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词汇 tyranny
释义 tyr·an·ny 英ˈtɪrəniː美ˈtɪrəniAHDtĭrʹə-nē ★☆☆☆☆高四六GS宝八COCA¹³⁸⁶⁵BNC¹⁴⁹⁴¹iWeb¹²⁴⁶¹Economist¹¹⁵⁴¹


the use of cruel or unjust power to rule a person or country


government by a cruel ruler with complete power

a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.dominance through threat of punishment and violence来自 tyrant,暴君,-y,表行为。GRE红宝书tyr提尔: 挪威的战争神, anny = annoy: 又战争又使你苦恼-暴政
tire 轮胎 + run,车轮驶过,横冲直撞;音:太 + rant 咆哮→太咆哮→暴君
tyrann=tyrant,僭主,暴君+y抽象名词后缀,表行为⇒僭主政治,暴政,残暴专横行为。近义词 rod杆of关于hand手rule规则iron熨斗power力量terror恐怖cruelty残酷control掌控severity严格hardness坚硬iron rod铁棍despotism独裁supremacy至高brutality残忍reign君主统治authority权力oppression压抑domination支配repression抑制strictness严格absolute绝对的complete完整的jackboot长统靴sovereignty主权suppression镇压toughness有粘性one-man一个人的dictatorship专政rigorousness严厉inhumanity不人道ruthlessness无情autocracy独裁政治monocracy独裁政治Caesarism君主政治shogunate将军职位one-party单方面的absolutism专制主义harshness粗糙的事物Stalinism斯大林主义one-man rule独裁统治inexorability不宽赦免kaiserism独裁专制统治…absolute power绝对功率totalitarianism极权主义reign of terror恐怖统治authoritarianism权力主义unlimited数或量极大的…complete control完全的控制bullying动词bully的现在进行…iron hand铁的手腕高压手段…relentlessnessrelentless的名…inhumannessinhuman的名词形式…iron rule法 苛政, 严格处罚…implacability难安抚的性质或状态…
用作名词n.People hated the tyranny of military rule.人们痛恨军事统治的残暴。
They came to America in order to escape politicaltyranny.他们为逃避暴政而来到美洲。
They lived underneath a crushingtyranny.他们生活在难以忍受的暴政下。
用作名词They will fighttyrannyto the death.他们誓死反对暴政。
Revolution is a frequent outgrowth oftyranny.革命是暴政促成的常有结果。
Tyranny is fiercer than a tiger.苛政猛于虎。
The world suffers most from the disinterestedtyrannyof its well wisher.世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。
Those states lie under atyranny.那些国家处于专制统治之下。
Freedom fromtyrannyis a principle we should always defend.从专制中获得自由是一个我们应该永远维护的原则。noun.dictatorship
同义词 authoritarianism,autocracy,coercion,cruelty,despotism,domination,oligarchy,oppression,terrorism,totalitarianismabsolutism,fascism,high-handedness,imperiousness,monocracy,severity,totalityperemptoriness,reign of terror,unreasonableness
反义词 democracy
absolute powernoun complete authority to act
absolutismnoun absolute control by government
autarchynoun absolutism
autocracy,despotism,dictatorship,monocracy,totalitarianism,tyrannical rule,tyranny
autocracynoun government by one
absolutism,czarism,despotism,dictatorship,monarchy,monocracy,oppression,totalitarian government,tyranny
commandnoun rule, power
ability,absolutism,aplomb,authority,authorization,charge,coercion,compulsion,constraint,control,despotism,domination,dominion,expertise,expertism,expertness,government,grasp,grip,hold,jurisdiction,know-how,leadership,management,might,prerogative,primacy,restraint,right,royalty,skill,sovereignty,strings,supervision,supremacy,sway,tyranny,upper hand
commandsnoun rule, power
abilities,absolutism,aplomb,authorities,authorizations,charges,coercions,compulsions,constraints,controls,despotisms,domination,dominions,expertise,expertisms,expertness,governments,grasps,grips,holds,jurisdictions,know-hows,leaderships,managements,mights,prerogatives,primacy,restraints,rights,royalties,skills,sovereignty,strings,supervision,supremacy,sway,tyrannies,upper hands And the fears of these regimes are well-founded, because tyranny cannot survive forever in an atmosphere of truth.
这些政治体制的恐惧心态由此可见一斑,因为在真相面前,暴政难以存活。 yeeyan

