释义 |
Tylor 'tailə 基本例句 n.泰勒¹⁰⁰ Prof.Tylor:OK,is there any question about this part?泰勒教授:好的。这部分还有什么问题? Implicit withinTylor's definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior.在泰勒对文化的定义中暗含了一个概念,那就是文化是一种后天习得的、共有的、模式化的行为。 Implicit withinTylor's definition is the concept that culture is learned. shared, and patterned behavior.泰勒的定义中隐含了一个概念,那就是文化是通过学习获得的、共有的、模式化的行为。 Implicit withinTylor’s definition is the concept that culture is learned, shared, and patterned behavior.泰勒的文化定义蕴涵着这一概念,即文化是后天习得的、人类共有的、被仿照的行为。 There was Mr.HutsonTylor, the minister, who came all the long way from England to preach the good news to people in my country.从前有一位牧师戴德生先生,不远万里来到中国传福音。 British anthropologist EdwardTylorwas one of the first English-speaking scholars to use the term culture in an inclusive and universal sense.英国人类学家爱德华泰勒是最初几个把英语中“文化”这个概念扩大到更普遍范围的学者之一。 |