

单词 tutored
释义 tu·tor·ed 英'tjuːtəʳ美'tuːtər COCA⁴⁹⁷³⁸BNC⁴⁸⁸¹⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

university teacher who supervises the studies of a student


private teacher, especially one who teaches a single pupil or a very small group

a person who gives private instruction as in singing, acting, etc.
be a tutor to someone; give individual instruction;

She tutored me in Spanish

act as a guardian to someoneteach,instruct,educate,coach,train,tutor








用作名词 n.
动词+~employ〔have〕 a tutor聘请〔有〕家庭教师形容词+~experienced tutor经验丰富的家庭教师名词+~maths〔piano〕 tutor数学〔钢琴〕家庭教师介词+~under a tutor在家庭教师指导下
近义词 coachinstructorprivate teacher反义词 pupilstudent
用作名词n.He studies under a tutor.他在指导教师的辅导下搞研究。
His father employed a tutor for him.他父亲给他请了一位家庭〈教师〉。
My tutor is an accomplished scholar.我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。用作动词For extra money, shetutorson weekends.为了多挣些钱,她在周末当家庭教师。
I was asked to tutor three students and I gladly accepted.我被邀请当3个学生的导师,对此我欣然应允。as in.educated
同义词 accomplished,civilized,cultured,enlightened,informed,intelligent,knowledgeable,literate,prepared,schooled,skilled,trained,well-readcoached,corrected,cultivated,developed,enriched,finished,fitted,formed,initiated,instructed,lettered,nurtured,polished,refined,shaped,taughtacquainted with,brainy,erudite,expert,literary,professional,scholarly,scientific,tasteful,versed in,well-informed,well-taught,well-versed
反义词 ignorant,inexperienced,stupid,unaware,uneducated,uninformed,unprepared,unrefined,unsophisticatedilliterate,unculturedas in.initiated
同义词 approved,drafted,instructed,introduced,passed,receivedaccepted,acknowledged,admitted,coached,confirmed,conscripted,grounded,inducted,installedcalled up,instated,made a member of,made part of
educatedadjective learned, experienced
accomplished,acquainted with,brainy,civilized,coached,corrected,cultivated,cultured,developed,enlightened,enriched,erudite,expert,finished,fitted,formed,informed,initiated,instructed,intelligent,knowledgeable,lettered,literary,literate,nurtured,polished,prepared,professional,refined,scholarly,schooled,scientific,shaped,skilled,tasteful,taught,trained,versed in,well-informed,well-read,well-taught,well-versed
initiatedadjective having undergone initiation
accepted,acknowledged,admitted,approved,called up,coached,confirmed,conscripted,drafted,grounded,inducted,installed,instated,instructed,introduced,made a member of,made part of,passed,received,tutored
more educatedadjective learned, experienced
accomplished,acquainted with,brainy,civilized,coached,corrected,cultivated,cultured,developed,enlightened,enriched,erudite,expert,finished,fitted,formed,informed,initiated,instructed,intelligent,knowledgeable,lettered,literary,literate,nurtured,polished,prepared,professional,refined,scholarly,schooled,scientific,shaped,skilled,tasteful,taught,trained,tutored,versed in,well-informed,well-read,well-taught,well-versed And take a guess who tutored Dwight Howard this summer?
猜猜今夏谁在指导霍华德? yeeyan

Their mother tutored her children privately, and their father patiently played games that taught math and geography.
她母亲个别地辅导孩子,父亲却耐心地用玩游戏的方法来教孩子学习数学和几何学。 yeeyan

“ Russians are a very polite people, ” I had been tutored before my arrival.
在我到达之前,人们告诉我说:“俄罗斯是一个非常有礼貌的民族”。 jukuu

At first, the apparent lack of independent studies on why parents choose to have their high school children tutored is surprising.
家长为什么要给他们上高中的孩子们找课外辅导呢?这个现象一开始让人觉得很惊奇,毕竟这显然不利于孩子的独立学习能力。 yeeyan

Determined that her son should escape the indignities of Bihar, she tutored him at night, got him into a college, and, when he finished, gave him a railway ticket for New Delhi.
库马的母亲下决心让儿子离开比哈尔,就在晚上辅导他,使他进入一所学院学习,当他毕业时,给了他一张到新德里的火车票。 www.yfao.gov.cn

He tutored a child in physics in his spare time to earn his expenses for college education.
为了赚取大学费用,他在空闲时间为一个孩子辅导物理。 www.tjyfz1.edu.sh.cn

He tutored the child in mathematics.
他指导这孩子的数学。 wlxt.pzhu.edu.cn

Her mother had her tutored rigorously in maths in an effort to keep rationality to the fore, and her father's madness in abeyance.
她的母亲在数学方面严格教导她,努力使她凭借理性脱颖而出并摆脱父亲的疯狂秉性。 ecocn

His two young daughters are being tutored in Mandarin to prepare them for what he calls“the century of China.”
他的两个女儿正在接受汉语指导,以准备迎接罗杰斯称之为“中国世纪”。 yeeyan

I tutored my friend on a volunteer basis, in other words, voluntarily.
我辅导朋友是出于自愿,也就是说,自愿地。 english.swufe.edu.cn

If the children could have their way, there would be no respite for Loryn, since every child seems to want to be tutored by this green-eyed blonde.

Members chat online by typing messages, by talking or, if they have a Webcam, by video, in exchanges with others who want to tutor or be tutored.
成员通过键入信息,谈话,或者有摄像头的,通过视频等方式进行在线聊天,与想要辅导或被辅导的人进行交流。 yeeyan

Most of Moore's childhood was spent in Ireland, where he was tutored locally.
莫尔童年时大部分时光都待在爱尔兰,并在当地接受教育。 examw

Ms. Chilton has worked with School on Wheels for more than six years. She still remembers the first student she tutored.
切尔顿女士在“车轮上的学校”里工作了六年多了,她还记得她第一个辅导的学生。 yeeyan

Rick Wright was the most traditionally tutored musician in the Floyd and the other band members often spoke of the jazz influence he brought to the group.
Rick Wright是 PF里面最科班出身的音乐家,其他成员常常提起他给乐队带来的爵士风格。 yeeyan

She also secretly tutored peasant children so that they, too, could one day obtain control of their own destinies.
她秘密地辅导农民的孩子,以使他们在某一天也能掌握自己的命运。 yeeyan

She says still remembers the first student she tutored. She met with her every week at a local church.
她说,她还记得她辅导的第一位学生,她每周在当地一家教堂和她见面。 ebigear

She was tutored at home during her illness.

She tutored a family friend's children in the morning and left after lunch to visit him in the factory he worked in.
早晨她给一个亲戚家的孩子辅导功课,午饭后去他工作的工厂看望他。 yeeyan

The questions range from the age when applicants first got excited about computers to whether they have ever tutored or ever established a nonprofit organization.
这些问题涉及范围很广,从应聘者第一次体验电脑的神奇是什么时候,到他们是否领导注2或者建立过非盈利组织。 ecocn

There I would meet Prof. Jack Franclemont, an elderly gentleman always with little dog in tow, to be tutored in the ordering and naming of life— the science of taxonomy.
他是位年长的绅士,总有一条小狗陪在身旁。我请他单独辅导关于分类和命名生命的内容----分类学。 yeeyan




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