

单词 typifies
释义 typ·i·fy 英'tɪpɪfaɪ美'tɪpɪfaɪ COCA⁴⁰³⁸⁰BNC³⁶²⁶²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of;

The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition

express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol;

What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

近义词 symbolize象征represent表现exemplify例证stand for代表symbolise象征epitomize 摘要illustrate说明personify拟人化demonstrate证明epitomise 对 … 作摘要…characterize表示 … 的典型…

用作动词Now a millionaire, hetypifiesthe self-made man.他成了百万富翁,可以说是白手起家的典型。
The nurses' striketypifiespublic concern about our hospitals.这次护士罢工集中地反映出公众对医疗事业的关心。
The haunting guitar melodiestypifythe band's music.那萦绕于心头的吉他旋律象征了这个乐队的音乐。 A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals.

It is a good- natured, but not particularly well- thought-out, period piece— heavy on the art design, light on the plot construction— that generally typifies an HBO movie these days.
影片整体感觉温和,但是并未经过特别的周详考虑,具有某个时代的明显特征——着重艺术设计,欠缺情节建构,这一点通常就代表了现今的家庭影院电影。 yeeyan

The community service in Canada typifies non- institutional community services in developed countries.
加拿大社区服务是发达国家中非制度性社区服务的典型之一。 dictall

The white carnation is preferred because I think it typifies some of the virtues of motherhood;
选择白色康乃馨是因为我认为它象征着母亲的一些美德; examw

Water Margin performed by the Wang School led by Wang Shaotang just typifies the grace of the art.
王少堂所代表的“王派《水浒》”正是扬州评话艺术形态的典范。 cnki

A shopper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, typifies the festive spirit of the month.
在马来西亚的吉隆坡,一位购物者正在挑选本月的节日精灵。 blog.sina.com.cn

Abraham Lincoln typifies the politician who rises from humble origins to a position of power and influence.
亚伯拉罕·林肯可作为出身卑下到有权力和影响的政治家的典范。 blog.sina.com.cn

Acting decisively in firing his two erstwhile colleagues typifies the management style of Mr Liveris, an Australian every bit as plain- spoken as the blokes back home in Darwin.
果断地采取行动裁撤两位老同事体现了利伟诚的管理风格。 这位澳大利亚人完全和家乡达尔文人一样说话耿直坦率。 ecocn

Also tested as an eldercare aide, a cook, and a laundry folder, the versatile machine typifies a generation of robots set to emerge from controlled environments and enter the human world.
还有其它功能正在测试中,如照顾老人、做饭、整理衣物。 以全能机器人为代表,一批机器人从实验室中涌现出来,走进人类社会。 yeeyan

Cole feels Rooney's all-action style typifies the current generation of top-flight strikers.
科尔觉得鲁尼的全能在这一代射手中是顶尖的。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

First, the role of government, at all levels from federal to local, has been surprisingly strong for a state that likes to think it typifies rugged individualism.
首先,对于这样一个自视象征着不屈不挠的个人主义的州,联邦政府及各级地方政府对它的影响却出乎意料的大。 ecocn

He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

In this picture the sword typifies war and the pen typifies culture.
在这幅画里,剑代表战争,笔代表文化。 tdict

It typifies the changes seen in many western towns that once were sleepy backwaters based on mining or timber.
它是许多原本死水一潭的基于矿业或林业经济的西部城镇变革的典型。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was conceived as a home that typifies the Pacific Northwest's casual style.
这是一个家典型的休闲风格的西北太平洋沿岸。 yappr

That spirit typifies our American family.
这一家人的精神就是全部美国家庭的写照。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The peacock typifies pride.

The bank typifies many of the problems facing the industry.
美国银行所面临的问题在金融业颇具代表性。 ecocn

This typifies the commercial capital of Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa’s second largest economy, illustrating the misuse of the country’s vast wealth since oil was struck over50 years ago.
这典型地说明了尼日利亚商业首都,撒哈拉以南非洲的第二大经济体,显示自50多年前被突然发现的巨大的石油财富在被滥用。 putclub

Through the description of the oppressions the mother gives to her daughter, the author exaggerates and typifies the oppression of human nature, and criticizes the social reality.
作家通过描写母亲对女儿的全方位压制,对人性受压迫主题进行夸张和典型化处理,鞭辟入里地批判了现实社会。 cnki

We were living in China, where their school blended a mostly Western elementary school curriculum with the emphasis on discipline and testing that typifies Asian educational styles.
我们生活在中国,在这里他们的学校配备着多数西方初级学校的课程,但强调纪律和考试,完全是亚洲教育风格。 yeeyan

Zong, who founded the third- largest soft- drinks maker in China in 1987 with a140,000 yuan loan, typifies the billionaires on the NPC, who like him are self-made.
1987年宗贷款14万元,在中国创立了世界第三大软饮料制造企业,他是嘉年华中亿万富翁的典型代表。 yeeyan




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