

单词 turning
释义 turn·ing 英ˈtɜːnɪŋ美ˈtɝnɪŋAHDtûrʹnĭng ★☆☆☆☆高四六I4八COCA¹⁸⁴⁶BNC¹⁸⁵⁵iWeb⁷⁹¹⁸Economist¹²⁷⁴

the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course;

he took a turn to the right

act of changing in practice or custom;

the law took many turnings over the years

a shaving created when something is produced by turning it on a lathea movement in a new direction;

the turning of the wind

the end-product created by shaping something on a lathethe activity of shaping something on a latheturning point转折点turning circle回转圆It is a long lane that has no turning.路必有弯。turn翻转turning effort旋转作用,回转力…turning moment转矩,动力矩…turning lathe车床,旋床turning block转动块turning gear旋转装置turning tool车刀turning radius转弯半径,转向半径,…turning machine车床turning basin转船 池, 回船 池…turning crane回转式起重机…turning couple扭转力偶page turning页面转换turning force捻转力turning bridge平旋桥,平开桥…without turning an eyelash连眼睫毛都不动一下,…take the wrong turning拐错弯
turn转+ing动名词形式⇒转向,旋转,回转,转弯处。近义词 curl卷曲turn翻转exit出口ramp坡道turn-off支路junction连接revolution革命roundabout绕道的off-ramp驶出坡道minor road次要道路revolutionary革命的

用作名词Unscrew the bonnet byturningcounterclockwise.反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。
They are developing a newturningmechanism for the device.他们正在研制这一设备的新的旋转装置。
Lester hung up his hat and coat, then,turning, he caught his first glimpse.雷斯脱挂好了帽子大衣,回转身来就瞥见了她的第一眼。
In this paper, the rudder effect andturningmaneuver test results of a singly moored Pusher are introduced.本文介绍了一艘装有转柱舵推轮的单船系泊舵效试验及船队回转试验。
The world isturningto renewable energy resources.世界正转向开发可再生能源。
Turning to the left of me, I glimpsed the quays, the harbor.我把头转向左方,一眼望见了港口的码头。 The turning point for me was the realization that we only have one life and this was not a rehearsal.
转折点就是当我意识到我们只有一次生命,而且它不是一次预演。 yeeyan

But again, this does not in itself mark the turning-point.
但得再次说明,工资上涨本身并非转折点的标志。 ecocn

For everything else they are turning to a range of innovative, legal and— best of all— cheap alternatives.
至于其他的片子,人们正转向一种创新的,合法的,便宜的也是最好的看电影的方式。 ecocn

I could see the wheels of wonder turning in their mind.
我能看到惊讶的车轮在他们的头脑中转动。 yeeyan

In hindsight this was a turning point because it introduced a new business model to the industry.
回过头来看这是一个转折点,因为它把一种新的商业模式引入新闻行业。 ecocn

It could be and I believe it will be—the turning point of your life.
这本书可能是,而且我坚信它会是——你生活中的转折点。 yeeyan




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