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twig 英twɪg美twɪgAHDtwĭg ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹³⁷⁵⁵BNC²¹⁵⁶⁴iWeb¹³¹⁶⁰ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.小枝²⁷;嫩枝³³v.理解²⁰;领悟²⁰过去分词twigged现在分词twigging三单twigs 植物学茎认识植被
n.名词 C细枝;嫩枝a small thin woody stem growing from a branch Noun: a small branch or division of a branch especially a terminal division; usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year Verb: branch out in a twiglike manner;The lightning bolt twigged in several directions understand, usually after some initial difficulty;She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on n.名词 twig, bough, branch, shoot, spay参见branch条。 来自古英语 twig,细枝,小枝,来自 Proto-Germanic*twigga,叉子,分叉,来自 PIE*dwo,二, 词源同 two.cinnamon twig桂枝cassia twig桂枝flower twig种籽lime twig沾有粘鸟胶的树枝捕…twig cutting插枝osier twig垂柳twig blight枝枯病hop the twig突然离去(死去… GRE红宝书tree + 音:割,树上割下来的小树枝;理解之意来自grasp 抓住,抓住小树枝;音:吐果,开花吐果,长出嫩枝;音:退 wig 假发,把假发退了,因为头上长出嫩芽,嫩枝了钱博士twi=two,二+g不详→二叉→分支,枝丫⇒小枝,细枝twi=two,二+g不详→二叉→分支,枝丫⇒小枝,细枝。GRE难词记忆twig 音“推个”→推个小车装嫩枝和 wign.假发一起记近义词 stem柄get得到limb肢体shoot发射stick手杖grasp把握branch分部sprout长芽spring春天tumble暴跌get it理解realize实现discern辨别sprig小树枝catch on理解latch on抓住get onto上车branchlet小枝understand懂得get wise变卤莽cotton on开始理解comprehend充分理解 用作名词n.She heard a twig snap.她听到一根小树枝啪地折断了。 Some birds build nests out oftwigs.一些鸟用小树枝筑巢。Ptwiggya.象细枝的苗条的Ptwiggeda.有细枝的有嫩枝的Ptwiglessa.无细枝的无嫩枝的
名词100% 用作名词Elaine plucked atwigfrom the offending japonica and set about its systematic defoliation with savage concentration.埃莱恩从难看的山茶上折了个嫩枝,开始猛烈的收集系统的落叶。noun.small branch 同义词 limb,sprigbranch,offshoot,scion,shoot,spray,switch 反义词 source conceiveverb understand accept,appreciate,apprehend,assume,believe,catch,compass,comprehend,deem,dig,envisage,expect,fancy,feel,follow,gather,get,grasp,imagine,judge,perceive,realize,reckon,suppose,suspect,take scionnoun offshoot, descendant begotten,branch,brood,child,chip off old block,graft,heir,heiress,issue,junior,offspring,progeny,seed,shoot,slip,sprout,successor,twig sprignoun shoot branch,offshoot,runner,sprout,tendril,twig,vine stalknoun stem of plant axis,bent,helm,pedicel,pedicle,reed,shaft,spike,spire,support,trunk,twig,upright sticknoun pole, often wooden bar,bat,baton,billet,birch,bludgeon,board,branch,cane,club,cudgel,drumstick,ferrule,ingot,mast,rod,rule,ruler,shoot,slab,slat,staff,stake,stalk,stave,stem,strip,switch,timber,twig,wand,wedge wandnoun rod baton,caduceus,scepter,sprig,staff,stick,twig A tiny twig of the facial never, the one to the muscles of her mouth, has been severed. She will be thus form now on. 在她的脸上几乎看不到任何的表情,因为她的嘴部的一枝肌肉已被切断,可怜她今后会一直以这样的面目示人。 yeeyan And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust, and with a twig from a pigeon's nest began drawing a map on the floor. 她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。 yeeyan And just as Ole spoke these words, that which Trufa had feared all these months happened- a wind came up and tore Ole loose from the twig. 奥立刚说完这些话,特鲁法这几个月里一直害怕的事发生了——一阵风刮来从细枝上拉扯松了奥立。 ebigear In silence, he shins up a neem tree near the hut, breaks a twig from it, and slithers down again. 他一声没哼,爬上棚屋旁的楝树,从树上折了一段嫩枝,并滑了下来。 ecocn The data you need lies at the end of the smallest twig. 所需数据就在最小分支的尾部。 