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词汇 turks
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I leave Istanbul with four questions that Turks asked me echoing in my head.
离开伊斯坦布尔,土耳其人向我请教的四个问题一直萦绕在心头。 yeeyan

In the event, the Israelis persuaded the Turks to cancel a proposed essay and drawing contest for schoolchildren to air their feelings of hatred towards Israel.
结果是,以色列人劝说土耳其人取消一个让学生述说他们对以色列仇恨感情的作文和绘画比赛计划。 ecocn

The Muslims, or Turks, as they are known locally, in many ways mirror their Hindu neighbours.
穆斯林或土耳其人在当地很知名,因此也折射出他们印度邻居的生活。 yeeyan

The Turks have no interest in exacerbating tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors because that could destabilize the Middle East, Turkey’s new diplomatic and economic frontier.
土耳其人对加剧以色列与其阿拉伯邻国之间的紧张态势没有兴趣,因为那可能会造成中东地区的不稳定,中东是土耳其新的外交与经济边境。 yeeyan

Above all, they need to believe that the Turks themselves are prepared to make changes at home to qualify.
最重要的是,他们需要相信土耳其人已做好国内改革的准备来使自己有资格加入。 ecocn

Asia and Arabs. Turkey is turning east, both for investment money from the Gulf and for construction projectsthe Turks are master builders in Asia. As the U.
亚洲和阿拉伯土耳其正在转向东方,既有来自海湾的投资资金,也有在亚洲的建设项目土耳其人是建筑大师。 yeeyan

But it would be far better if that decision were made by Turks, not by Europeans slamming the door in their faces.
但是有土耳其人自己作出这样的决定,比被欧洲人拒之门外,要好的多得多。 ecocn

But precisely because Turkey is an albeit imperfect democracy, the emphasis should be on giving Turks the best possible chance to face up to their own past.
但是正是因为土耳其是一个民主国家尽管不完善,所以重点应该是尽可能给土耳其人机会去勇敢面对他们自己的过去。 ecocn

But we would recommend that Turks vote for the CHP.
但是我们要建议土耳其人把票投给共和人民党。 ecocn

For centuries Turks have passed the time sipping their tea and coffee with a cigarette.
数世纪以来,土耳其人都是抽着香烟、茗着茶、喝着咖啡消磨时光的。 hjenglish

Greeks and Turks on the island had been killing each other for years.
那里的希腊人与土耳其人之间已经相互残杀数十年之久。 ecocn

He says the PKK provoked Turks in2009 when fighters returning from Iraq started delivering“ victory” speeches.
他说,库尔德工人党在2009年煽动土耳其人,当时从伊拉克返回的战士开始发表“胜利”演讲。 ecocn

If it passes, it could be approved by a majority vote of EU governments, clearing the way for the Turks to drop their refusal to open Turkish ports and airports to trade with the Greek- Cypriots.
如果通过,其将被欧盟大多数成员国认可,为使土耳其人放弃在拒绝开放土耳其港口和机场与希赛人通商这一事情上,开辟了道路。 ecocn

In 1683, Viennathe capital of Austria was under siege by over a hundred thousand Ottoman Turks.

In fact, there are many reasons to be cautious about expecting Arabs to follow Turks.
事实上,期待阿拉伯人能追随土耳其人是有很多值得担心的理由的。 ecocn

Mr Erdogan would do better this time if he worked with the opposition to produce a constitution that met the wishes of all Turks, not just pious ones.
埃尔多安最好在这时候同反对党共同起草一个符合所有土耳其人愿望的宪法,而不仅仅是虔诚的伊斯兰教教徒。 ecocn

Neither Arabs nor Turks much like glib talk about the Turkish model, not least because of the Ottoman imperial past.
由于过去土耳其帝国的原因,阿拉伯人和土耳其人都不愿意对土耳其模式夸夸其谈。 ecocn

She fears the shoe- throwing incident will reinforce negative stereotypes about Turks.
她担心扔鞋事件会增加对土耳其人的负面成见。 iciba

Some are of mixed ethnic origin and are descended from Turks, Iranians, Malays, and others, most of whom immigrated as pilgrims and reside in the Hijaz region along the Red Sea coast.
一些是混合的少数民族,包括突厥人,伊朗人,马来人,和其他族群的后裔,大多数人作为朝圣者移居并且在红海沿岸的汉志地区居住。 ebigear

Some Turks think it would be better to let the Kurds go.
一些土耳其人认为库尔德人这样做是好的。 ecocn

Spaniards were fourth, giving their lovers4.9 minutes of pleasure, while Turks trailed in last, clocking up an average4.4 minutes.
西班牙人排名第四,能让他们的伴侣有4.9分钟的快感;土耳其人垫底,平均只有4.4分钟。 yeeyan

There were no people living there, though Turks often sailed to the larger islet for picnics.
虽然土耳其人经常坐船到较大的那个岛上野炊,但是并没有人住在这两个小岛上。 yeeyan

This struggle is for Turks, and they are on it.
这是土耳其人民的战争,他们正在经历这场战争。 yeeyan

Though Turks still respect their army, most do not feel it should intervene in politics.
尽管土耳其人仍然敬重军方,但大多数认为军队不应干政。 ecocn

To address mechanical turks, as well as the most sophisticated spam robots, you need to harness the power of the large community of people who hate spam as much as you do.
要解决机械土耳其人的问题和对付复杂的垃圾信息机器人程序,需要借助由与您一样憎恨垃圾信息的人所组成的社区的力量。 ibm

Worse, the lack of progress in the talks has led many Turks to give up on the EU dream altogether.
更糟的是,谈判缺乏进展已经使许多土耳其人完全放弃了成为欧盟成员的梦想。 ecocn

Yet his outburst—and the rancour against America and Europe that many Turks now express— seem not to have done him any harm with the administration of Barack Obama.
然而埃尔多安的发怒连同许多土耳其人目前表现出的对欧美的敌意,似乎并没有对他与巴拉克•奥巴马政府之间的关系造成任何伤害。 ecocn

Yet even if the journey is the most important thing, it is harder to persuade the Turks to undertake it if they believe they will never reach their destination.
不过即便旅程最为重要,但若是土耳其人相信他们永远都到不了终点的话,说服他们踏上旅程就会更加困难。 ecocn

Turks remind me in some ways of Americans in that they are extremely welcoming but also fiercely nationalistic.
在某些方面,土耳其人让我想起美国人,他们非常好客,但是也有强烈的民族感情。 yeeyan




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