why your heart still freezing?气候在变暖,冰川在消融,为什么你的心依然冰冻不化?as in.(glacier
同义词 ice floe,icebergfloe,icecapglacial mass,ice field,snow slide
glaciernoun mountain of ice, snow
floe,glacial mass,ice field,ice floe,iceberg,icecap,snow slide
glaciersnoun mountain of ice, snow
bergs,floes,glacial masses,ice fields,ice floes,icebergs,icecaps,snow slides The dignity of movement of an ice- berg is due to only one- eighth of it being above water.
冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为他只有八分之一在水面上。 cri

This new book by Clifford Berg may be what you're looking for.
这本 Clifford Berg的新书可能是你正在寻找的。 ibm

“ Sites will spring up specialising in independent films and short movies, ” says Mr Berg, “ and these will be showcases, similar to film festivals.”
“独立电影和电影短片的网站增长很快” Berg先生说,“网上会有一些电影展示,和电影节差不多。” ecocn

“ They don’t download, and they don’t want to download, ” says Brian Berg of Universal.
环球音乐集团的布莱恩•伯格说,“他们不在网上下载,他们也不想去下载。” ecocn

“ While the stimulation didn't improve the participant's best performance, the speed at which they reached their best was significantly increased.” said Prof Johansen- Berg.
“虽然刺激没能使参与者的表现提高到最佳,但达到他们最佳表现的速度显著增加。”约翰森伯格教授说。 huanqiu

Daniel Domscheit- Berg, a German who was formerly Mr. Assange’s deputy in the organization, will release his own memoir in mid- February.
阿桑奇的前任副手,德国人丹尼尔·D·博格 Daniel Domscheit- Berg,将于明年2月中旬出版其回忆录。 yeeyan

Federal courts in Pennsylvania have dismissed Berg's lawsuit.
宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania的联邦法庭驳回了 Berg的指控。 yeeyan

German Berg Ozminski says his children do not even feel the effects of the East-West divide because it occurred before they were born.
德国人伯格•奥兹明斯基说他的孩子甚至没有受到东西德分裂的影响,因为这都是他们出生前的事了。 hjenglish

Mali did not have a single advanced programming class at the national university, so working to develop the first generation of programmers in Mali has been extremely exciting for Berg.
马里国立大学没有开设高级程序设计课程,因而对 Berg来说,为马里培养第一代程序员充满刺激。 yeeyan

Matt Webb, CEO of London-based design consultancy BERG, has a great phrase to describe the root of these innovations.
总部设在伦敦的设计公司 BERG的 CEO,马特韦布为这项技术的基础思想献上了他的溢美之词。 yeeyan

The use of technology in Africa for social development has been Berg’s passion all of his life.
利用科技促进非洲社会的发展一直是 Berg的人生激情所在。 yeeyan

The decision to set up a separate company was a key component, says Mr Van Den Berg.
Van den Berg表示说成立独立公司的决定是非常关键的一步。 yeeyan

The vast cave, drilled into granite under the Vita Berg Park in Stockholm, houses dozens of computer servers used as storage by many companies.
这个在斯德哥尔摩维塔伯格公园地下花岗岩中钻出的巨洞,存放着的数十台电脑是很多公司的服务器。 cri

This berg was observed to drift to and fro across Kane Basin for some weeks, at different times, grounding on the sea bed, on both the North and South sides.
科学家在几个星期的不同时间段,基于南北两侧海床,观察了这个冰山来回漂过凯恩海湾的情况。 yeeyan

Unlike many people in international development and aid work, however, Berg is also particularly keen on developing the tech talents of local programmers in Africa.
然而,和很多从事国际发展与救援工作的人士不同, Berg特别注重发挥非洲当地程序员的技术才能。 yeeyan

Which raises the point that exercise physiologist Kris Berg explains in his recent article, “ Endurance Training and Performance in Runners, ” in the journal Sports Medicine.
运动生理学家 Kris Berg在《体育医学》期刊上发表了《耐力训练和跑步者的表现》,这篇最新的文章解释了这些训练的意义。 yeeyan

Yuppies have formed breeding colonies in picturesque Prenzlauer Berg, displacing the original eastern occupants.
雅皮士在风景如画的 Prenzlauer Berg形成自己的据点,取代了原先的东部居民。 ecocn

Berg says Obama also may be a citizen of Indonesia, where he lived as a boy.
Berg认为奥巴马还可能是印度尼西亚公民,他小时候曾住在那儿。 yeeyan




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