

单词 two-timing
释义 two-timing 'tu:taim COCA⁹⁷²⁵⁹BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb⁵⁹⁸⁸⁹
carry on a romantic relationship with two people at the same timetwo-time attack两个时间进攻; 两个…identifying implicit two time scale problem识别隐含双时标问题…two way time transfer双向时间变换…two-time loser失败过两次的人…
近义词 cheat欺骗trick诡计betray背叛deceive欺骗mislead误导take in接受swindle诈骗step out走出去double-cross欺骗行为cuckold有不贞妻子的男人…play away在外地比赛赌输掉…

用作及物动词Cause the next time that he cheats.因为下一次他的欺骗。
Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away.有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了。
I have stomached their betrayal for the last time!我也再不会容忍他们的出卖。
They sell their labour at harvest time, usually for very low wages.他们在收获季节出卖劳动力,通常只获得很低的报酬。 Anyway, his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time.
无论怎么样,他的妻子发现他不专情已经很长一段时间了。 hxen

Cronin, after discovering that his wife, Marge, had been two-timing him with a friend, suffered months of crisis.
克罗宁发觉妻子玛吉,背着他同另一个男人私通,几个月里,他感到痛苦欲绝。 zftrans

She was two-timing me, huh?
所以她骗了我是吗? mov99

So, Barack Obama is two-timing us Brits again.
所以,奥巴马再一次两面三刀了。 yeeyan

The author comes up with the theory that females are more likely to act two-timing.
作者提出的崭新理论是:女方犯出轨背叛的几率更大。 dioenglish




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