

单词 Turkmenian
释义 Turkmenian tə:kˈmi:niən COCA²¹⁴⁷⁵³
A Turkmenian team will take part in the Nissan World Equestrian Games at Punchestown, Ireland.
土库曼斯坦将一个团队的一部分,日产爱尔兰世界马术运动会在 Punchestown。 scdjlm

Niyazov noted that since time immemorial, the Turkmenian people have held profound respects for China that has always been striving for continuous self-renewal and development.
尼亚佐夫说,土库曼斯坦人民自古以来就对自强不息、不断发展的中国怀有深深的敬意。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Our fiery steeds, renowned for their beauty and speed, reared for centuries with love and acumen by our forefathers, are one of the best creations of the Turkmenian people.
我们的火热的骏马,因为其美丽和速度闻名,用爱心和我们的祖先几百年饲养敏锐,是土库曼斯坦人民的最好的作品之一。 www.horse.org.cn

Since times out of mind the Turkmenian and their horses have been inseparable.
由于超时不可分割的心态和他们的马匹的土库曼斯坦已。 scdjlm

The NPC of China and the Turkmenian National Assembly have played an important role in political life of their respective countries.
中国全国人大和土国民议会在各自国家的政治生活中都发挥着重要作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

When adorned with national Turkmenian silver decorations, gray horses look stunning.
当装饰品装饰与国家土库曼斯坦银,灰马,令人炫目。 scdjlm

Turkmenian herdsmen keep watch on the breed.
土库曼斯坦牧民继续照顾着这个品种。 tingclass

Turkmenian like to be aware of the ancestry of both people and horses.
土库曼斯坦喜欢被马匹了解和对人的祖先。 scdjlm




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