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词汇 turn off
释义 turn off 英'tɜːnˌɔːf;-ˌɒf美'tɜːrnˌɔːfˌ-ˌɑːf ★★★★★高牛6研八I短语⁸⁸⁴

cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch;

Turn off the stereo, please

cut the engine

turn out the lights

make a turn;

turn off at the parking area

cause to feel intense dislike or distasteturn off the gas关掉话匣子停止吹牛…turn off关掉
近义词 cut切douse浸入put off不安turn out结果是switch off(用开关关掉…反义词 turn on打开
Pleaseturn offthe electric power.请把电源关掉。
Do you mind if Iturn offthe light?我把灯关掉你不反对吗?
You should have had enough sense toturn offthe electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.你本来应该有足够的常识,在拆开电线之前先把电源切断。verb.disgust
同义词 alienate,bore,irritate,offenddisenchant,disinterest,displease,lose interest,make one sick,nauseate,put off,repel,sicken
反义词 pleaseappeal,cheer,delight,enchant,fascinate,turn onverb.stop from operating
同义词 shut,shut off,switch off,unplugclose,cut,cut out,douse,extinguish,halt,hit the switch,kill,log off,put out,shut down,turn out
反义词 begin,open,start,turn on
alienateverb cause unfriendliness, hostility
break off,come between,disaffect,disunite,divide,divorce,estrange,make indifferent,part,push away,separate,set against,turn away,wean,withdraw the affections of
annoyverb irritate, upset
T-off,abrade,agitate,ask for it,badger,be at,be on the back of,bedevil,beleaguer,bore,bother,break,bug,burn up,chafe,displease,distress,disturb,egg on,exasperate,fire up,gall,get,gnaw,harass,harry,heat up,henpeck,hit where one lives,irk,madden,make waves,miff,nag,needle,nettle,nudge,peeve,perturb,pester,plague,provoke,push button,ride,rile,ruffle,tease,tick off,trouble,turn off,vex,work on,worry
annoysverb irritate, upset
T-offs,abrades,agitates,asks for it,badgers,bears,bedevils,beleaguers,bothers,breaks,bugs,burns up,chafes,displeases,distresses,disturbs,egg on,exasperates,fires up,galls,gets,gnaws,harasses,harries,heats up,henpecks,hits where one lives,irks,is at,is on the back of,maddens,makes waves,miffs,nags,needles,nettles,nudges,peeves,perturbs,pesters,plagues,provokes,pushes button,rides,riles,ruffles,teases,ticks off,troubles,turns off,vexes,works on,worries
closeverb obstruct, seal
bang,bar,block,bolt,button,caulk,choke,clap,clench,clog,confine,congest,cork,dam,exclude,fasten,fill,lock,occlude,plug,prevent passage,put to,retard flow,screen,secure,shut,shut off,shutter,slam,stop up,stopper,stuff,turn off
discourageverb deter, dissuade;restrain
check,chill,control,curb,deprecate,disadvise,discountenance,disfavor,disincline,divert,frighten,hinder,hold back,hold off,impede,indispose,inhibit,interfere,keep back,obstruct,prevent,put off,quiet,repress,scare,shake,talk out of,throw cold water on,turn aside,turn off,warn,withhold
discouragesverb deter, dissuade;restrain
abashes,afflicts,alarms,appalls,awes,beats down,bothers,breaks one's heart,bullies,casts down,chills,confuses,cows,dampens,dashes,daunts,dejects,demoralizes,deprecates,depresses,dismays,disparages,distresses,droops,frightens,intimidates,irks,overawes,prostrates,represses,scares,throws cold water on,tries,troubles,unnerves,vexes,weighs And by all means, turn off your television, e- mail, and blackberry.
尽一切努力关掉你的电视,电子邮件和黑莓手机。 yeeyan

However, a high- performance server application can turn off the send buffering, yet not lose performance.

“ You just turn off the motor, rather than alter the people in a car, ” he explained.
“就好比你想要停车时你只需关掉发动机,而不是换掉车里的人。”他解释说。 yeeyan

A tuning tip for this management infrastructure is to turn off automatic synchronization of the node configurations.
这个管理基础设施的一个调优技巧是关闭节点配置的自动同步功能。 ibm

Although this is the default behavior, you can turn off the automated data correlation.
尽管这是默认的行为,但是您能够关闭自动的数据关联。 ibm

Because of this requirement, you will need to turn off resynchronization of the node on start up.
因为这个需求的原因,您将需要关闭启动时重新同步节点的功能。 ibm

First turn off all the computers that will participate in the LAN.
首先关掉所有将要连到局域网上的计算机。 ibm

For“ chronic” use, I particularly like to turn off pointer and keyboard events, so my viewer is read-only.
出于“长期”使用的目的,我特别喜欢关闭指针和键盘事件,以使我的查看器变为只读的。 ibm

If the humidity is below the set point, turn off external ventilation.
如果湿度低于设置点,那么关闭外部通风。 ibm

If the temperature reading is below the set point, turn off external ventilation.
如果温度读数低于设置点,那么关闭外部通风。 ibm

If you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell hot insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker.
如果你看到冒火花的、断裂的或者磨损的电线,或者闻到绝缘体烧焦的味道,在保险丝盒或者断路器断关闭电路。 yeeyan

Know how to turn off your gas and water mains.
知道如何关闭煤气和水管的总开关。 kekenet

Shall I turn off the radio or are you still listening to it?

So, does this mean you should turn off the shower and go back to old-fashioned baths?
于是,这个是否意味着你必须关掉你的蓬蓬头,回归到老式的浴盆? yeeyan

Some of the passengers can’t hear the instruction to turn off the radio because the music is too loud.
有些乘客听不到要求关掉收音机的指示是因为他们的收音机开得实在是太大声了。 hxen

Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend more time living and exercising your mind and body.
看电视过多会妨碍人际交往,日常生活与其它许多方面.关掉电视机,把更多的时间用于日常生活与身心的锻炼. ebigear

The time to turn off technology?
是时候关掉科技产品? yeeyan

This week's trick is to turn off distracting themes in your applications and websites!
本周的技巧就是在你的程序和网页中关掉那些扰人的主题。 yeeyan

Through this parameter, you can turn off the logging by all the stored procedure at run time.
利用这个参数,可以在运行时关闭所有存储过程的日志。 ibm

To improve performance, turn off all the trace nodes within your flows when they are not needed.
要提高性能,当您工作流中的跟踪节点不再需要时,将它们全都关掉。 ibm

When we shut the interface down, we turn off the ethernet ports, remove them from the bridge, and remove the bridge interface.
当我们关闭接口时,我们关闭了以太网端口,将它们从网桥上除去,然后除去网桥接口。 ibm

When you leave the room, turn off the air conditioning, heat, television, lights or any other electric devices.
当你离开房间的时候,请关闭空调,热水器,电视,电灯等其他的电器设备电源。 yeeyan

Turn off all other real time revenue reporting tools.
建议关闭所有的实时统计报告工具。 yeeyan

Turn off the notification function on your email program.
关掉电子邮件程序的自动通知功能。 yeeyan

Turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate answering only in case of an emergency.
关掉你的手机或者把手机调成振动状态以防有紧急事件发生。 yeeyan

Turn off your email notifications and only check it once an hour, or on some other regular schedule.
关掉你的邮件通知,只是一小时一次查看你的邮件,或者遵照一些其他日常的安排。 yeeyan

If so, you can turn off the alarms.
如果是这样,可以关闭警报。 ibm




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