

单词 turns around
释义 turns around短语²⁰⁴⁴²
na.转身;美使向好的方向转变;🌏然后转过脸去原型turnaround的复数 The wish forgets you, must forget thoroughly, turns around actually in every direction to have you, actually I good want to ask you leave reason.
想要忘记你吗,要忘得彻底,转身却四周围都有你,其实我好想问问你离开的原因。 dota123

“ I designed this dress so the woman's back looks the most beautiful when she turns around and walks away, ” he said.
他说:“我如此设计这条裙子,为的是让女人转身离去时留下最美的背影。” cri

After a moment, she turns around and addresses the team.
片刻后,她环顾周围并向队伍致词。 sger

And then she turns around and goes to the bar, leaving me to clean up the disaster.
说完转身就走进酒吧,留下我来收拾这个尴尬的局面。 yeeyan

Assuming you'll jump ship when the economy turns around is only one of the many objections employers have to hiring overqualified candidates.
他们认为当经济好转你会离开,这仅仅是对招聘资历过高人选雇主拥有的众多反对之一。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

But the crucially important longer term priority is to address domestic factors that could hold back Cambodia’s growth when the global economy turns around.
但至关重要的中长期工作重点则要是在全球经济好转时应对有可能阻碍柬埔寨增长的国内因素。 worldbank

Gaines turns around, still holding his weapon, and Jack shoots him dead.
盖恩斯回转头,仍然没有放下枪,杰克只好射杀了他。 yeeyan

He says that when Fermilab sent its first full beam through the Tevatron machine in 1983, it unexpectedly stopped after a few turns around the six- kilometer four- mile ring.
据他说,当 Fermilab在1983年第一次将整束粒子送入 Tevatron机器时,粒子束沿着6公里4英里长的管道传输了数圈就停下来了。 yeeyan

If the company hangs in there, without damaging the brand, sales are likely to rebound quickly after the economy turns around.
如果星巴克保持原状,不去损害品牌形象,在经济好转的时候销量自然会迅速回升。 yeeyan

On the walk back, Michael turns around and sees a squat yellow hydrant with a wheel crank jutting out from the ground in a remote corner.
在回牢房的路上, Michael转身观察着远方的角落,一个带有轮形曲柄的黄色消防栓从地上伸出。 yeeyan

The soldier becomes, in fantasy here, the spectator, as the war turns around and comes back, reversed by a kind of evil charm or spell, coming home.

They want to treat their best employees well, so that when the market turns around those employees don't immediately leave for another company.
他们希望好好对待自己最优秀的员工,所以当市场扭转,这些员工不会立刻投奔另一家公司。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

When you are about to pass the road, a car always turns around intentionally in front of you.

While in the kitchen, Susan turns around and sees a crime stopper style show on television.
Susan在厨房里,头转向电视,观看一个警讯类型的节目。 yeeyan

While I’m not a financial expert, I can safely predict that this financial mess will likely get worse before it turns around.
尽管我不是金融专家,但我仍然可以断言这种混乱的形势在扭转前会越来越糟。 yeeyan

Turns around then is forever.
转身便是永远。 blog.sina.com.cn




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