

单词 twisted
释义 twist·ed 英ˈtwɪstəd美ˈtwɪstəd ☆☆☆☆☆高S牛COCA¹¹⁵²³BNC¹¹⁶⁴⁷iWeb⁹¹⁵⁶Economist¹⁵⁹⁸⁰

having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented;

many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality

a perverted translation of the poem

twisted pair双绞线twist缠绕twisted silk捻线丝twin twisted双股扭绞的twisted steel螺纹钢筋twisted curve挠曲线,空间曲线…twisted line扭绞线,绞线…twisted conductor分层绞线,绞合电线…twisted wire绞合线twisted growth螺旋生长twisted bar扭杆,螺旋钢筋…twisted cord双绞软线twisted rope绞绳twisted column麻花形柱,绞绳柱,绞…twisted enclosure曲径式扬声器箱…twisted blade扭曲叶片,扭叶片…twisted fiber合股纤维twisted strip扭曲带钢twisted joint扭接twisted grain绞状纹理
twist-ed如|被…的⇒adj.扭曲的⁸⁸;喝醉的俚;古怪的动词twist的过去式和过去分词.近义词 awry扭曲的sick有病的askew歪斜的crooked弯曲的perverse任性的abnormal反常的deformed变形的distorted扭歪的misshapen畸形的wry面部肌肉扭曲的…perverted行为反常的bentbend的过去式和过去分…out of shape身体状况不佳…warped动词warp的过去式,动…misrepresented动词misreprese…

用作形容词After the crash the car was a mass oftwistedmetal.那辆车撞成了一堆扭曲的废铁。
The girl's caper cost her atwistedankle.小姑娘又蹦又跳,结果扭伤了脚踝。
Stay away from that guy, he istwisted.离那家伙远点,他是一个怪胎。adj.crooked
同义词 contorted,curled,gnarled,tangled,twistingbent,braided,twined,wrenchedawry
反义词 clear,even,simple,straight,untwisted,wholesomeadj.perverted
同义词 distorted,perverseconfused,corrupt,perplexing,puzzling,sickawry,unsound
反义词 cleanclear,even,simple,straight,untwisted,wholesomeadj.knotty
同义词 coiled,complicated,contorted,convoluted,crooked,curled,gnarled,intricate,tangled,tortuous,wrybent,braided,involved,perverted,woundawry,knurly,tortile
反义词 direct,easy,simple,straight,straightforwarduntwisted,clear,even,wholesome
anfractuousadjective winding
askewadjective crooked
askance,askant,aslant,awry,bent,buckled,catawampus,cockeyed,crookedly,curved,knotted,lopsided,oblique,obliquely,off-center,slanted,slanting,to one side,topsy-turvey,turned,twisted,yaw ways,zigzag
awryadjective off course;amiss
bentadjective curved
angled,arced,arched,arciform,bowed,contorted,crooked,curvilinear,doubled over,drooping,droopy,hooked,humped,hunched,inclined,limp,looped,round,rounded,sinuous,slouchy,slumped,stooped,twined,twisted,warped,wilted
bigotedadjective intolerant, prejudiced
crookedadjective bent, angled
agee,anfractuous,angular,asymmetric,awry,bowed,catawampus,circuitous,cockeyed,contorted,crippled,curved,curving,deformed,deviating,devious,disfigured,distorted,errant,gnarled,hooked,incurving,indirect,irregular,kinky,knurly,lopsided,meandering,misshapen,not straight,oblique,out of shape,rambling,roundabout,screwy,serpentine,sinuous,skewed,slanted,snaky,spiral,tilted,topsy-turvy,tortile,tortuous,twisted,twisting,uneven,warped,winding,zigzag And here was his hand, twisted free of the chain, and here he was running and crawling, until he was through a doorway.
他的手三扭两扭就挣脱了锁链,他发足狂奔连跑带爬,直到穿过一个门洞才停下脚步。 yeeyan

As the report suggests, once the truth gets twisted, straightening it back out is no easy matter.
报告表明,一旦真相会扭曲、矫直它退出可不是件容易的事情。 yeeyan

The patient's face twisted up with pain.

Their ideal nation would leave no room for what they saw as the twisted ethical code of Christianity, which they argued prized suffering and destructive self- repression.
这一理想国中,没有他们眼中基督教扭曲的道德准则——他们认为基督教是被美化的苦难和毁灭性的自我压抑。 ecocn

But they say they take the group's claim at face value and see it as another example of the“ twisted ideology” of the militant Islamic group.
不过官员也说,他们不完全相信塔利班的话,只是把这个事件看成这个伊斯兰激进组织“扭曲意识形态”的一个例证。 www.voanews.com.cn

Even small lies and twisted truths are still lies.
即便小的谎言、扭曲的事实也是谎言。 hjenglish

Everything is scarce, basic human right and emotions are constantly being twisted and above all, The Big Brother is always watching.
任何东西都是稀缺的,基本的人权和情感经常被扭曲,最重要的是,独裁者一直都在盯着你。 yeeyan

He tried to jump over the rail, but he botched it and twisted his ankle.

I exclaimed, pointing to a nook under the roots of one twisted tree.
我叫道,指着一棵扭曲的树根下面的一个凹洞。 putclub

I twisted it again in the third quarter.
在第三节比赛我再次扭到脚。 yeeyan

It now faces a“ twisted Diet”, meaning it lacks enough support in both the upper and the lower house to pass and implement legislation on its own.
如今民主党面对的是“扭曲国会”的困局,这意味着它在参议院和众议院中都缺少足够的支持力,以帮助它通过并执行提议法案。 ecocn

It will lecture on disinterested purity while its neck is being remorselessly twisted toward a skirt.
在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲。 yeeyan

It looks like a piece of some twisted candy, it’s called“ Mr. Smith the Second”.
它椅子看起来就像是一块被扭曲的糖果,称为“史密斯先生第二”。 yeeyan

Riding on a pillow, the end of the pillow twisted into a hard knot and pressed against your clit.
把枕头的一端扭成一个结实的结,然后用这个结挤压阴蒂,动作仿佛像是在骑着枕头。 yeeyan

Shards of twisted metal, rubble and glass littered the streets of central Oslo left devastated by Friday's enormous explosion.
星期五的爆炸威力巨大,扭曲的金属碎片、瓦砾和玻璃散落在奥斯陆市中心的街上。 yeeyan

The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.

The horse twisted and bucked and finally dismounted its rider.

The country has what is known as a“ twisted diet”, where no party has full control of either house of parliament, and opposition parties in the upper chamber can easily produce gridlock.
这个国家就如同它被认为的一样是个“扭曲的国会”,没有一个政党能够完全掌控国会的任何议院,而占上方的反对党则能够轻而易举地制造僵局。 ecocn

This species lays its eggs almost exclusively on this plant's twisted vines.
这个物种差不多只把卵产在这种植物扭曲的藤上。 yeeyan

This twisted logic seems now to apply to one of Europe's most troubled economies.
这个扭曲的逻辑现在似乎也适用于欧洲最麻烦的经济体之一。 ecocn

To harness our brains, we want to let the brain’s brilliant mechanisms run as intended— i.e., not to be twisted.
要开发我们的大脑,我们就要让大脑出色的机制按要求运行,也就是说,不要扭曲它。 yeeyan

Veins are flexible and can get twisted, slowing the rate of blood flow and potentially leaving waste and compounds such as iron to accumulate in the brain.
静脉是有弹性的,并且是能够扭曲的,它能够降低血液流速,潜在地运出代谢废物和化合物,比如脑中所集聚的废铁物质。 yeeyan




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