

单词 twang
释义 twang 英twæŋ美twæŋAHDtwăng ★☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴³⁹¹BNC⁴⁵³⁷⁰iWeb³¹¹¹⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a sharp vibrating sound as of a plucked stringexaggerated nasality in speech as in some regional dialects
cause to sound with a twang;

He twanged the guitar string

sound with a twang;

the bowstring was twanging

twitch or throb with painpluck strings of an instrument;

He twanged his bow

pronounce with a nasal twang近义词 ping砰accent重音resonance共鸣intonation语调inflection屈曲reverberate回响vibrate使振动plunk 使发声…nasal twang鼻化音drawl拖长声调说话…

用作名词Hearing thetwangof the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed它一听到我拉开弓弦的声响,就惊慌得支持不住。
Suddenly he heard a fainttwang.突然,他听到一下轻微的“铛”声。
She had a slight Australiantwang.她说话稍微有点澳大利亚口音。
The words came out with an Irishtwangto them.话里带有爱尔兰音。用作动词The bowtwangedand the arrow whistled through the air.那张弓发出“崩”的一声,箭随之呼啸而去。
Someone wastwanginga guitar in the next room.隔壁有人弹著吉他。noun.nasal sound
同义词 nasality,resonance,resound,sound,vibration
flavornoun odor and taste
flavorsnoun odor and taste
pronunciationnoun way something is said
sapornoun flavor
tangnoun biting taste or odor
aroma,bite,flavor,guts,kick,nip,piquancy,pungency,reek,relish,sapidity,sapor,savor,scent,smack,smell,spiciness,tanginess,thrill,twang,zest,zip Humans probably do something similar when we're focusing on a guy with a nasal twang on the other side of the guacamole dip.
这大概就像是人们在专注于听餐桌对面的那个鼻音很重的人说话时的反应。 yeeyan

The president was both impish and serious, firing off questions with his trademark Texan twang.
总统严肃中带着几分俏皮,用他带着鼻音的标志性德州口音连珠炮般发问。 anetcity

“ I've referred to myself as the secretary of war, because we're at war,” he says in a nasal Kansas twang, raising his voice over the roar of the plane's engines.
“我把自己当作战争部长,因为我们现在处于战争状态之中,”他在飞机引擎的轰鸣声中提高音量,说话带有堪萨斯州口音,鼻音很重。 yeeyan

And Dennis Cross from Dixon Missouri wants to know, how did you lose your Texas twang?
Dennis Cross来自密苏里州迪克森。他想知道,你是如何改掉你的德州口音的? www.zgxjz.org.cn

Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.
她们看见奶牛场老板克里克先生在屋子里直跺脚,原来是他收到了一位顾客的来信,信中抱怨他生产的黄油带有一股怪味。 hjenglish

From a distance, the rocket is unprepossessing— a slender white stalk that looks almost as if it would twang in the Florida wind.
从远处看,战神1号火箭并不讨人喜欢-一根细长的白杆子,看上去几乎会在佛罗里达的风中铮铮作响。 yeeyan

He speaks with an American twang.
他说话带着美国人特有的鼻音。 tdict

He speaks quietly, with a slightly nasal New England twang, and with a calm self-assurance.
他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰味道的鼻音,还有一股子沉着自信。 iciba

He spoke with a nasal twang.
他讲话时带着鼻音。 tingroom

Her best joke, told in that twang at the Democratic National Convention in 1988, commiserated with “ Poor George” senior, “ born with a silver foot in his mouth”.
她最有趣的事迹是在1988年民主党全国会议上,为了嘲弄老布什,她用鼻音说:“哦,可怜的乔治,生下来嘴里就含着银脚丫子”。 shuwo

I’m absolutely certain that I’m not the only foreigner to have a twang of disappointment when foreigners waltz into“ my” hole- in-the-wall noodle stall.
我很确信我不唯一一个当其他外国人进入“我的墙洞面条店”时感到很失望的外国人。 yeeyan

I sang it slowly, not without a little twang.
我缓慢唱起来,带着一点鼻音。 yeeyan

In fact, step inside a big British luxury headquarters these days and chances are you'll hear an American twang.
事实上,如今你若是走进任何一个英国大牌奢侈品公司的总部,你都很可能会听到带有鼻音的美式发音。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jeth: Guess you could say that. Twang's a little different though.
杰斯:我想你可以这么说。虽然还是有点差别。 hellomandarin

Our Special Blend is a refreshing black tea blended with a twang from our high altitude farms in Kenya.
本店地特别配方是一种清爽红茶与拜恩私室来自肯尼亚地高海拔农场。 chavc

Potential Bust-Up: A confessumentary could always backfire if the subject turns out to be a genuine bugger. Gibson better hope he can twang those heart strings.
潜在问题:一个忏悔记录如果围绕着让人反感的主题拍摄,那结果往往事与愿违。吉普森的忏悔最好能触动别人的心弦。 yeeyan

She had a slight Australian twang.
她说话稍微有点澳大利亚口音。 iciba

She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; I entered leisurely.
她拉铃,一直到把铃拉断了:我悠闲地走进来。 putclub.com

The string broke with a sharp twang.
拨弦声;嘣的一声; tdict

There certainly was a twang.
黄油里肯定有一股怪味儿。 hjenglish

There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean.
现在还有快乐啊,悲哀啊,这种字眼,但这些都只是用鼻音唱出的赞美诗的叠句,实际上我们所信仰的还是平庸而卑下的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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