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词汇 tut
释义 tut.

utter `tsk,' `tut,' or `tut-tut,' as in disapprovaltut.=tutortut-tut发出嘘啧之声…
近义词 tut-tut发出嘘啧之声…tsk(表示不赞成、同情、不耐…

用作感叹词Tut-tut, the boy's late again!咳,这孩子又迟到了!
Tut! I've got some chalk on my coat.啧!我外套上弄上一些粉笔灰了。用作动词His wifetut-tuttedwith annoyance.他妻子不耐烦地咂著嘴。 A bound captive from Libya, one of Egypt's traditional enemies, forms the head of one of130 whole or partial walking sticks and canes found in King Tut's tomb.
在图坦卡蒙的坟墓中发现了130个完整或残缺的拐杖和手杖,其中一把手杖的头部表现了一位从利比亚抓来的俘虏,利比亚是古埃及的夙敌之一。 yeeyan

A gilded coffin and funerary mask adorned the smaller of two mummified female fetuses buried with King Tut.
图坦卡蒙墓穴中较小的木乃伊胎儿被放置在镀金棺材中,同时陪葬的还有面罩。 yeeyan

The Journal of the American Medical Association doesn't usually report autopsy results. But they make an exception this week: for King Tut.
《美国医学协会杂志》通常是不会报告验尸结果的,不过这星期他们为图特王破了例。 hjenglish

The bust was carved during the New Kingdom Period, which ran between 1550 BC to1050 BC. This was around the same time as famous Egyptians Ramesses and King Tut.
这座半身像是在埃及新王国时期公元前1550到公元前1050年,大约在著名的古埃及法老拉美西斯和图特王时代雕刻而成的。 ebigear

The DNA analysis of Tut and11 other mummies also offered insights into Tut’s lineage, helping researchers establish Tut’s family tree spanning five generations.
对图坦卡蒙和另外的11个木乃伊的 DNA分析,了解了图坦卡蒙的血统些,它帮助研究人员建立了跨越五代的图坦卡蒙家谱。 yeeyan

An ivory-paneled box, also from Tut's tomb, shows him with his beloved queen.
图坦卡蒙墓中的一只象牙盒子,盒子上的图画描绘了他和心爱的皇后在一起。 yeeyan

And CAT scans of Tut turned up foot deformities, like a missing toe bone, and bone necrosis, which means some of his foot bones were dying due to poor blood circulation.
而 CAT扫描则显示图特王脚部畸形,像是没有趾骨,并且伴有骨坏死,也就是说他的脚部骨头因为血液循环不畅而坏死。 yeeyan

Another one suggests that Tut and his relatives may have suffered from a hormonal disorder that is similar to Antley- Bixler syndrome.
另一个评论认为,图坦卡蒙和他的亲人可能患有一种荷尔蒙失调症,这种疾病与安特利-比克斯勒综合征相类似。 yeeyan

As to how he died, DNA evidence says King Tut was felled by malaria, a disease that still claims thousands of victims in the valley of the Nile every year.
至于他是怎样死的? DNA证据说,图坦卡蒙是患疟疾而死的,据声称,这种疾病仍然存在于尼罗河流域,每年有成千上万的受害者。 yeeyan

Egypt’s top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, announced that despite a few minor, isolated instances of damage, the museum’s treasures, including many objects from King Tut’s tomb, were safe.
埃及顶级考古学家匝爱·华瓦斯说,除了一些零星损失外,博物馆的藏品——包括图坦卡蒙陵墓出土的众多物品——都是安全的。 yeeyan

Furthermore, the deaths of those associated with Tut's tomb all have been explained by causes unrelated to the excavation.
再者,那些与图坦卡门陵墓的发掘有关人员的死因都被证实与发掘本身无关。 yeeyan

He was married to Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, may have been his son or half brother.
阿赫那吞娶了尼菲蒂蒂,而史上有名的图坦卡蒙法老可能是他的儿子或他同父异母的兄弟。 yeeyan

He listened, reproved, to the rustle, the sigh of the foil cap and the single tut- tut it took to pour a glass.
他带着责难的心情,聆听到沙沙声,箔盖的叹息声以及往玻璃杯倒酒发出的单调的嘘声。 yeeyan

