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词汇 Tutsi
释义 Tut·si 英ˈtuːtsiː美ˈtutsiAHDt›tʹsē 高iWeb³⁸⁰²¹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

a member of a Bantu speaking people living in Rwanda and Burundi近义词 Watusi=Watutsi瓦图…Watutsi瓦图齐人卢旺达与布隆迪…
用作名词In another a young Rwandan girl watches her father, a Hutu, kill her mother because she's aTutsi.另一则故事里,一个年轻的卢安达女孩目睹父亲杀她母亲,女孩的父亲是胡图人,母亲是图西人。 General Laurent Nkunda's mainly Tutsi rebels are poised to grab the eastern city of Goma after capturing most of the smaller towns in the area.
劳伦特•恩昆达将军的图西叛军在占领东部城市戈马大部分的小城镇之后,他们又准备去占领戈马城。 ecocn

In the Ivory Coast it was the Burkinabe immigrants; in Zimbabwe, the whites; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Tutsi.
科特迪瓦的布基纳法索移民、津巴布韦的白人农场主、民主刚果的图西族,这些都是近些年利用仇恨的经典范例。 yeeyan

The president of Congo, Joseph Kabila, for his part, is unhappy at the continued links between Mr Nkunda and the Tutsi- dominated Rwandan government.
刚果总统约瑟夫•卡比拉就自己的立场而言,他是不高兴看到恩昆达将军仍与图西人掌控的卢旺达政府还保持联系。 ecocn

Another woman,42, tells how Congolese Tutsi rebels barged into her house four years ago, took all the family's money, and raped her.
另外一名42岁的妇女向我们讲述,4年前,刚果图西族叛军闯进她家,抢走了家里所有的钱还强奸了她。 yeeyan

Backed by Britain and America, President Paul Kagame manipulates the Hutu- Tutsi divide more subtly than his predecessors, but just as fatally.
由于有英美的支持,保罗•卡加梅总统比他的前任在操纵胡图人与图西人的分歧上更加微妙,但恰恰是致命的。 ecocn

Britain and America protected the Tutsi- dominated, post- genocide government of President Paul Kagame from any serious investigation into whether it had committed crimes too (see article.
英国和美国保护着图西人控制的、种族屠杀后的保罗•卡加梅的政府,使其政府免于受到任何严重的关于它是否也犯有罪行的调查。 topsage

But clearly the Rwanda genocide was the result of more than Hutu- Tutsi ethnic hatred.
但是很显然卢旺达的种族灭绝并不仅仅是胡图族与图西族族群仇视的结果。 yeeyan

But even if the policy works, it will come at a high price for the Tutsi survivors of the genocide.
但就算这一政策有效果,对于图西族的大屠杀幸存者来说,代价太高。 ecocn

Congo's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda's demand for direct negotiation, simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant;
刚果总统卡比拉也许要答应恩昆达将军直接谈判的要求,原因很简单,因为图西叛军在军事上占有优势; ecocn

He will be talking politics, notably peace in Congo Kinshasa where the government and Tutsi rebels just signed a peace agreement.
他将在刚果金沙萨讨论政治,特别是和平问题。 刚果金沙萨政府和图西族反政府武装刚刚签订和平协议。 iciba

It suggests Mr Kagame’s mostly Tutsi army attempted a counter- genocide in the mid-1990s in parts of Rwanda’s vast and unruly neighbour, Congo.
报告指出,卡加梅总统的图西主力军曾在上世纪九十年代中期试图在其广大且混乱的邻国——刚果实施反大屠杀行动。 ecocn

It was not the mere fact of ethnicity that caused the genocide of1994, but rather the ideology of“ Hutu Power” promoted by one ethnic group against another, the Tutsi.
并非民族有别这一单纯的事实导致了1994年的种族灭绝屠杀,真正的罪魁祸首是“胡图力量”这种由一个民族宣扬并针对另一方图西族的意识形态。 ecocn

