

单词 turns
释义 turns 英'tɜːnz美'tɜːnz COCA¹³⁴⁰BNC²⁷⁶³Economist²⁰⁷⁶
名词 turn:
a circular segment of a curvethe act of changing or reversing the direction of the coursegame the activity of doing something in an agreed successionan unforeseen developmenta movement in a new directionthe act of turning away or in the opposite directionturning or twisting around in placea time for working after which you will be relieved by someone elsesports a division during which one team is on the offensivea short theatrical performance that is part of a longer programa favor for someonetaking a short walk out and back
动词 turn:
change orientation or direction, also in the abstract senseundergo a transformation or a change of position or actionundergo a change or developmentcause to move around or rotatechange to the contrarypass to the other side ofpass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; becomelet something fall or spill from a containermove around an axis or a centercause to move around a center so as to show another side ofto send or let goto break and turn over earth especially with a plowshape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheelchange colortwist suddenly so as to spraincause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristicsaccomplish by rotatingget by buying and sellingcause to move along an axis or into a new directionchannel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from somethingcause a plastic object to assume a crooked or angular formalter the functioning or setting ofdirect at someonehave recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information togo sour or spoilbecome officially one year olderworking turns工作匝数by turns轮流series turns串联线匝binding turns绑匝operating turns工作匝数dead turns死线匝,死匝…ampere turns安匝数choking turns扼抗流圈take turns轮流turns factor匝数因数turns ratio匝数比
用作名词At this point the roadturnsnortheast.路在这里转向东北。
A childturnsto its mother when it hears her call.婴儿只要听到妈妈叫唤就会转向妈妈。 The residue can be put into a shallow grave and turns to mulch in about a year.
残渣可以放在一个很浅的坟墓中,只用大约一年就会变成一层覆盖物。 ecocn

What if the Arab spring turns to winter?
阿拉伯的春天变成冬天将会怎样? ecocn

What starts as an everyday squash turns into a lantern of light.
一个平平常常的南瓜变成了一个充满光亮的灯笼。 yeeyan

And then the lights go off, and the din of the tourists turns from a momentary grumble of protest to a greedy growl to whispered disappointment.
这时灯光熄灭了,一时间游客的噪声从短暂的抗议的抱怨声变成了贪婪的咆哮声,接着变成了低语的失望声。 yeeyan

Another woman half- turns him to get a look at his face, apparently to see if he is someone she knows, and then walks on.
另一个女人把他的尸体半翻转过来以看清他的脸,似乎在辨认死者是否是她认识的人,然后就走开了。 iciba

At that moment she turns. She smiles.
现在,她就转过身来,向我微笑着。 yeeyan

At this the man next to him got up and hit him in the eye: it turns out the quarterback was his son.
他身边那人听了这话站起身来就朝着鲍勃的眼睛打了一拳——原来那名四分卫正是他的宝贝儿子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But if you heat it, it turns to jelly.
但如果你加热它,它就转化为果冻一样的胶状物。 yeeyan

Each column turns into an item of the list.
每个列转化成列表中的一个项目。 ibm

Go over that limit, however, and it turns into poison.
但是,超过那个限度,它会变成毒药。 yeeyan

If the shell turns black in the flame, death is not far off.
如果蛋壳在火焰中变成黑色,那么死亡就不远了。 yeeyan

If somebody turns into a jerk, they can run up your credit, refuse to pay and nobody can force them to pay.
如果某人变成一个混蛋,他们会刷光你的信用卡额度并拒绝付账,也没人能强迫他们付账。 yeeyan

It turns the girls into demons, or swans?
这能使女孩变成魔鬼,或者是天鹅? yeeyan

It turns the heading into a section title, and then places everything up to the next heading into that section.
它将标题转化成小节标题,然后将下一标题之前的所有内容放到这一节中。 ibm

It turns into those sounds we can hear.

Not so, it turns out.
事实证明并非如此。 ecocn

She turns and moves away, ever so slowly back to her workstation.
接着,她转身走开了,非常缓慢地向她的工作站走回去。 yeeyan

The wheel turns too slowly.

The man in the alley zips up his jeans and turns away from the wall.
巷子里的男人拉好牛仔裤的拉链,从墙边转过身来。完蛋了。 iciba

The virus now turns out to have an intimate bond with every person on Earth.
现在这种病毒却变成了与地球上的每个人都有一条亲密纽带。 yeeyan

The young man then casts a covetous glance at the girl, kisses her and she turns into a bottle of beer.
这个年轻人接着向女孩投去了贪婪的一瞥,也亲吻了她,而她就变成了一瓶啤酒。 yeeyan

This tap turns easily.

We both buy one another presents but when it comes to what we do, where we go or where we eat, we take turns.
我们都给彼此买礼物,但至于做什么,去哪里或到哪儿吃饭这些事情,我们会轮流想。 ebigear

When we freeze water,it turns into ice.
我们冷冻水的时候,水变成冰。 hjenglish

You must wait till the tide turns.




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