Hidden in the desert canyons west of the Nile, the Valley of the Kings holds the tombs of King Tut and his royal relatives.
帝王谷隐藏在尼罗河西边的沙漠峡谷之中,里面埋藏着图坦卡蒙和其皇室亲属的诸多墓穴。 yeeyan

High-tech tests have been conducted on the bodies of such notables as King Tut, Mozart and Napoleon in an effort to determine how they died, or what diseases they may have had.
高新技术的测试已在图坦卡蒙国王,莫扎特,拿破仑等名人遗体上进行了试验,以用来确定他们是怎样死亡,或者他们曾经患过什么疾病。 yeeyan

If Cleopatra's tomb is ever found, the archaeological sensation would be rivaled only by Howard Carter's unearthing of the tomb of King Tut in 1922.
克里欧佩特拉的陵墓如果被发现,那对于考古界来说,其轰动效应也只有霍华德•卡特1922年发现塔特王陵墓能与之相媲美。 yeeyan

In fact, many of the people who had the most contact with Tut's mummy lived long lives.
而且实际上,许多与图坦卡蒙木乃伊多次打交道的人最终都很长寿。 joyen

King Tut, it seems, was hardly a robust and strapping prince.
图坦卡蒙国王似乎是不是一个强健和魁梧的王子。 yeeyan

Likewise, evidence indicates that objects that entered the Met from the private collection of Lord Carnarvon in1926 do not belong to King Tut’s tomb, the Egyptian authorities stated.
同样的,证据显示在1926年从卡尔那冯伯爵私人藏品入藏大都会博物馆的物件,并不来自图坦卡门之墓,埃及当局如此声明。 yeeyan

Many have become accustomed to traveling shows that offer rare tastes of, say, the personal effects of King Tut or splendors from the Vatican.
很多人已经习惯那些提供珍贵和罕见品味的巡回展览了,比如图特王的私人财物或者梵蒂冈的壮美。 yeeyan

Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria, was found not only in King Tut's mummy, but also in the mummies of several of his relatives.
恶性疟原虫是导致疟疾病的寄生虫,它不仅在图坦卡蒙的木乃伊身上发现,而且在他的几个亲戚的木乃伊身上也发现。 yeeyan

Scientists may have discovered Tut’s cleft palate and club foot using X-ray scans.
由此,科学家用 X射线的扫描发现图坦卡蒙是腭裂和畸形足。 yeeyan

The chariot is one of five discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter when he entered King Tut's treasure-packed tomb in1922.
这辆战车是英国考古学家霍华德•卡特于1922年在图坦卡门法老金字塔下墓室里发现的五件车辆译注:据原文之一。 yeeyan

The innermost coffin of a miniature nested set from Tut's tomb was inscribed with the name of Tiye.
在图坦卡蒙墓穴中发掘出了一个小型嵌套式的棺材,最内层的棺材上就铭刻着提雅的名字。 yeeyan

The grandmother of Tut, Tiye was embalmed with her left arm bent across her chest— interpreted as a queen's burial pose.
提雅贵为图坦卡蒙的祖母,她的木乃伊不但经过防腐处理,且左臂弯曲着放在胸前——这种姿势被视为是皇后的葬仪。 yeeyan

They claimed King Tut wanted revenge, and declared there was a mummy's curse that targeted those who had entered the tomb.
他们断言图坦卡蒙法老企图报复,还宣称存在一个“木乃伊的诅咒”,谁进入过墓室,就会施与到谁身上。 joyen

Though“King Tut” collected the mimeographed questions from each student, he did not reckon with the organizing ability of fraternity students.
尽管考完后他将每份试卷都收了回去,但绝没料到学生联谊会的组织能力如此出色。 ebigear

We now knew we had the body of Tut's father— but we still did not know for certain who he was. Our chief suspects were Akhenaten and Smenkhkare.
虽然我们现在拥有了图坦卡蒙父亲的木乃伊,但我们依然不知道他的确切身份,怀疑的对象主要集中在阿赫那吞和斯孟克卡拉身上。 yeeyan




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