

单词 Turki
释义 Tur·ki 英ˈtɜːkiː美ˈtɝkiAHDtûrʹkē Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic languagea subfamily of Altaic languagesTurki,⇒adj.突厥语的²⁵;突厥人的n.突厥语²⁵;突厥人²⁵;突厥语的²⁵;突厥人²⁵;突厥语²⁵;突厥人的²⁵近义词 Turkic土耳其语Turko-Tatar突厥语
Batarfi’s recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden’s who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
巴塔菲的回忆已被贾马尔·哈肖吉 Jamal Khashoggi证实,拉登以前认识他,现在是沙特阿拉伯驻美大使图尔基·萨尔亲王的顾问。 yeeyan

Speaking earlier at a conference in London, Prince Turki al- Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the US, said the plot was criminal.
沙特王子 Turki al- Faisal曾是沙特驻美国大使,他早些时候在伦敦的一次会议上表示,这个阴谋是犯罪行为。 chinavoa

At length, they two leaded the procession and beated the Turki.
最后,他们两个带领军队打败了突厥。 blog.sina.com.cn

Besides, it showed that Turki had closest relationship with modern out Mongolia contrasted with the reported populations. And the5 mutation sites of Turki were all hot mutation sites of Mongolian.
此外,与其他已报道人群数据进行比较表明,吐尔基山辽墓主人与现代外蒙古人群遗传距离最近,其5个突变位点均为蒙古人的突变热点。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn

Militant leader Hassan Turki said Sunday that hijackers are helping to defend Somali waters from exploitation by foreigners from what he called“ Christian countries.”
激进分子领导人图尔基星期天说,绑架者在帮助保卫索马里水域,免遭他们所说的来自“基督教国家”外国人的开发。 www.51voa.com

Mr Turki, the jihadist leader who lives mostly in the bush near the Kenyan border, sleeps in different houses when he is in a town.
圣战领导人 Turki先生基本上生活在靠近肯尼亚边境的灌木丛地带,当他住在一个小镇上时,他经常会睡不同的房间。 ecocn

One strong warning of the level of anger in the region comes from Prince Turki al- Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
中东地区愤怒情绪的一个强烈警告信号来自沙特阿拉伯的费萨尔亲王 Prince Turki al- Faisal。 yeeyan

Perhaps more likely, it may have been Hassan Turki, a Somali jihadist commander on America's terrorist list.
也或许更有可能这个人是 Hassan Turki,一个在美国恐怖主义分子名单上的从事圣战的索马里人。 ecocn

Prince Turki has been the Saudi ambassador in both London and Washington.
费萨尔亲王曾任沙特阿拉伯驻伦敦和华盛顿的大使。 yeeyan




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