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词汇 Tysfjord
释义 Tysfjord
n.蒂斯菲尤尔在挪威;东经 16º25' 北纬 68º07'
Back at the tourist center inTysfjordI talked to the Dutchman “instrumentalist.回到提斯峡湾的旅游服务中心,我和那个荷兰的“乐手”聊了一会儿。
When the herring and orcas made their debut in this fjord almost two decades ago, their arrival took the small town ofTysfjordby surprise.鲱鱼和虎鲸的踪迹于将近廿年前首度出现在这个峡湾,当时牠们的到来让这个提斯峡湾旁的小镇大吃一惊。
Come October, the country's second deepest fjord,Tysfjord, fills with billions of migrating herring that winter there on the way to spawning grounds.每到十月,数十亿只迁徙中的鲱鱼涌进挪威第二深的提斯峡湾,在那里过冬后继续前往产卵地。
The Norwegian killer whale project was established in 1987 to study orca ecology inTysfjordand around the nearby islands of Lofoten and Vesteralen.“挪威杀人鲸计划”NORCA创始于1987年,研究提斯峡湾与附近罗浮敦岛及西奥伦岛周围的虎鲸生态。
The Norwegian killers whale project was established in 1987 to study orca ecology inTysfjordand around the nearby islands of Lofoten and Vesteralen.“挪威杀人鲸计划”创始于1987年,研究提斯峡湾与附近罗浮敦岛及西奥伦岛周围的虎鲸生态。




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