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Turk. 基本英英词源搭配派生词例句例句 n.土耳其人,突厥人,穆斯林
Noun: a native or inhabitant of Turkey源自突厥语,是突厥人对本民族的自称,经由波斯语、希腊语、拉丁语和法语进入英语。由于历史变迁,民族通婚和同化现象,所谓的“突厥人”其实是一个非常模糊的概念,大体上可以等同于使用阿尔泰语系突厥语族的所有民族,包括土库曼人、哈萨克人、乌兹别克人、阿塞拜疆人,土耳其人等等。土耳其人自诩为根正苗红的“突厥人”,所以立国名为Turkey突厥人的国家,所以Turk也可以特指土耳其人。不过可笑的是,经DNA检验发现,大部分土耳其人的血统其实与他们的死敌希腊人更为接近。Young Turk青年土尔其党党员…Turk's-cap lily头巾百合Turk satin土耳其缎Byerly Turk比埃里种公马…Turk.土耳其人,突厥人,穆…turn turk成为伊斯兰教徒完全… Turkicn.突厥语; Turkin.突厥语族的; Turkomann.土库曼人土库曼语; Turkmenn.土库曼人土库曼语a.土库曼的; Turkishn.土耳其语a.土耳其的土耳其人的土耳其语的
名词100% 用作名词ThatTurkshows one hair on his ass, he's dead.那土耳其人敢露出一根汗毛就挂了。 He was aTurkliving in Palestine.他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的土耳其人。 The round table and chairs are all vintage and the seats are recovered in Trina Turk Arches print. 圆桌和椅子都是经典款式,坐垫重新包了 Trina Turk Arches印花布料。 yeeyan The search itself is being co-ordinated by a corner of the Amazon empire called Mechanical Turk. 搜救本身也被亚马逊集团的一个名叫“机械土耳其”分支机构列人其任务中。 ecocn “No Turk speaks Armenian, ” said Mother. “土耳其人不说亚美尼亚语。”母亲说。 yeeyan “The Tests of a Leader”, it blares, under a photo of some shirt-sleeved young Turk doing push- ups on a boardroom table. 照片上是一群穿着衬衫在会议桌上积极地做俯卧撑的年轻人,下面可笑的写着,“领导者的测试”。 yeeyan As they enter a dark room, Turk’s green string bracelet is visible. 当他们走进一个暗室时, Turk的绿色手绳清晰显现。 yeeyan Contemporary examples of these two different kinds of governments are the Turk and the King of France. 这两种不同类型政府的当代范例就是土耳其和法兰西王国。 yeeyan For example, some spammers hire people to circumvent all the controls discussed in this article( sometimes called a“ mechanical turk” attack. 例如,一些垃圾信息散布者会雇一些人来专门破解本文中所讨论的这些技巧有时又称其为“机械土耳其人”攻击。 ibm His research aims to show how many Young Turk cadres involved in the massacres continued to thrive after the republic was founded in1923. 他的研究目是,弄清在所有参与大屠杀的土耳其青年党军事骨干中,有多少人在1923年土耳其建国后还能继续安身政坛,事业有成。 ecocn If Gul and Sargsyan succeed, that might point the way to resolving other so-called“ intractable” disputes in the Caucasus, and perhaps even the Turk- Greek problem over a divided Cyprus. 如果古尔与萨尔基扬的努力取得成功,将可能为解决高加索地区所谓“难以处理”的争端指明一条道路,甚至有可能化解土耳其与希腊在塞浦路斯问题上的矛盾。 yeeyan In a bold gesture he included the DTP's co- chairman, Ahmet Turk, among the opposition leaders whom he met. 奥巴马还大胆地邀请民主社会党的共同主席阿迈特•图克作为反对党领导人之一参加会见活动。 ecocn Jihad Turk is director of religious affairs for the Islamic Center of Southern California. Jihad Turk是南加州伊斯兰中心宗教事务负责人。 ebigear Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands. 库尔德人和土耳其人,巴格达的什叶派和沙特阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已经在此消除了困扰他们国家的教派纷争。 yeeyan Little wonder that the Polish government under Donald Turk has said Poland should swap the zloty for the euro in the next few years. 所以人们对于波兰政府的领导人图斯克要在未来几年内放弃兹罗提译者注:波兰的货币单位,加入欧元的想法毫不奇怪。 yeeyan Mechanical Turk's director, Peter Cohen, says that now the search protocol has been established, conducting such “distributed” searches is much easier. 机械土耳其的负责人彼得•科恩说目前搜寻协议已经建立。 这能使划区搜寻的难度降低。 ecocn Mr Turk has long sought an audience with Mr Erdogan, but never had one because he refuses to label the PKK as“ terrorist”. 图克长期以来一直寻求机会拜会埃尔多安,但由于他拒绝将库尔德工人党界定为“恐怖分子”而始终未能如愿。 ecocn One group, now calling themselves the Circlemakers, includes situationist artists Rod Dickinson and John Lundberg, the sculptor Gavin Turk, Rob Irving and others. 这类人的当中,有一部分自称为“怪圈制造者”,包括情景艺术家罗德·狄金森,约翰·伦德伯格;雕刻家加文特克,罗布·欧文等其它。 yeeyan Riad Turk, a Sunni businessman who spent25 years in jail, is a widely respected supporter. 还有曾坐牢廿五年的逊尼派商人 Riad Turk更是广受尊重的支持者。 ecocn The person inside would then use various levers to make the Turk move, pick up chess pieces and even shake his head disapprovingly at opponents trying to cheat. 里面的人然后操纵各种杠杆让机器人动起来,机器人可以拿起棋子甚至对着棋手不满地摇头来作弊。 yeeyan The Turk defeated the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte. 这个机器人打败过像本杰明·富兰克林和拿破仑·波拿巴。 yeeyan There was the great Turk with his big horns, who was always wanting to butt the others, so that most of them ran away when they saw him coming and would have nothing to do with their rough companion. 有一只叫“淘气鬼”的山羊,长着大大的犄角,总是试图顶其它的羊,所以它们中的大部分羊看见它过来就跑开了,而尽量不去招惹它。 yeeyan Two DTP parliamentarians, including its co- chairman Ahmet Turk, were stripped of their seats and37 party officials were banned. 两名 DTP党的国会议员,包括该党的副主席 Ahmet Turk,一并被革除议席,37名党干部也遭封杀。 ecocn |