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词汇 Tzipi
释义 TzipiEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
At the invitation of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Israeli Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni will pay an official visit to China from October28 to30, 2007.
应外交部长杨洁篪的邀请,以色列第一副总理兼外交部长齐皮·利夫尼将于10月28日至30日对中国进行正式访问。 xinhuanet

Israel’s Likud- led government may have stayed away from its conference, but its president, Shimon Peres, and Tzipi Livni, the leader of its opposition Kadima party, expressed their support.
以色列利库德集团领导的政府虽然距 J Street集会千里之外,但它的总统, Shimon Peres,和 Tzipi Livni,反对党 Kadima党的领导人,均表示了支持。 ecocn

That happened last Wednesday, when moderate Tzipi Livni won a narrow victory in the Kadima party primaries.
上星期三,温和派的利夫尼以些微的差距赢得了前进党的初选。 ebigear

The same poll put Tzipi Livni’s Kadima party, which argues for a more vigorous effort to re-engage the Palestinians, ahead of Mr Netanyahu’s Likud.
同意投票还表明 Tzipi Livni旗下的 Kadima党,也就是认为应该对巴勒斯坦人采取更强硬手段的党派,也比内塔尼亚胡领导的利库德党支持率领先。 ecocn

At a news conference with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Tuesday, Secretary Clinton said the White House believes that moving toward a two- state solution is in Israel's best interests.
星期二在一场和以色列外交部长利夫尼共同举行的新闻发布会上,克林顿国务卿说,白宫认为朝向两国模式的解决办法来努力对以色列最为有利。 iciba

But the last polls before the election suggested it could be a close race between him and Tzipi Livni from Kadima.

He commands the parliamentary arithmetic to form a coalition with Tzipi Livni’s party, Kadima.
他命令议会表决和齐皮·利夫尼的卡迪马党构成联合政府。 ecocn

ISRAELI bigwigs may not be visiting Britain much in the months ahead following the near arrest on December13th of Tzipi Livni, the leader of the opposition, for alleged war crimes.
以色列的权贵在反对党领袖 Tzipi Livni在12月13日以战争罪被逮捕后的接下来的几个月里可能都不会来访问英国了。 ecocn

Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni has declared the rocket attacks“ unbearable” and asserted that the Hamas administration in Gaza must be“ toppled”.
以色列外长利夫尼宣称无法忍受哈马斯政权,必须推翻,由此宣布对哈马斯发射火箭弹袭击。 yeeyan

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, says the peace talks are in the interests of Israel and the Palestinians.
以色列外长利夫尼说,和平谈判符合以色列和巴勒斯坦人的利益。 iciba

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni spoke on U.S. television.
以色列外长利夫尼在接受美国电视台采访时作出上述表示。 kekenet

Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, defended her country's actions and called for the support and understanding of the international community.
以色列外交部长齐皮·利夫尼为自己国家的行动辩解,并呼吁国际社会的理解和支持。 hjenglish

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni indicated Sunday Israel may uproot some of its West Bank settlements as part of a peace accord with the Palestinians.
以色列外长利夫尼星期天表示,作为以色列与巴勒斯坦人达成和平协议的一部分,以色列可能会拆除它在约旦河西岸的一些定居点。 ebigear

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says Israel wants to cooperate with moderate Palestinians to improve their economy, but Palestinians must improve security.
以色列外长利夫尼说,以色列希望跟温和派的巴勒斯坦人合作,改善他们的经济,但是巴勒斯坦人必须改善安全。 kekenet

Israeli President Shimon Peres says Israel is heading toward early elections after prime minister- designate Tzipi Livni failed to form a coalition government.
以色列总统佩雷斯说,以色列正在准备进行提前选举。此前,指定总理利夫尼组成联合政府的努力失败。 kekenet

Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is expected to hold talks in Paris Thursday and French President Nicolas Sarkozy may visit Israel early next week.
以色列外长利夫尼预计星期四在巴黎举行会谈,而法国总统萨科齐可能于下星期初访问以色列。 ebigear

Kadima’s leader, Tzipi Livni, refused Mr Netanyahu’s blandishments, demanding that he explicitly commit to the two-state solution and share the premiership with her on a rotating basis.
前进党主席齐皮•利夫宁 Tzipi Livni拒绝了内塔尼亚胡的甜言劝诱,要求他明确表示致力于两党治国的解决途径,在轮流执政的基础上,双方权利共享。 ecocn

Li exchanged opinions with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem on Israel- Lebanon conflict and the Middle East issue.

Mr Abbas also approvingly mentioned Tzipi Livni, who succeeded Mr Olmert as head of the Kadima party and was Israel's foreign minister during the last bout of negotiations.
阿巴斯也颇带赞许的提到齐皮·利夫尼,后者接任奥尔默特前进党领袖职位,并且在最近的两轮谈判中一直任以色列国防部长。 ecocn

Mr Obama’s people have long hoped that a centrist Israeli party, Kadima, led by Tzipi Livni, would join a reshaped and more peace- minded coalition less vulnerable to the demands of the right.
对于奥巴马这一方来说,他们一直以来都希望齐皮• 利夫尼领导的中间派前进党能够加入联合政府,并使其在重组后更加温和,在对待右翼时不那么软弱。 ecocn

National elections take place on Tuesday, and movement on a prisoner swap could boost the chances of two candidates for prime minister, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
以色列全国大选将于星期二举行,有关战俘交换的进展可能会提升外交部长利夫尼和国防部长巴拉克这两位总理候选人获胜的机率。 iciba

Olmert faces corruption allegations and is likely to be replaced by Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who was elected the ruling party's new leader last Wednesday.
奥尔默特面临腐败指控,他的总理职位将由外长利夫尼取代。利夫尼上星期三被选为新的执政党领导人。 youtheme

Opposition leader Tzipi Livni said the IAEA report makes clear where Iran is heading.
以色列反对党领导人列文尼说,国际原子能机构的报告明确显示了伊朗的企图。 voanews

The Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, said the offensive was intended to change permanently the shape of Israel's conflict with Hamas.
以色列外长Tzipi Livni说,进攻是为了永久改变以色列与哈马斯之间尖锐的冲突。 yeeyan

The foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, bidding to become prime minister when Ehud Olmert steps down this month, has charmed a wad of cash out of the treasury.
等待总理奥尔默特本月下台后竞选总理的以色列外长利夫尼,说服财政部拨了现款。 ecocn

This was the message, too, that the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, took to a meeting with EU foreign ministers in Brussels.
这也是外交部长齐皮利•利夫尼参加在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟外交部长会议上所传达的一则信息。 topsage

Today's vote pits former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Polls show Netanyahu's Likud Party in the lead.
前总理内塔尼亚胡本日票数高于外交部长李娜,并在总数上也保持领先。 putclub

Tzipi Livni, the foreign minister in the previous government and now leader of the opposition, supported Mr Baruch’s critique.
上届政府外交部长,现任反对派领导人的李夫尼 Tzipi Livni支持巴鲁克的批判言论。 ecocn




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