

单词 twinge
释义 twinge 英twɪndʒ美twɪndʒAHDtwĭnj ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁴⁵⁸⁹BNC²⁷¹⁶⁴iWeb²⁹³⁹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a sudden sharp feeling;

pangs of regret

she felt a stab of excitement

twinges of conscience

a sharp stab of pain
cause a stinging pain;

The needle pricked his skin

feel a sudden sharp, local painsqueeze tightly between the fingers;

He pinched her behind

She squeezed the bottle

来自古英语twengan,掐,拧。来自原始日耳曼语*twangjan,掐,拧。来自原始印欧语*twengh,拧,挤压,可能来自原始印欧语*dwo,二,词源同thong, two, twine。 thong来自中古英语thong。来自古英语thwong,皮条,皮鞭。来自原始日耳曼语*thwang。来自原始印欧语*twengh,压紧,束缚,可能进一步来自原始印欧语*dwo,二,双,词源同two, twist, twinge。词义由二引申为扭曲,扭紧,束缚等。字母w脱落,比较同源词how, who, when。 two来自古英语twa,二,缩写自twegen,二。来自原始日耳曼语*twa,二。来自原始印欧语*dwo,二,词源同binary, double。衍生前缀bi-, di-, dia-, dis-。two-bit微不足道的two,二,bit,一种12、5 分硬币。引申词义微不足道的。 twine来自twin的对词,引申词义双股线,合股线,线,绳等。the twinge of conscience良心的责备a twinge of conscience良心的责备
GRE红宝书twi = twist扭, wing翅, e: 翅膀被扭-剧痛
twin双胞胎 + 音:挤,妈妈生双胞胎,两个孩子向外挤→太痛;音:臀痔,屁股上的痔令人很痛;音:臀挤,挤了屁股一下,很痛
联想记忆twi= twist扭+wing翅+ e → 翅膀被扭 ⇒剧痛GRE难词记忆twinge 音“臀疾”→臀疾令他的屁股一阵阵剧痛近义词 nip夹ache痛stab刺prick刺pinch捏pain痛苦cramp抽筋throe剧痛gripe抱怨spasm抽筋sting刺痛stitch一针twitch急拉squeeze挤压wrench扳钳,扳手tweet小鸟的啁啾声…pang肉体上的剧痛…

用作名词I feel atwingein my back now and again.我不时感到背痛。
But each time again there was a horridtwingeof conscience.但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。
Remembering that promise. I felt atwingeof guilt.忆起那个承诺。罪恶刺痛了我。
The letter still gives him atwingewhen he thinks of it.他一想起那封信就会感到一阵刺痛。noun.sharp pain
同义词 ache,pang,shiver,spasmbite,gripe,misery,pinch,prick,smart,stab,stitch,throb,throe,tic,tweak,twist,twitchlancination
反义词 advantage,blessing,good fortune
acheverb feeling soreness or dull pain, often physical
be sore,hurt,pain,pound,smart,suffer,throb
achenoun sore feeling;dull pain
achedverb feeling soreness or dull pain, often physical
hurt,pained,pounded,smarted,suffered,throbbed,twinged,was sore
crampnoun muscle spasm
ache,charley horse,circumscription,confinement,constipation,contraction,convulsion,crick,hindrance,impediment,kink,obstruction,pain,pang,restriction,shooting pain,stiffness,stitch,stricture,twinge
cricknoun muscle spasm
ache,charley horse,convulsion,cramp,jarring,kink,pain,stitch,twinge,wrench
distressnoun pain, agony
ache,affliction,anguish,anxiety,bad news,blues,care,concern,cross,dejection,desolation,disappointment,discomfort,disquietude,dolor,embarrassment,grief,headache,heartache,heartbreak,irritation,malaise,misery,mortification,ordeal,pang,perplexity,sadness,shame,sorrow,stew,suffering,throe,torment,torture,trial,tribulation,trouble,twinge,unconsolability,unhappiness,vexation,visitation,woe,worriment,worry,wretchedness And not a twinge of bodily pain about me!
我可是一点儿肉体的痛苦也没有受到啊! ebigear

As Katherine hung up, she felt an unexpected twinge of trepidation.
凯瑟琳挂了电话,她有一种突如其来的惶恐不安的感觉。 yeeyan

Be compassionate in your approach; the promise- breaker often doesn't see this anywhere near as seriously as you, even if they feel a twinge of guilt.
对你的方式同情:这位承诺打破者往往远不会把这看得和你那么重,即便他们感到一丝愧疚感。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