ibm While chimpanzees nested in trees at night, a field assistant below them caught urine in a plastic bag held between a forked twig. 当晚上黑猩猩栖居于树上的时候,一个农林助理员通过在一个叉形的树杈上固定塑料袋的形式来收集黑猩猩的尿液。 yeeyan “ Their main defense is basically hanging around, looking like a twig,” Brock said. “It will even sway in the wind.” 布洛克说:“竹节虫的主要自卫手段是装成树枝挂在树上,有时甚至还能随风摇摆。” www.chinadaily.com.cn After the Precambrian Era, such marine invertebrate animal as trilobites, brachiopods, nautiloids, horn corals, honeycomb corals and twig like bryozoans were abundant during the Palaeozoic Era. 在前寒武纪之后的古生代,是无脊椎动物的繁衍时期,例如三叶虫、腕足类、头足类、角状珊瑚、蜂巢珊瑚和苔藓动物。 chinafanyi.com But his pupil, Ferdinand Ries son of the leader of the Bonn court orchestra visited him in the summer, and during a walk in the summer, and during a walk in the woods pointed out o fan elder twig. 但他的学生斐迪南·雷斯波恩宫廷乐队头头的儿子那年夏天去拜访他,并一起在树林里散步时,他指着一个正用稍稍长成的树枝做的笛子吹奏的牧羊人。 ebigear Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth. 到了清晨,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶边,随着枝叶叮铃铃的落到地上,水也投入大地的怀抱。 yeeyan He broke off the twig with a snap. 他啪地一声把那根树枝折断了。 hxen He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they’re fresh. 他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,拔掉一个嫩枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候。 yeeyan I gave him another clue, but he still didn't twig the answer. 我又提示他一次,他还是不理解那答案。 hjenglish I still remember the man with bare body, engaged in a belated toilet on the edge of the tank, cleaning his teeth with the chewed end of a twig. 我记得那里有个赤裸的人,这么晚了,还在水池边上忙着洗漱,用一根树枝嚼烂了的那头刷牙。 yeeyan In withered twig. 握在枯枝之中。 yeeyan Indeed, a handful had no such desire at all, so they lived like animals, rarely taking a bath or cleaning their teeth with a twig. 事实上,好多位都压根儿没有这方面的需求,他们和动物一样生活,难得洗个澡,用小树枝清洁一下牙齿。 ebigear On his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. Then he broke off the twig and took it with him. 在路上,他穿过一片浓密的矮树林时,有一根榛树枝条碰着了他,几乎把他的帽子都要扫下来了,所以他把这根树枝折下来带上了。 hjenglish On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa. 在一棵其它叶子都落了的树梢上,还有两片挂在一根细枝上:这是奥立和特鲁法。 ebigear Perl also enjoys excellent support for various XML object models, including DOM, Grove, and Twig. Perl还对各种 XML对象模型包括 DOM、 Grove和 Twig有很好的支持。 ibm So she stopped and watched the animal through her binoculars as he carefully took a twig, bent it, stripped it of its leaves, and finally stuck it into the nest. 她停下脚步用双筒望远镜开始观察:它小心地取来一根树枝,折弯,捋掉树叶,最后把它伸进洞里。 yeeyan Staring by turn at Sarju and at his guests, the man splits the twig down the middle and gives his tongue a good scrape with its green inner parts. 轮流盯着萨尔朱和他的客人,男人从中间破开嫩枝,用它绿色的内面好好刮了刮他的舌头。 ecocn That did raise the question, though, of why one twig of the great dinosaur tree had developed such strange outer vestments, even before it developed wings. 现在问题来了,为什么在庞大的恐龙族谱中,有这样一个分支会先进化出如此古怪的外表而不是翅膀呢? ecocn Traditionally, biologists have celebrated the trunk, branch and twig system of a tree as no accident. 以往生物学家赞美树的干枝系统非常完美。 ecocn Trees and bushes were covered with hoarfrost, and looked like a forest of white coral, while on every twig glittered frozen dew- drops. 树木草丛披着一层白霜,看上去就像白珊瑚森林;每一个枝桠上都凝结着水滴儿,晶莹剔透。 yeeyan Twig is particularly useful for large documents, allowing processing of segments of the document without parsing the entire document. Twig对大型文档尤其有用,它允许处理文档的各个段而无需对整个文档进行分析。 ibm |