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turns up短语¹¹⁶²⁸ 基本例句 v.朝上翻;出现;🌏举起 The average Briton turns up to work with a hangover three times a month, according to a survey on Wednesday, and the frequency is expected to increase during next month's World Cup. 本周三公布的一项调查显示,英国人平均一个月中有三次因前夜饮酒过量带着宿醉去上班,这一频率在下月世界杯期间预计还会增加。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Classical mathematicians believed that this number represented the most aesthetically pleasing ratio for the dimensions of a rectangle, but it also turns up in computational mathematics. 古典数学家相信这个数字代表了最美观的矩形的尺寸,不过它一般出现在计算数学中。 yeeyan Crooning brook turns up on the corner and runs along with you all the way through the birch wood and what is visible is clear lake water under green trees. 低唱的溪流在弯角出现并伴你一路前行,穿过白桦林,绿树掩映之下依稀可见的是清澈的湖水。 taotaobang Even then, you are liable to be chucked out if a guest with a deeper pocket turns up. 即使是这样,如果有出钱更高的人来住店,你也有可能被赶出来。 ecocn Everything will be done as planned, if nothing unexpected turns up. 如果没什么意外的话,一切都会照计划完成的。 fachun Following the lack of capacity to rebuild, people had to endure the unacceptable reality, thus there turns up a new Western aesthetic category— absurdity. 否定之后缺乏重建的能力,人不得不忍受无法接受的现实,于是西方出现了一个全新的美学范畴——荒诞。 fabiao He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger. 他认为他只该吃牛排,所以他瞧不上汉堡包。1stenglish If the opportunity turns up we will fetch it but, if not, I believe we can cope. 如果机会出现了,我们将会尽快搞定,但是,如果没有机会,我相信我们可以应对。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn Soviet time, as a result of political and authority will, the Soviet Model garden turns up. 苏联时期,由于政治和权利机构意志的原因,又出现了苏联模式的园林景观。 china-landscape Yet more than40 years of research reveals that expressing anger directly toward another person or indirectly toward an object actually turns up the heat on aggression. 尽管超过四十年的研究结果表明,将怒气直接发泄到其他人身上或者间接地发泄到某一物体上,实际会起到火上浇油的后果。 yeeyan |