For an epic battle is now unfolding in the Middle East, between tyranny and freedom.
现在在中东,在暴政与自由之间,一场史诗般的战斗已经展开。 yeeyan

For with the suppression of our exploiters and an end to the tyranny of profit, human history can truly begin.
伴随着那些剥削者的镇压和资本暴政的终结,人类的历史将会真正地开始。 yeeyan

The sacrifices of these brave troops have rescued millions from lives of tyranny and sorrow, and made America more secure.
牺牲这些勇敢的部队已经救出数百万人的生命的专制和悲伤,使美国更安全. ebigear

A hundred million Christians were under the heel of the most barbarous tyranny in history: the Bolshevik regime of the greatest terrorist of them all, Joseph Stalin.
一亿基督教徒就这样被历史上最野蛮的暴政——恐怖主义头子约瑟夫·斯大林的布尔什维克政权踩在了脚下践踏。 yeeyan

Another is between democracy per se and the protection of individual rights and liberties in the face of what might otherwise be a tyranny of the majority.
另一个就是民主自身的问题,如何在出现多数人暴政的可能性下保护个人的权利与自由。 yeeyan

Britain might not make steel anymore, or cars, or pop music worth listening to, but, boy, are we world- beaters when it comes to tyranny.
英国可能不再制造钢铁、生产汽车、创作值得一听的流行音乐,但提到专制,男孩子就是我们世界的破坏者。 yeeyan

But even that may not be enough to free us from the tyranny of capped data consumption and gaping holes in its coverage.
但是,即使那样也不足以让我们摆脱限额数据消费的专制和网络覆盖的漏洞。 yeeyan

But in the longer run, material development will suffer if authoritarian habits turn into tyranny.
但如果独裁的习惯转向暴政,物质发展在长期也将受到损害。 yeeyan

But Israel, note the peaceniks, rules a large and disaffected population of Palestinians who are learning on their televisions how to topple tyranny.
但“反战人士”指出,以色列国内有大量心怀不满的巴勒斯坦人口,他们在电视上学会了如何去推翻暴政。 ecocn

But so long as there is injustice, tyranny, oppression and inequality, there will always be a place for the beloved outlaw hero, even if he was a Nurdler.
但只要世上还有不公正、暴政、压迫和不公平,那我们亲爱的侠士,就永远有一席之地,即使他是一位讷德帮人。 yeeyan

Freedom from tyranny is a principle we should always defend.

If freedom is right and tyranny wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
接着写到“如果自由是正确的,专制是错误的,那么为什么那些信仰自由的人把它看成是一卷粗香肠并且不时的讨价还价般的切一片?” xv88

It is the basis of tyranny in the great age of ideologies through which we are still passing.

Knowledge like this gives one great strength in time of oppression or tyranny.
这样的认识在压迫和暴政时期给人巨大的力量。 hxen

Moreover, it has been providing a good example of democracy and steadiness in a continent where tyranny and bloodshed are still tragically common.
此外,在一个暴政与流血事件司空见惯的非洲大陆,南非可以说是树立了一个民主与稳定的好榜样。 ecocn

Our founders were concerned first and foremost with the potential for authoritarian tyranny, since there was a lot of that afoot in those days.
开国先贤们首先考虑到的是专制暴政的可能性,因为在当时的确有许多人正酝酿着要一手遮天。 yeeyan

Our own constitutional tradition, while uncompromisingly grounding government in the consent of the governed, maintains a lively awareness of the tyranny of the majority.
我们的宪法传统,坚决不移地将政府建立在被统治者的同意之上,对多数人的暴政保持相当的警觉。 yeeyan

The ex- president is said to have confessed to a group of Palestinian officials that God told him to “ fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. . . and end the tyranny in Iraq”.
据说这位前总统曾告诉一些巴勒斯坦的官员说是上帝告诉他让他“去和阿富汗的恐怖分子作斗争,结束伊拉克的暴政。” yeeyan

This is the tyranny of the dominant signature, caused by the limitation of expressing the element with only one name.
这就是主导签名的专制,由只使用一个名称来表示元素的限制所导致的。 ibm

War with all our might and with all the strength God has given up, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.
我们的政策就是用我们全部能力,用上帝所给予我们的全部力量,同一个在人类黑暗悲惨的罪恶史上所从未有过的穷凶极恶的暴政进行战争。 ebigear

What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future,357 years from now, because that affects everybody.




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