

单词 bequeathed
释义 be·queath·ed 英bɪ'kwiːð美bɪ'kwiːð COCA³⁹⁸⁶⁸BNC²⁶⁵⁸⁰Economist¹³⁴³⁷
leave or give by will after one's death;

My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry

My grandfather left me his entire estate

近义词 give给will决心leave委托endow捐助bestow授予donate捐赠hand on依次传递confer on授给, 授予hand down把 … 传下来…反义词 disinherit剥夺 … 继承权…

用作动词Ibequeathhim this property to have and to hold.我将此项财产遗赠给他,归他永久享有。
Her collection of paintings wasbequeathedto the National Gallery when she died.她去世时,她的全部藏画都遗赠给了国家美术馆。
His fatherbequeathedhim a fortune.他父亲给他留下了一笔遗产。
The millionaire willbequeathhis colossal fortune to his only son.这个百万富翁会把他的巨额财产传给他的独子。as in.acquired
同义词 accrued,endowed,given,granted,inherited,transmittedhanded-down,passed on
反义词 deprived,forfeited,lostas in.hereditary
同义词 genetic,inborn,transmittedancestral,family,genealogical,handed-down,heritable,inbred,inheritable,inherited,lineal,maternal,paternal,patrimonial,traditional,transmissible,willed
反义词 acquired
acquiredadjective gained without special exertion
accrued,endowed,given,granted,handed-down,inherited,passed on,transmitted
hereditaryadjective inherited;transmitted at birth
ancestral,bequeathed,family,genealogical,genetic,handed-down,heritable,inborn,inbred,inheritable,inherited,lineal,maternal,paternal,patrimonial,traditional,transmissible,transmitted,willed Tang Xianzu's attitude towards“the Collection of Ci about Flowers”, the national cultural heritage, bequeathed an enlightenment for later generations.
汤显祖对待《花间集》这一民族文化遗产的态度给后人不无启示。 cnki

To believe that, but for the irresponsibility of the Washington Post and the Ervin Committee, he would have bequeathed the world a generation of world peace, is too much.
相信若没有华盛顿邮报与埃尔文委员会的不负责任,他便能为世界留下一代和平的说法实在是过于轻率了。 ecocn

“ Yeah, I mean, looking back now it makes complete sense, ” she admits, in the soft, flat northern vowels bequeathed to her by a Whitley Bay childhood.
“是的,我是说,现在看来那些观察都是非常重要的,”她承认,带着童年时在惠特利海湾生活所留下的轻软的、平和的北方口音。 yeeyan

All of the contents of that house were bequeathed by Carter to the Metropolitan Museum.
那个房子里的所有东西都被卡特遗赠给大都会博物馆。 yeeyan

Article 15 The right of authorship, the right of revision and the right of keeping the integrity of the work shall, after the author dies, be protected by the inheritor or bequeathed.
第十五条作者死亡后,其著作权中的署名权、修改权和保护作品完整权由作者的继承人或者受遗赠人保护。 yanmon

BRITAIN'S maritime history has bequeathed it a unique rescue service for people in danger at sea.
英国有悠久的航海历史,因而在营救海难人员时也独有一套。 bbs.translators.com.cn

But what is the “ spiritual achievement” the Transcendentalists have bequeathed to us?
但是,先验论者馈赠给我们的“精神实现”是什么? yeeyan

Dealing with the base will be the beginning of Obama’s relationship with Russia— one of the many messes that Bush has bequeathed him.
处理这个基地的问题只是奥巴马和俄国关系的开始,毕竟这只是布什“遗赠”给小黑的其中一个烂摊子。 yeeyan

He bequeathed his talent to his son.
他的才能传给了他的儿子。 blog.sina.com.cn

He bequeathed her all his worldly goods.
他把所有的财物遗赠给她。 iciba

His father bequeathed him a big fortune.
他父亲给他留下了一大笔遗产。 iciba

If we walk before the LORD in integrity, we shall do more to bless our descendants than if we bequeathed them large estates.
倘若我们在上帝面前行为纯正,所带给子孙的祝福,远胜留给他们万贯家财; blog.sina.com.cn

In her will she bequeathed the car to her sister.
她在遗嘱中把汽车遗赠给妹妹。 hotdic

It had previously been more conventionally attached to the original owner of the bar, who on his deathbed had unexpectedly bequeathed it to medical science.
它以前更习惯长在酒吧的老店主身上,他却在临终时突然把它遗赠给医疗科学事业。 yeeyan

Mary bequeathed half of the company to her niece.

Money or property bequeathed to another by will.
他们遗留了许多钱给他。 hotdic

Quantum mechanics has bequeathed a very weird picture of the universe to modern physicists.
量子力学传递给当代物理学家一幅非常奇异的宇宙图像。 yeeyan

Some would like to change the electoral system bequeathed by General Pinochet, under which the two main coalitions are guaranteed almost all the seats in Congress.
一些人想要改变皮诺切特将军遗留下来的选举制度,在这个制度之下两个联合执政党把持了议会几乎所有的席位。 ecocn

The prize is a state that, by 2015, could look rather different to the bloated, top-heavy Leviathan bequeathed to the coalition a year ago.
这个奖励就是这样一个国家,到了2015年它将改头换面,与1年前交到联盟政府手上的那个个庞大臃肿的怪物截然不同。 ecocn

This will produce a favourable reaction internationally and will serve as an example for other nations in settling the disputes history has bequeathed to them.
这件事情会在国际上引起很好的反应,而且为世界各国提供国家间解决历史遗留问题的一个范例。 chinafanyi.com

We will come through because our founders bequeathed us a political system of genius.
我们会走出来的,因为我们的缔造者赋予了我们一个天才的政治体制。 blog.sina.com.cn




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