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TV plays短语⁶⁷⁸⁶⁸ 基本例句 电视剧 I downloaded a lot of movies and TV plays just to prepare for the TOEFL test. 为了准备考试,下了一大堆电影、电视剧来看。 blog.sina.com.cn The latest survey shows that some TV plays encourage violence, and they are harmful to physical and mental health of children. 最新的调查显示一些电视剧助长暴力,有害于孩子们的身心健康。 iciba But I found myself watching TV plays enthusiasm than learning high. 但我觉得我看电视剧的热情比学习高。 blog.sina.com.cn Chapter 2 analysis the file of TV plays about common people's life in city. 第二部分是对都市平民电视剧的文本分析。 fabiao From the TV plays of Thunderstorm, Term of Daming Gong and Tangerine Getting Red directed by Li- Shaohong, we find that she is walking on a unique road different from current creation of TV plays. 从李少红执导的《雷雨》、《大明宫词》、《橘子红了》三部电视剧,我们可以看出,她的电视剧创作走着一条不同于当下电视剧创作的较为独特的道路。 cnki George still watches TV plays. 乔治依然在看电视剧。 topsage I like TV plays as well as movies. 我喜欢电视剧也喜欢电影。 bd.tjjy.com.cn I think TV plays are rarely worth watching nowadays. 我认为,眼下值得一看的电视剧很少。 chinaedu In view of definition, our national TV plays belong to the arts culture which conforms refined and vulgar into general taste. 从文化定位的角度来看,它是通俗文化与严肃文化的交融,雅文化与俗文化的整合。 cnki It showed news, TV plays, and grand entertainment shows were the most popular. 调查显示,新闻、电视剧和大型娱乐节目最受观众欢迎。 hxen They write songs for pop starts and music for films and TV plays. 他们给通俗歌星创作歌曲。为电影和电视剧作曲。 tingroom This paper aims at the lag of TV adaptation theory, elaborate the integrity of the phenomenon of novel's TV plays adaptation by applying list, contrast and so on. 本论文针对电视剧改编理论滞后的问题,运用列举、对比等方法来对小说的电视剧改编这一现象进行整体性研究。 fabiao We should pay attention to the very important topics when we study TV plays which are that how the history steps in the advanced electronic times and how to position its identity. 历史于电子时代的今天究竟如何出场,她的身份又该怎样定位,这是我们在研究电视剧这一新兴的艺术门类时不应忽视的一个重要命题。 cnki When we are studying popularize style of the movies and TV plays, people must think of the director Yangyazhou who takes movies and TV plays about the common people specially. 当我们要研究平民风格的影视剧时,人们一定会想起擅长拍摄平民题材影视剧的导演杨亚洲。 fabiao |