Just as the “ Hutu power” Rwandans sought to eradicate the Tutsi in 1994 by massacring women and children, Shasha's invaders are human heat- seeking missiles aimed at the village's women.
1994年,就在“争取胡图族权力”的卢旺达人试图通过大规模屠杀妇女儿童根除图西族时,沙沙村的入侵者就像人体热跟踪导弹一样将目标对准该村的妇女。 yeeyan

Maggy, a teacher, now builds homes where Hutu and Tutsi orphans live together.
玛吉是一名教师,如今建了一些住所,让胡图族和图西族孤儿们一起生活。 ecocn

Nkunda says he is protecting the region's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government.
恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。 ebigear

Now, officially, no one is a Hutu or Tutsi; there are only Rwandans.
现在,按照官方说法,没有胡图族人或图西族人;有的仅仅是卢旺达人。 ecocn

Ongoing conflict in the east of Congo has worsened this year as a dissident Tutsi general, Laurent Nkunda, who has close ties to the Rwandan government, has launched an assault in the region.
随着图西叛将劳伦特•恩昆达他与卢旺达政府有着密切关系在刚果东部发起了一场袭击事件,该地区如火如荼的冲突也在今年越演越烈。 ecocn

Others assumed that if the genocidal Hutu regime were the bad guys, then the Tutsi rebels who overthrew them must be the good guys.
又有人以为如果说实行种族灭绝的胡图政权是一群坏蛋,那么推翻他们的图西反抗者必定是好人。 ecocn

Rwanda's President Paul Kagame drove out the Hutu leaders of the massacre and helped set up a Tutsi regime that has been in power ever since.
卢旺达总统卡加梅赶走了指挥大屠杀的胡图族领导人,并建立了一个自那时起到现在一直稳定的图西族政权。 yeeyan

That didn't stop the Tutsi and other elites from embracing the story of their exotic origins to better differentiate themselves from the majority Hutu.
不管怎样解释都不会妨碍在历史上图西族和其它优秀族群凭借自己的外来背景将他们与大多数胡图族人更好地区别开来。 yeeyan

That show of concern has seemed enough to halt, perhaps only briefly, the advance of the Tutsi rebels.
大家的这种关切也许能足够在短时间内阻止图西叛军的前进。 ecocn

The Congolese Tutsi warlord Laurent Nkunda under house arrest in Rwanda since 2009 sent CNDP troops into Shasha in 2008.
2008年,刚果图西族军阀洛朗•恩孔达2009年在卢旺达受到家庭监禁派遣全国保卫人民大会 CNDP的军队进驻沙沙村。 yeeyan

The deal was the last part of a peace process that ended more than a decade of violence between Hutu rebels and an army dominated by the Tutsi minority.
这项协议是布隆迪和平进程的最后一步,它终结了胡图族反政府武装与图西族控制的军队之间持续了十几年的暴力冲突。 ecocn

The report suggests that Paul Kagame's Tutsi Rwandan forces attempted a counter- genocide in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide of1994.
这份报告显示,保罗•卡加梅总统的图西族卢旺达武装攻击了一个1994卢旺达种族屠杀后成立的反种族屠杀组织。 ecocn

The Hutu fanatics who seized power blamed the Tutsi rebels of the RPF for the assassination, and used it to justify the genocide.
夺取权力的胡图族狂热分子指责卢旺达爱国阵线的图西族反叛分子制造了这起谋杀,并以此为由证明种族灭绝的正当性。 ecocn

The killings ended three months later after Tutsi rebels fighting a civil war defeated the Hutu government.
三个月后挑起内战的图西族造反派击败胡图政府,屠杀这才结束。 unsv

The three candidates who stood against him are all allies of his Tutsi- dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front.
与他竞争的三名候选人都是图西人控制的卢旺达爱国阵线的盟友。 wenduedu

Their visit comes amid renewed fighting in eastern Congo between the Congolese army and ethnic Tutsi rebels, led by Laurent Nkunda.
在他们前往访问的同时,刚果政府军和军阀恩孔达领导的图西族反叛军在刚果东部地区重燃战火。 iciba




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