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词汇 tusks
释义 tusks 英tʌsks美tʌsks COCA³⁰⁷⁹²BNC²⁷⁹³³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
名词 tusk:
a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walrusesa long pointed tooth specialized for fighting or digging; especially in an elephant or walrus or hog
动词 tusk:
stab or pierce with a horn or tuskremove the tusks of animals用作名词The earth is held between the boar'stusks.地球位于野猪的长牙之间。
Tusks are fundamentally no different than ordinary teeth.象的长牙和普通的牙齿基本上没有什么区别。
Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species withtusks, according to Baker.贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。
The males also use thetusksfor sparring, giving each other crisscrossed patterns of scars.雄性突吻鲸也使用獠牙来角斗,并在彼此身上留下一道道交叉的伤疤。 A large, male Atlantic walrus rests with his tusks dug into the sand in Alaska's Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.
阿拉斯加托吉亚国家野生动物保护区,一头大西洋大海象将獠牙插入沙地休息。 yeeyan

Earlier this month, two Chinese engineers were arrested in N’Djamena, Chad’s capital, with eight pairs of tusks.
本月上旬,两个中国工程师在查得首都迪门那被捕,查获其携带的八副象牙。 ecocn

In this way, Wasser and his colleagues analysed ivory seized when more than11 tonnes of tusks were found in containers in raids on Taiwan and Hong Kong docks in July and August2006.
2006年七、八月份,台湾和香港的码头突击检查发现了装在集装箱里的11多吨象牙,这让瓦塞尔和他的同事们得以用上述方式分析了许多象牙。 yeeyan

The fate of the tusks is unknown. That of the elephants isn’t.
象牙的命运无法预测,大象的却可以。 ecocn

The Fish and Wildlife Service Forensics Lab was called in to help determine whether the walrus were being illegally killed for their tusks.
渔业和野生动物服务部法医实验室应召前去帮助确定这些海象是不是因为象牙而遭到非法捕杀。 yeeyan

Three of the other collared animals have also been killed in the past few months, their faces hacked off to get at the tusks.
另外三头追踪的大象也在过去短短几个月内被捕杀。 偷猎者将他们的脸劈开以取得象牙。 ecocn

“There were lorries coming out of the park with hundreds of tusks, ” she said.
竟会有数百的象牙通过卡车运出国家公园。 yeeyan

Both male and female African elephants have tusks they use to dig for food and water and strip bark from trees.
雄性和雌性非洲象的象牙是用于掘食、掘水以及剥取树皮的。 yeeyan

Both male and female walruses grow tusks, which are simply canine teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.
雄性和雌性海象都长獠牙——不过是一生都在生长的犬齿。 yeeyan

I am gray, tan or light brown with yellowish-white tusks.
我是灰色、茶褐色或浅棕色的,象牙黄白色。 eol

In the mean time the villagers reported the sound of chopping as the tusks were being hacked out of the elephant.
与此同时村民报告说听到从大象砍象牙时发出的劈剁声音。 yeeyan

It was fresh, maybe just a few weeks old, not far from the park headquarters, and the animal's face had been chopped off, the tusks removed.
尸体还没有腐烂,死亡时间或许只有几个礼拜。 尸体距离公园总部不远,这只大象的脸已经被砍掉了,象牙也没有了。 cri

It contains many bones and tusks of mammoths which Taymyr is so rich in.
这里有很多猛犸象的骨骼和獠牙,这些遗骸在泰梅尔地区是十分丰富的。 yeeyan

KWS discovered the elephant’s body lying in the middle of the road with its tusks taken by poachers.
KWS人员发现大象尸体躺在路中间,象牙已被偷猎者带走。 yeeyan

Males use the tusks to battle one another, but the ivory has also attracted violence of a far more dangerous sort.
象牙也是雄象们决斗的武器,然而,乳白色的象牙也招致了很多更加危险、血腥的下场。 yeeyan

Most illegal ivory heads for China, where legal loopholes allow imported illegal ivory to be “ legalised”; traders can claim they happened to find a few forgotten tusks in their storerooms.
大部分非法象牙头目开始朝向中国发展,在中国,司法漏洞使得非法象牙变得合法化;交易者们能佯称他们只是碰巧在储藏室里发现几根被遗忘的象牙罢了。 ecocn

Mothers teach their pups crucial skills, such as how to spot polar bears and how to haul out onto the ice using their tusks.
妈妈教会小海象重要的技能,比如,如何认出北极熊,如何用獠牙把自己拖上冰块。 yeeyan

People hunt elephants mainly for their ivory tusks.
人类捕杀大象主要是为了获取象牙。 yeeyan

Safari used to mean coming home with lion skins and elephant tusks, but modern photo- safaris result mostly in great snapshots and stories: an outcome which satisfies both the hunter and prey.

The first tusk was sold in London as far back as1611 and by the18th century tusks were so abundant they were being transformed into chess sets, billiard balls, piano keys and even snuffboxes.
早在1611年,第一根猛犸象象牙在伦敦出售。到18世纪,大量象牙被发掘,加工成国际象棋、台球、钢琴键、甚至鼻烟壶。 yeeyan

The“ Old Stone age” hall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the19th century.
在“旧石器时代”的展厅中展览的是19世纪末在叶尼塞河畔所发现的巨大象牙。 yeeyan

The extent of this trade is revealed through recent seizures of thousands of tusks in separate raids on docks in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan.
最近在台湾、香港、越南、菲律宾和日本分别独立发起的码头突击搜查中缉获了数以千计的象牙,这揭示了这种非法贸易的严重程度。 yeeyan

The fate of the tusks is unknown.
那些象牙的命运我们不得而知。 ecocn

They also made tools and objects from the tusks.
他们还用猛犸獠牙制成工具器物。 yeeyan

They had tusks up to 16ft long.
同时它们还拥有长达16英尺的獠牙。 yeeyan

They have tusks, a bellowing trumpet of a trunk and can stomp on things.
它们有象牙,树干般粗壮鼻子可以发出吼叫,并且它们可以重重地践踏障碍物。 yeeyan

Walrus populations were in serious decline during centuries of wholesale slaughter for their blubber and tusks.
几个世纪以来,为获取海象脂和獠牙,人们成批捕杀海象,使海象数量严重减少。 yeeyan

Walrus tusks are multitaskers, used to grip the ice when hauling out of the water, wielded as weapons in territory or mating battles, and even brandished against attacking polar bears.
海象的獠牙有多种功能:用牙卡住冰把自己从水里拖上来;在争夺领土或配偶的战斗中,充当武器;甚至能挥舞着象牙反击北极熊。 yeeyan

Walruses frequently use ice floes to rest while they digest a meal, usually consisting of shellfish pried from the seafloor using their long tusks and strong lips.
海象在消化食物时,经常利用浮冰休息。它们食物一般由用象牙和有力的嘴唇从海底撬出的贝类食物组成。 yeeyan




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