

单词 tunica
释义 tu·ni·ca 英ˈtuːnɪkə, ˈtjuː-美ˈtunɪkə, ˈtju-AHDt›“nĭ-kə, ty›“- 高COCA⁶²⁸⁷⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁴¹⁰³²
an enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissueacute suppurative hydrocele of tunica vaginalis急性化脓性鞘膜积液…tunica externa外膜tunica media中模tunica fibrosa纤维膜tunica interna内膜, 内层tunica propria固有膜tunica fibrosa oculi医 眼球外膜…cavity of tunica vaginalis鞘膜腔chronic infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis慢性感染性鞘膜积液…acute infection of tunica vaginalis急性鞘膜感染…
tun-ic…的a-不|无⇒n.解膜;被膜近义词 tunic束腰外衣adventitia解外膜

用作名词Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration oftunicaadventitia.血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。
Tunica vaginalis subvolution was constantly used for treatment of filarial hydrocele in the past.以往采用传统的鞘膜翻转手术治疗丝虫性鞘膜积液。 Both artery and vein in submucosa were enclosed by adrenergic nerves that formed plexus between tunica adventitia tunica medium of the vessels.
肾上腺素能神经在粘膜下层和肌层常攀附小动脉壁,在动脉中、外膜之间形成丛。 cnki

Clear fluid accumulates in a sac of tunica vaginalis lined by a serosa with a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic conditions.
因各种各样的炎性和肿瘤的原因,透亮液体在由浆膜围绕形成的睾丸鞘膜囊中聚集。 binglixue

In intravaginal testicular torsion group, tunica vaginalis was more strongly enhanced than scrotal sac and muscles.
鞘膜外扭转组阴囊皮肤肌肉层显示较弱环状增强,而鞘膜层未见增强。 xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn

Injury involved unilateral corporeal rupture in4 cases, left corporeal rupture and tunica of urethral rupture in1 case, and bilateral corporeal rupture and urethral injury in1 case.
单侧阴茎海绵体破裂4例,左侧阴茎海绵体破裂伴尿道海绵体被膜撕裂1例,双侧阴茎海绵体破裂伴尿道断裂1例。 cnki

The tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa, specialized spongy tissue in the core of the penis that fills up with blood during an erection.
白膜包围着阴茎海绵体,以及位于阴茎核心的特殊海绵组织。这些海绵组织在勃起过程中会充满血液。 yeeyan

The microstructure component in tunica media of umbilical cord vein were measured by the computer image analysis system.
光镜观察后,用计算机图像分析系统测量其中膜显微结构成分的相对含量。 dictall

The pathological changes of tunica media were reversible, without vasomotion and play a stent role only.
中膜层病理学改变是可逆性的,但已失去血管舒缩功能,仅具生物支架作用。 cnki

Conclusions Decreased elastic fibers in the tunica albuginea can result from diabetes mellitus.
结论糖尿病可以导致白膜弹性纤维减少; cnki

Elastic fibers in the tunica albuginea play an important role in the course of erection, and erectile dysfunction may result from decreased elastic fiber content.
白膜中的弹性纤维在勃起过程中起重要作用; 白膜中弹性纤维的减少将导致勃起功能障碍。 cnki

If the penis bends but the tunica albuginea doesn't tear, could this lead to injury as well?
如果阴茎弯曲但白膜没有撕裂,也会导致损伤吗? yeeyan

In extravaginal testicular torsion group, scrotal sac and muscles were slightly enhanced, while tunica vaginalis was not enhanced.
结论睾丸扭转超声造影环状增强主要来源于睾丸鞘膜层,少量来源于阴囊皮肤肌肉层; xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn

In cecum, mast cells mainly lied in lamina propria and submucosa turn to folds, there were small quantity distribution in tunica muscularis.
盲肠中肥大细胞主要分布在固有层和粘膜下层突向肠腔形成的皱襞中轴,肌层也有少量分布。 cnki

Method Tunica conjunctiva was examined by microscopy and blood pressure was measured at the exposed femoral arteries in inadequately decompressed animals after hyperbaric exposure.
方法对暴露在高气压环境不充分减压的动物分别进行显微球结膜,麻醉、手术暴露股动脉测血压和病理学检查。 chemyq

Methods:The immune complexes deposited in tunica media vasorum of9 patients with TAO were observed by transmission electron microscope.
方法:利用透射电镜观察9例 TAO患者血管中膜免疫复合物沉积与分布。 cnki

Objective To improve the level of understanding in leiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis.
目的:提高对附睾及睾丸鞘膜血管平滑肌瘤的认知水平。 cnki

Objective To investigate the application of tunica vaginalis flap in repairing the deformity of urethra and urethral fistulas.
目的探讨睾丸鞘膜瓣覆盖技术在尿道畸形和尿道瘘修复中的效果。 cnki

Objective:To establish a method for dissecting the tunica media of elastic artery and to analyze the dissecting force between any neighboring 2 layers in the media.
目的:初步建立主动脉中膜分层方法,并对其层间分离力进行分析。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the surgical indications, operational methods and clinical applications of modified hysterectomy within the tunica vaginalis by using celioscope.
目的:探讨改良式腹腔镜鞘膜内子宫切除术手术指征、手术操作及临床应用价值。 cnki

Purpose: To compare and analyze the outcome of using tunica vaginalisTV for correction of chordee with2 other traditional approaches: dorsal plication and V- Y flap incision of albuginea.
目的:对比分析保留尿道板睾丸鞘膜代白膜阴茎伸直术与既往所采用的阴茎背侧白膜紧缩术和阴茎白膜 V- Y皮瓣等阴茎伸直术式治疗重度阴茎下弯的手术效果。 dictall

The data demonstrated that the tunica albuginea has a strong restrictive ability to emissary veins.

The house was built in1796 supposedly on Tunica Indian burial grounds and the ghost of a naked Indian girl is an apparition seen by guests today.
这栋宅子是1976年为了充当蒂尼卡印第安人墓地而建的,一个印第安裸体女孩的鬼魂就是住客们现在看到的幽灵。 yeeyan

The internal surfaces of prosthesis were smooth and glossy with white tunica mucosa covered.
管腔内表面光滑,表面有一层白色的黏膜覆盖。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn

The promeristem in the shoot apex consists of tunica, corpus and leaf primordium.
苗端的原分生组织由原套、原体和叶原基组成。 cnki

When the tunica albuginea tears, the blood that is normally confined to this space leaks out into other tissues.
当白膜撕裂时,原来填充在这些区域的血就泄露到其他组织里。 yeeyan




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