

单词 turning to
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na.变成;请求;着手工作;同“turn into ”;🌏转向;看看;在这里
In a quest to recover his revolution's ideological purity, Mr Castro, who will be80 in August, is turning to the young.
为了找回他革命意识形态的纯洁性,即将于8月度过他80岁生日的卡斯特罗转向了年轻人。 ecocn

With the outcome of the presidential election looking settled, attention is turning to local and legislative races that will determine the strength of the next government.
总统大选的选举结果看似大局底定,外界的注意力转向将决定下一届政府力量的地方和国会改选。 ecocn

“The borders between documentary, fictional and experimental films are very blurred for me, ” said Huang Weikai,38, who trained as a landscape painter before turning to cinema.
“对于我来说纪录片,故事片和实验电影之间的界限是很模糊的,”38岁的黄伟凯说,他在转向电影之前是一位山水画家。 yeeyan

For everything else they are turning to a range of innovative, legal and— best of all— cheap alternatives.
至于其他的片子,人们正转向一种创新的,合法的,便宜的也是最好的看电影的方式。 ecocn

Having addressed the supply side, it is now turning to stimulating demand for its resources.
资金的供给解决了,基金组织现在转向了刺激对其资金的需求。 ecocn

Investors are turning to the metal again as a safer alternative to other assets amid low interest rates and worries about the dollar’s status as a currency reserve.
在低利率和对美元作为储备货币地位表示担心的氛围中,投资者再次转向金属这一较其它资产更加安全的选择。 ecocn

Metro International’s restructuring is aimed at alleviating a cash squeeze; the company is also turning to shareholders to try to raise more funds.
瑞典地铁报国际公司的重组的目的是为了减轻现金周转的困境。该公司还向股东还求助,筹集更多的资金。 yeeyan

News organizations are increasingly turning to new ways of presenting their content, including through enhanced forms of search.
新闻机构正在迅速转向新的新闻报道手段,包括利用改进的搜索引擎。 cnblogs

Peter was now bereft of allies and once again thought of turning to diplomacy.
彼得现在失去了盟友,又一次开始考虑转向使用外交手段。 yeeyan

Tall and severely thin, with bent shoulders, receding gray hair, and owlish glasses, he looked like a seminarian, which he had studied to be before turning to politics.
瘦高的个子,屈起的肩膀,谢顶的白发,加上猫头鹰式的眼镜,他看去如同一位神学院学生,在转攻政治之前,他确实学的是神学。 xnny.net

The industry’s attention is turning to interest-rate risk.
整个银行业的注意力都转向了利率风险。 ecocn

Then, turning to the model, he thanked her profusely and ushered her backstage.
接着,他转向模特儿,对她一再致谢,把她送到了后台。 edu.sina.com.cn

With the wide range of platforms to support, combined with the sheer power of mobile browsers, developers are turning to HTML5 as a“ write one, run many” solution.
有着对范围广泛的各种平台的支持,结合了移动浏览器威力十足的强大功能,开发者正转向 HTML5这一被称作“一次编写,多处运行”的解决方案。 yeeyan

To establish a more accurate picture of wind speed and direction at prospective sites, some companies are turning to laser and sonar- based measurement instruments to complement MCP.
为了在预期站点建立更准确的风速和风向图,一些公司转向激光或者声纳系统基础的测量仪器完成 MCP。 ecocn




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