

单词 turn up to
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A thousand men— about half the number expected to turn up to a dusty bazaar in the city— roar in approval.
台下上千的壮汉狂吼着,表示他们的赞成;这些人当中近半数期待到城市中的一个肮脏集市去闹事。 ecocn

An almost equal number of males has signed up, but those who actually turn up to class are much fewer than their female counterparts.
报名的男学员也差不多有30人,但来上课的男学员数量比女学员少得多。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But the woman failed to turn up to court and the magistrate struck out the case.
但是这位女子最终没有在法庭出现,而法官则删除了这个案子。 yeeyan

His private life is tangled his relationship with his son, Andrew, is so strained that he did not even turn up to his graduation.
他的私生活就是很棘手的一件事。 他和他儿子安德鲁关系紧张以至于没有出席儿子的毕业典礼。 ecocn

It would be a horrible gesture against Italian football and a confirmation of what we all thought when Blatter didn't turn up to present the trophy.
这番言论,体现的是对待意大利足球的可怕姿态。它也证实了我们对布拉特为什么没来颁奖的种种猜测。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

One club recruiter said some women turn up to interviews with their mothers in tow, which never would have happened when the job was less respectable.
其中一名俱乐部的招募者说,有些女孩带着她们的母亲前来参加面试,在这项工作被歧视的时候,这种事从来没有发生过。 yeeyan

So you turn up to the lab where a white-coated man tells you they are testing the effects of a vitamin injection on vision.
那么你来到实验室有个穿白袍的男人告诉你他们将检验一种维他命注射剂是否会产生幻觉。 yeeyan

The type of' customer' you as a business probably love, because they stoke the finances more than those fans that turn up to watch the football.
这样的“顾客”是生意上的最爱,因为他们比来看球的球迷能带来更大的收益。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

The actors and directors who have been honoured with a Razzie have usually failed to turn up to collect the prize, with one notable exception.
获得金酸梅奖的演员和导演通常不到现场领奖,只有一个例外。 yeeyan

Without government investment in infrastructure people could not turn up to work and companies could not move goods.
如果没有政府基础设施建设的投资,人们就不能工作,公司也无法运输。 yeeyan

You just need to turn up to class with an open mind and be curious about what you are experiencing throughout the practice.
你只需要去教室里,虚心练习,并在整个练习过程中对你的身体所经历的保持好奇。 yeeyan




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