

单词 be on time
释义 be on time短语¹⁹⁷²³
I promise I'll be on time.

I'm the kind of person who likes to be on time for things. In fact, I like to be early.
我这种人,事事喜欢准时;其实,是喜欢赶在前头。 yeeyan

If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tires, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be on time.
要是路上没有发生如爆胎、改道、突然起雾等意外事故,他们决不会迟到。 ebigear

In the north, punctuality is viewed as a virtue and your business associates will most likely be on time.
在意大利北部,开会守时是一个美德,你的生意伙伴也会很守时。 blog.sina.com.cn

It's crucial to be on time but not too early; often employers get annoyed if you are lingering there too soon, so wait in your car if you have to.
守时是必须遵守的,但是不要去的太早。你在面试地点停留的时间不要太长,否则会引起招聘方的反感,若来的过早,最好在车中等待。 yeeyan

Thursday, coffee at2. Be on time.
星期三2点,来喝咖啡,准时。 blog.sina.com.cn

Write thorough, thoughtful, candid reviews and be on time with the process.
撰写详尽、周到且坦诚的复审报告,并按时完成。 fortunechina




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