There is twinge inside the knee joint, especially when going up or down stairs.
膝关节内疼痛,进行性加重,上下楼梯时尤为明显。 blog.sina.com.cn

WHEN China joined the World Trade Organisation WTO in 2001, many developing neighbours felt more than a twinge of discomfort.
中国于2001年加入世界贸易组织 WTO之时,其邻国中有许多发展中国家感到了一阵不适。 ecocn

Anybody who's spent time in a fast- food business, watching meals get churned out at a hyper- fast rate, has probably felt a twinge of impatience once they leave.
有过快餐业从业经验的人,都看过流水线上的食品被飞快的大量炮制出来的情景,当他们离开这一行后,一度可能产生焦躁不安的情绪。 yeeyan

But as I kept studying the correlations in my life, I learned to change course when I felt the first twinge.
但是,当我不断研究自己生活中的关联时,我学会当感到隐隐作痛就改变路线。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

But each time again there was a horrid twinge of conscience.
但同时,每一次又都要承受良心上的煎熬。 yeeyan

Detective Thomas Moore disliked the smell of latex, and as he snapped on the gloves, releasing a puff of talcum, he felt the usual twinge of anticipatory nausea.
莫拓森警探戴上橡胶手套,随着“啪”的一声,手套开口处喷出一股滑石粉。手套散发出的乳胶气味,让他一阵恶心。 yeeyan

Hagen felt a twinge of jealousy.
哈根感到一阵嫉妒的刺痛。 blog.sina.com.cn

He sometimes experiences a twinge or two; nothing serious.
他只是有时感到有一两阵刺痛,情况并不严重。 iciba

Her eyes met his bravely in spite of her hurt, and he fought down a twinge of guilt at the pain he saw in her wan face.
她的眼睛看到了他的勇敢,虽然伤害过她,他看到她郁悒的脸上的痛苦,他战胜了罪恶感的阵痛。 blog.sina.com.cn

Her hand touched the long, thick, black fur tenderly, and she felt a twinge of pity for the poor creature whose hide it had been in life.
她的手温和摸着长长厚厚的黑裘皮毛,想到藏匿的可怜的生物还是活着的,她感到一阵遗憾。 blog.sina.com.cn

I felt a twinge of guilt.
我感到一阵痛彻心扉的内疚。 putclub

It is hard not to feel a twinge of pity; few would envy such a life in the spotlight as teenage hormones start to kick in.
这难免令人遗憾:很少有人会嫉妒一种连蠢蠢欲动的青春期都要暴露在聚光灯下的生活。 yeeyan

Mark was thrilled for her, and I felt a twinge of guilt about leaving him with the baby.
马克也为她感到高兴,而要让马克留在家里照料婴儿让我感到有些内疚。 yeeyan

Most product teams don’t know if they are making their product better or worse; that’s why customers feel a twinge of fear every time they have to update or upgrade.
大多数产品团队并不清楚自己正在让产品变得更好或更坏;这也难怪客户面对产品更新升级时会有种种纠结和恐惧。 yeeyan

Now, when I’m lounging around aimlessly on a Saturday afternoon, I feel a twinge of that same helplessness.
现在,当我在周六下午漫无目的的无所事事时,我就感到一种同样无助的刺痛。 yeeyan

On the last day before I was due to resume full training I sprinted and felt a twinge in my hamstring. Another scan showed the injury had happened again.
在我计划恢复全面训练之前的最后一天,我进行了一次全力冲刺,便感到在跟腱处有一种刺痛感。再一次的扫描显示之前的伤势又复发了。 renren

Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions.
阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。 yeeyan

Unfortunately a grain of sand remained rubbing the sole and became increasingly telling so that each step meant a twinge of pain.

When you have worked hard to compete for a project and then someone else is awarded the work that you competed for, it is completely normal to feel a small twinge of jealousy.
当你为争取某个项目努力工作之后,那些你的其他竞争者却得到了这个项目,内心有有一小点嫉妒的刺痛是完全正常的。 yeeyan

Yet even if some countries now have a twinge of regret over joining the euro, they know that the pain would get worse still if they left.
然而,就算是这些国家现在后悔加入欧元区,他们自己也都知道如果退出欧元区将会带来更大的问题。 ecocn.org

You will become increasing aware that a slight twinge of annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury.
你会愈来愈清楚,些许不悦只不过是掩饰震怒的一道障眼物罢了。 blog.sina.com.cn




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