

单词 Berber
释义 Ber·ber 英ˈbɜːbə美ˈbɝbɚAHDbûrʹbər ☆☆☆☆☆高iWeb²⁷³²³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a member of an indigenous people of northern Africaa cluster of related dialects that were once the major language of northern Africa west of Egypt; now spoken mostly in MoroccoBerb-er名人|物⇒n.柏柏尔人⁵¹;柏柏尔语adj.柏柏尔的¹⁶
用作名词Although the official language is classical Arabic, about 40 percent of the population still speaksBerber.虽然官方语言是阿拉伯文,但约有四成人口仍讲柏柏尔语。
Local people there have been demanding theBerberlanguage to be recognized as an official language in the constitution of Algeria.当地民众要求在宪法中确定柏柏尔语为阿官方语言。 Among the reforms are a supposedly independent judiciary, a prime minister with increased powers, and official recognition of the minority Berber language.
改革内容包括:更加独立的司法、实权更大的首相,另外,少数族裔使用柏柏尔语将获得官方承认。 yeeyan

To observe the effects of berber in on insulin sensitivity in high fat diet rats.
目的:观察黄连素对高脂饮食大鼠胰岛素敏感性的影响。 cnki

“ A single Berber identity exists only virtually— on the internet and among diaspora intellectuals, ” says Mr Roberts.
罗伯特说,“一个单一的柏柏尔身份仅存在于互联网上和少数派宗教空想家中间。” ecocn

Colonel Qaddafi has refused to acknowledge Berber culture for most of his reign, describing it as“ colonialism’s poison” intended to divide the country.
卡扎菲上校在其统治期间拒不承认柏柏尔文化,并将其表述成意图分裂国家的“殖民主义毒药”。 ecocn

Colorful laundry dries on lines in a Berber village in Morocco's High Atlas Mountains.
摩洛哥阿特拉斯山高地的柏柏尔村落里,一排排五颜六色的衣物晾晒在绳子上。 ddhw

In his country a new constitution, endorsed in a referendum on July1st, officially recognises the Berber language for the first time, though parliament will decide what this means in practice;
在他的国家,尽管议会将决定其在惯例中的意义,但7月1日的全民公投支持颁布一项新宪法,首次正式认可柏柏尔语; ecocn

It establishes human rights as core principles, recognises Berber, spoken by many Moroccans alongside Arabic, as an official language and calls for gender equality.
它确立了人权作为核心原则,承认柏柏尔语,一种和阿拉伯语一样,许多摩洛哥人都会讲的语言,作为官方语言,并呼吁两性平等。 ecocn

Libya’s rebellion is fiercest in the Nafusa Mountains, a Berber heartland long neglected by the government.
在长期被政府忽视的柏柏尔人的心脏地区,利比亚的纳富撒山区反抗活动最为活跃。 ecocn

Many of the militias have ferocious local loyalties, especially those from Sirte and Misrata and from the Nafusa mountains south of Tripoli, where Berber pride has revived.
许多地方军队享有高度的自治,尤其是赛尔特,米萨拉特和柏柏尔这是鸟意思啊…复苏的黎波里南部的拉夫萨山地地区。 renren

Maybe the grown-up Oliver and Abigail will program Web- enabled barrettes or quilt with scraps of Berber tents.
长大后的 Oliver和 Abigail或许会给有互联网连接功能的发夹编程,或者用柏柏尔人的帐篷的废料当做被子。 yeeyan

Now, shaken and in some cases overthrown, they have seen Berber activism take on a new lease of life.
现在,动荡的局势和可能的颠覆使他们认识到柏柏尔行动派的生机盎然。 ecocn

Only in2006, apparently after his son Seif al- Islam intervened, did he lift a ban on the use of Berber names.
不过在2006年。似乎是出于其子赛义夫伊斯兰的影响们卡扎菲撤消了关于使用柏柏尔名字的禁令。 ecocn

Scrape the wax loose with a butter knife be gentle with Berber carpets; the loops fray easily.
用抹黄油的刀把蜡刮松刮伯伯尔地毯的时候要轻一点;它的线圈很容易破损。 yeeyan

The road from Marrakesh to Essaouira is craggy and bleak, an arid moonscape dotted only by a few roadside towns and the occasional Berber village.
从马拉喀什到索维拉的道路很崎岖和阴暗,经过植被干旱如月球表面的几个路边的城镇和经过柏柏尔村。 lovemeirong.cn

The Berber people of northern Africa brought with them goats, which then became an abundant food source for the vultures.
居住在北非的柏柏尔人带来山羊后,更为秃鹫提供了大量的食物来源。 yeeyan




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