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Tuzet 基本例句 退菌特¹⁰⁰ Experiments of control showed that Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, plant ash andTuzetaremost effective for this disease.防治试验表明:初冬用哈茨木霉预防,病害发生期用退菌特等化学农药及草木灰防治,均具有明显的防治效果。 When the disease was prevailing, the control using 800 times 50%Tuzetor 1% Bordeaux mixture resulted in satisfaction.冬春剪除油橄榄病枯枝,清除病叶和病落果,结合使用1%波尔多液和50%退菌特800倍液防治油橄榄炭疽病效果显著。 Tuzethas good effect against poplar canker.Except tuzet, the other 3 kinds of chemicals can control poplar canker efficiently by applying these 4 chemicals on the tree patch.用上述4种药剂进行树干病斑涂药防治试验,结果表明,除退菌特防效较差外,其余3种药剂均有较好的防治效果。 The more thorough of scavenging, the less severe of the disease.The bacteriostasis of carbendazim was most obvious, following with tuzet, those of topsin and chlorothalonil were relatively worse.多菌灵的抑菌作用最明显,其次是退菌特,托布津和百菌清抑菌作用较差,波乐多液的抑菌作用差; 10. Experiments of control showed that Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, plant ash andTuzetaremost effective for this disease.防治试验表明:初冬用哈茨木霉预防,病害发生期用退菌特等化学农药及草木灰防治,均具有明显的防治效果。收藏指正 8. Experiments of control showed that Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, plant ash andTuzetaremost effective for this disease.防治试验表明:初冬用哈茨木霉预防,病害发生期用退菌特等化学农药及草木灰防治,均具有明显的防治效果。收藏指正 |