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词汇 tuples
释义 tuples 英t'juːplz美t'juːplz BNC⁴⁰⁷²²
元组¹⁰⁰原型tuple的复数 A tuple space provides a repository of tuples that can be accessed concurrently.
元组空间提供了一个元组的容器,可以实现并行访问。 infoq

And the nice thing is that there's a shared behavior there. Just as I can have tuples as an ordered collection of things, strings behave as an ordered collection of things.

It is also possible to create tuples which contain mutable objects, such as lists.
也可以通过包含可变对象来创建元组,例如链表。 cppblog

The DBMS uses the index to determine which tuples satisfy the query and only fetches tuples that contribute to the query result.
DBMS使用索引判断哪些元组 tuple满足查询,并且仅将这些元组 tuple作为查询结果返回。 ibm

There are also quite a few functions you can run on tuples.
您还可以对 tuple运行一些函数请参见清单 9。 ibm

This output is emitted as a file of tuples, representing the word and the number of times it appeared in the input.
输出是一个包含元组的文件,元组表示单词和它在输入中出现的次数。 ibm

Be careful with some of these features, however, particularly tuples: it could be easy to get caught up in using them and forget traditional, basic object modeling in favor of using tuples directly.
然而,需要特别注意其中一些特性,特别是元组:学会使用元组很容易,并且会因为为了直接使用元组而忘记传统的基本对象建模。 ibm

By default, we will only cache tuples potentially smaller than150,000.
默认情况下,我们将仅可能缓存少于150,000 的元组。 ibm

Comparing tuples of unequal lengths results in a compile- time error.
比较不同长度的元组会产生编译时错误。 ibm

Conceptually, rows of relational data tuples flow through the operation nodes in the query plan from bottom to top.
从概念上来说,关系数据行元组按照自下向上的方式流过查询计划中的操作节点。 ibm

Erlang supports basic data types such as integers, floats and more complex structures, like tuples and lists.
Erlang支持基本数据类型比如整数和浮点数和更复杂的结构比如元组和列表。 ibm

If the number of tuples, calculated by using the Cartesian product, exceeds the set threshold; the NON EMPTY clause is applied to the query.
如果通过使用 Cartesian产品计算的元组数超过设定的阈值,将 NON EMPTY子句应用于查询。 ibm

In contrast to lists, tuples, and dictionaries, which may contain heterogeneous elements, Numarray arrays contain only elements of a homogeneous data type.
与可以包含不同类型元素的列表、元组和词典不同的是, Numarray数组只能包含同一类型的数据。 ibm

Lists are like tuples, except that they're mutable.
列表与 tuple类似,只不过它们是可变的。 ibm

Lists and tuples are similar, but whereas a tuple can only be used in a comparison, lists allow a wider variety of manipulation operations to be performed.
列表与元组相似,但是元组只能在比较中使用,而列表允许执行的操作更多。 ibm

Of course, few Python programmers want to work with increasingly complex forests of data structures like the lists, tuples, and dictionaries above.
当然,很少有 Python程序员希望使用上面的诸如列表、元组和字典等日益复杂的数据结构。 ibm

Pattern matching in Erlang also handles the execution flow of individual statements, and extracts the individual vales from compound data types tuples, arrays.
Erlang中的模式匹配还会处理各个语句的执行流,以及从复合数据类型元组、数组中提取出值。 ibm

Performance benefits are realized when an index reduces the number of rows or tuples examined by the DBMS during query execution.
索引可以减少 DBMS在执行查询时检查的行或元组数量,从而获得性能增益。 ibm

Sometimes a query can be satisfied by examining the index only, without fetching any tuples from the table.
有时,仅通过搜索索引即可完成查询,而不需要从表中取回任何元组tuple。 ibm

The child list is more subtle: Strings can be interleaved with tuples in the list, indicating a mixed content element.
子列表更为精巧:在列表中字符串可以与元组交错,表示混合的内容元素。 ibm

The resulting list of RIDs contains exactly those tuples that will join, which makes the join efficient.
由此产生的 RID列表正好包含那些将要连接的元组,这就使得连接更加有效。 ibm

The ideal value for this setting will vary on a per environment basis, however a good starting point would be10000 tuples.
该设置的理想值会随环境而变化,不过一个好的起点是10000 个元组。 ibm

The operators work by comparing each individual element of the two participating tuples from left to right see Listing6.
这些运算符的工作原理是从左到右地比较两个参与元组的每个单独的元素请参见清单6。 ibm

The three most prominent data structures in Haskell are tuples, lists, and user- defined types.
Haskell中最突出的三种数据结构是: tuple、列表 list和用户定义的类型。 ibm

This does not mean that all tuples up to 150,000,000 will be stored in the cache as other heuristics are also considered by the engine.
这并不意味着所有达到 150,000,000 的元组都将存储在缓存,因为其他探试程序也是该引擎所考虑的。 ibm

We've looked so far really at two non-scalar types. And those were tuples written with parentheses, and strings.

Tuples are a composite data type and are used to store collections of items.
元组是复合的数据类型,用于存储数据项的集合。 ibm

Tuples are not a game-changing feature, just another one of those“niceties” that makes Scala a powerful language to use.
元组并不是一个非常具有变革性的特性,它只不过是又一个使 Scala成为强大语言的优秀特性。 ibm




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