

单词 twisty
释义 twisty 英'twɪstɪ美'twɪsti ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁸⁶⁶⁷BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb²⁴⁹³⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
marked by repeated turns and bends;

a tortuous road up the mountain

winding roads are full of surprises

had to steer the car down a twisty track

来自 twist,旋转,缠绕。引申词义弯弯曲曲的。twist-y的⇒adj.弯弯曲曲的⁶¹;不正直的²⁶;拐弯抹角的¹³adj.扭曲的;曲折的;转弯抹角的;狡猾的;弯曲的;不直接说明的近义词 winding卷twisting翘曲tortuous弯曲的meandering曲径voluminous卷数多的bendy易弯的snaking板玻璃的纵向裂纹,飞机…

用作形容词The pipes are narrow andtwisty, and there are leaks inevery joint.这些水管狭窄弯曲,每个结点上都有漏洞。
Don't betwisty,Just tell me what do you want on earth.别再拐弯抹角了,告诉我你到底要什么吧。as in.(curved
同义词 arched,crooked,curvaceous,elliptical,rounded,serpentine,twisted,twistingarced,compass,humped,incurvate,looped,round,skewed,sweeping,turned,wreathedS-shaped,arciform,arrondi,biflected,circular,curly,curvilinear,declinate,enbowed,incurved,loopy,sigmoid,sinuous,snaky,swirly
反义词 straight
curvedadjective bowed, bent
windingadjective twisting and turning
windyadjective winding
anfractuous,bending,circuitous,convoluted,curving,flexuous,indirect,labyrinthine,mazy,meandering,roundabout,serpentine,sinuous,snaking,snaky,spiraling,tortuous,turning,twisting,twisty,winding,zigzag Mount Satan is a sister mountain to Dead Man's Drop. No surprises here, just a steep, bumpy, twisty path full of trees to get through.
撒旦山与死人崖并列。没有太多新奇的东西,除了一条你必须通过的陡峭,崎岖而曲折的被树木覆盖的赛道。 launchpad

The twisty dream within a dream story isn't based on a comic book or an older movie, Hollywood's current preferred building blocks for blockbusters.
扭曲的梦中梦的故事不是按好莱坞目前大片盛行的取材自漫画或旧电影。 yeeyan

The twisty image, though, is not theme dependent.
折叠图像与主题是相互独立的。 ibm

“ Village enterprises” are floorboard of enterprises build on rural which developed earlier in China but experienced twisty and have a distinctive regional characteristics.
“村中企”是兴建于农村中的企业总称,其在中国发展较早,但历经曲折,并具有明显的区域特征。 dic123

A super twisty beam of light has been created that can distinguish between left and right-handed molecules with unprecedented precision.
一种超螺旋光束被用来区分左右手性分子,准确度达到了空前水平。 yeeyan

From Youku’s dedicated Inception page, paying users can watch the famously twisty plotted film anywhere on any Internet-enabled device and share comments and film recommendations with other users.
付费用户可以在优酷网上的《盗梦空间》专页上欣赏到这部闻名全球、情节曲折的电影,前提是你的设备能在任何地方都能接入互联网,同时,你也可以与其它用户分享影评和观影推荐。 yeeyan

Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?
你曾经有过扭伤的治疗吗? czxxw

His twisty tube was a major achievement, so tricky to produce that many CFLs are still curled by hand.
他的扭转管是重大成就,讽刺的是,现在许多节能灯还是人工弯曲的。 yeeyan

Ideal for a work commute or a weekend trip up twisty roads, the NEOS remains flexible as the sidecar pod can easily be removed.
理想的工作,上下班或注册曲折道路的周末之旅,近地天体仍灵活的边三轮吊舱可以很容易地删除。 tech-domain

If a view is categorized, users may see a category with a twisty, but cannot see the documents within that category.
如果对视图进行了分类,那么用户可能会看到有点古怪的类别,但无法查看该类别内的文档。 ibm

Okay, so he bites it at the very end of Matrix Revolutions, but in the twisty world of The Matrix, is he really dead?
好吧,所以他出现在了矩阵革命的最后关头,但在迂回的矩阵世界里,他何尝真的死去过? yeeyan

Open each section using the twisty.
可以单击打开每个部分。 ibm

Other hazards are distinct to the area. Walking can be a dangerous form of exercise, with oversize log and coal trucks barrelling down the twisty mountain roads.
加上有些风险在这个地区是特别高的,比方说散步可能也是一种危险的运动,因为可能碰到超大的原木或运煤的手推车刚好滚下曲曲折折的山路。 yeeyan

Skull mountain is a steep, twisty drop around tree-filled inner peaks. Expect to miss a lot of herrings and crash a lot.
头骨山是一个陡峭且蜿蜒曲折的大下坡,中间有很多长满树的山峰。容易遗漏青鱼或撞到障碍物上。 launchpad

They not only produce deep affect on the development of Chinese ancient culture, but have also historically prefabricated the twisty road of China's educational modernization.
它们不仅对中国古代文化发展形成深刻影响,而且历史性预制了中国教育现代化的曲折道路。 cnki

They say all Lannisters are twisty snakes.
他们都说兰尼斯特们是狡猾的毒蛇。 cndkc

Walking can be a dangerous form of exercise, with oversize log and coal trucks barrelling down the twisty mountain roads.
那些超载这煤炭和原木的卡车沿着崎岖的山区公路狂飙,使得走路也可能成为一种危险的锻炼。 ecocn




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