

单词 twining
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动词 twine:
spin,wind, or twist togetherarrange or or coil aroundmake by twisting together or intertwiningform into a spiral shapetwining stem缠绕茎twining plant缠绕植物
The thump of his foot on the floor leveled the chair and delicate fountain, and a moment later the ceiling itself began to sift down, thetwiningbranches moldering into soft dust.他的脚重重踏在地上,椅子和精致的喷泉同样化成了灰烬,片刻之后,天花板也开始散落下来,那缠绕的枝条状的花纹碎成了轻柔的灰尘。 Tendril A slender structure found in plants, used for twining and support.
植物中存在的一种纤细的结构,用于缠绕并起支持作用。 iciba

There is a wisteria twining round the big tree.

To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.
朝向上的方向生长,如某些植物,通常以缠绕茎干或卷须向上攀援。 poptool

“ Farewell, farewell, ” she repeated, twining her arm round a little red flower that grew just by her side.
“再会吧,再会吧!”她又重复地说,同时用双臂抱住一朵还在开着的小红花。 hxen

Because of the polarity of tension twining, the tension- compression asymmetry of AZ31B magnesium alloy is much pronounced when tested along extruding direction.
由于拉伸孪晶只能单向启动, AZ31B镁合金在挤压方向的动态拉压不对称性显著。 rjggy

But you can never realize my twining missing is resting on my finger top in distance. I can hardly develop the habit of being without you!
只是你看不到一米之外的距离,有缠绕的思念在指尖停留,而我无所适从这没有你的习惯。 ebigear

European twining plant whose flowers are used chiefly to flavor malt liquors; cultivated in America.
欧洲缠绕植物,它的花主要用于麦芽酒的调味;美洲种植。 hotdic

For Ms Homes, our twining DNA ties us to past and future.
对霍姆斯来说,相似的 DNA让我们跟过去和未来有着千丝万缕的联系。 iciba

How long can forgo our twining veterans dreams.
多久才可以看破缠眷美梦。 blog.sina.com.cn

It seemed he must be aware of me, too, as if our thoughts were twining in the air over the heads of the other meditators.
似乎他也注意到我了,就好像我们的思想在其它冥想者头顶的空气里缠绕。 yeeyan

It is very different from general cylinder in its construction and is made by twining steel wire with a fixed spiral pitch and direction.
它是由钢丝条按一定螺旋方向和螺距缠绕而成,钢丝条之间的间隙成为筛孔。 cnki

Nerve- cell tendrils readily thread their way through tiny semiconductor tubes, researchers find, forming a crisscrossed network like vines twining toward the sun.
研究人员发现神经细胞触手很容易穿过极小的半导体管道,像爬藤为了阳光一样,蜿蜒穿越纵横交错的网。 yeeyan

Rope twining design, ocular and durable.
缠绳袋设计,直观耐用。 hfs-fj

She sat twining her fingers together in silence.
她静静坐着缠绕着手指。 hjenglish

The honeysuckle has a twining habit.
忍冬有盘绕的习性。 iciba

The pieces are constructed with an architects preciseness, twining letter into each other to form a well balances frame.
该作品的建筑师建造严谨,唐宁信到对方形成以及结余框架。 chinahiphop

Their hands come together, fingers twining, as they float weightlessly, as if between worlds.
他们的手牵在了一起,手指缠绕着。他们在水中自由地漂浮着,仿佛连接了两个世界。 yeeyan

They are created by tying, drawing, twining, and weaving.

They were twining holly into a wreath.

This paper discusses the principle of ensilage in twining type of straw bundle cylinder, and necessity of developing the machine twining for plastic film round straw bundle cylinder.
本文论述了圆草捆缠绕式青贮的原理,以及发展圆草捆缠膜机的必要性。 dictall




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