

单词 tunes
释义 tune·s 英tjuːn美tuːn COCA¹²³¹⁹BNC¹³⁰³⁹Economist¹⁵²⁰²


vt. & vi. 调音

adjust to the proper pitch; put in tune

vt. 调整

put in smooth working order

a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;

she was humming an air from Beethoven

the property of producing accurately a note of a given pitch;

he cannot sing in tune

the clarinet was out of tune

the adjustment of a radio receiver or other circuit to a required frequency
adjust for better functioning;

tune the engine

adjust the pitches of musical instruments;

My piano needs to be tuned

tune, aria, lied, melody, song

melody通常指美妙的歌曲; song则泛指歌曲,是通俗用法; tune作为曲调比melody更简单、直接; aria主要指“独唱”; lied指十八世纪的浪漫曲。







用作名词 n.
动词+~hum a tune哼一首曲子sing another tune改变态度介词+~in tune音调准确,一致,协调,和睦,合调地the notes of a tune曲调to a tune随着曲子~+介词tune of…的曲调tune to a song歌的曲调用作动词 v.~+副词tune accurately准确地调整tune automatically自动协调tune perfectly很协调tune skillfully熟练地调整tune in收听tune out调掉收音机的干扰等,对…不予注意tune up乐队调整定音开始奏乐~+介词tune in on the radio调准收音机tune in to Radio Beijing收听北京电台广播
用作名词n.sing another tune〔change one's tune〕

改变某人的态度change one's attitude

to the tune of

达…之多to the sum or amount of sth

tune in v.+adv.

收听某电台广播 adjust a radio or TV set to pick up a station

tune inTune in to London tomorrow night at seven.明天晚7点收听伦敦电台广播。
We always tune in at ten o'clock to hear the news.我们总是在10点钟收听新闻。
tune into v.+prep.

和…谐调 be suitable with sth

tune sb into sthShe is not very well tuned into her surroundings.她不太适应周围的环境。
tune out v.+adv.

不理; 对…无反应 show no interest; allow one's attention to wander

tune outWhen things get a bit too much, she simply tunes out temporarily.碰到事情太棘手时,她干脆暂时撒手不管。tune sth ⇔ outThe children tuned out their mother's commands.孩子们不听妈妈的吩咐。
tune to v.+prep.

使适合 (cause to be suitable for sth)

tune up v.+adv.

调弦,定音; 调试 play a few notes to see if an instrument is in tune; make (an engine be in good condition so as to turn smoothly and fast)

tune sth ⇔ upShe tuned up her piano.她调好她的钢琴。
They are tuning up a plane on the flight line.他们正在机场的飞机跑道调试一架飞机。
The instruments should be tuned up before each performance.每个节目开始前都应将乐器调好。近义词 song
反义词 untune弄乱调子; 使走调…
用作名词n.The band struck up a tune.乐队开始奏乐曲。
He sang a merry tune.他唱了一个快乐的调子。
He is in tune with his company.他和他的同伴相处融洽。
The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.钢琴和小提琴好像不合调。用作动词v.≪用作及物动词
S+~+ n./pron.A man is tuning the piano.有人在为钢琴调音。
The orchestra tuned their instruments.乐队调好了他们的乐器。
The machine has just been tuned.机器刚刚调整过。



tune后接副词in表示“收听”; 后接副词out表示“调掉收音机的干扰等,对…不予注意”; 后接副词up表示“调弦,定音; 调试”; 后接介词to表示“调到…”。

用作名词He played atuneon the violin.他用小提琴演奏了一首曲子。
She was humming atuneto herself.她自个儿哼著小调。
The violin is not quite intunewith the piano.这小提琴跟钢琴的调子不太和谐。
His ideas are intunewith the times.他的思想适合时代的潮流。
He was fined for speeding to thetuneof 200.他因超速行车被罚款达 200 英镑。用作及物动词The orchestratunedtheir instruments.乐队在给乐器调音。
The machine has just beentuned.机器刚刚调整过。用作不及物动词Pleasetuneup your instruments before class.请在上课前调好乐器的音调。
We alwaystunein at ten o'clock to hear the news.我们总是在10点钟收听新闻。 Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords.
不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。 kekenet

The amorous cast members circle each other playfully amid the sun, sea, and sand, belting out Abba tunes and confessing their love for each other in the most exuberant terms.
多情的演职人员们在阳光、大海和沙滩上开玩笑一般相互周旋,热情的奏出一首神圣的曲调。在电影的高潮部分,他们都承认了对彼此的爱。 yeeyan

The harmonious melody of interesting musical instruments is nothing strange to our ears, but enjoying the tunes of vegetables certainly is.
乐器发出的悠扬旋律对我们的耳朵来说不是什么新鲜事,但由蔬菜发出的曲子倒是头一回听说。 yeeyan

And so she will present performances of rural music, ranging from ancient court and ritual melodies to folk tunes.
所以这一次她将从古代的宫廷音乐、仪式庆乐到民歌曲调,为我们呈现一系列富于田园风光的音乐。 yeeyan

And some of their tunes turn into worldwide hits, with whales all over the Pacific Ocean picking them up.
并且它们的一些曲子能到达世界的各个角落,和整个太平洋里的其它鲸取得联系。 yeeyan

At first he attempted to cram ever more into the Western harmony of jazz tunes: an ever-denser architecture of chord changes.
首先他试图融人更多的西方和谐爵士曲调:越来越密集的和音变化的体系结构。 ecocn

At home, I sing to the tunes on the radio.
在家的时候,我和着电台的曲子唱歌。 hjenglish

But the customer took four hours to locate, extract, interpolate, and manipulate that data into a form they could hand off to a different task team who actually tunes the server.
但是客户花费四个小时放置、解包、插值,并操作该数据,放入一个表格,交给实际调整服务器的不同任务的团队。 ibm

Goodman used a similar lineup and balance of reeds, brass and rhythm, but he concentrated on punchy tunes, ecstatic swing and flawless precision.
古德曼采用了类似的表演阵容,簧管、铜管和节奏组比重不变,但他更注重曲调的起伏,兴致正浓时的摇摆与无缝衔接。 yeeyan

He spent his time roughhousing with his boxer pup, tinkering with his truck, and noodling on his guitar he'd learned to drive again and to pick out tunes.
他和他的小拳师狗打闹嬉戏,改装他的车,漫不经心地弹吉他他再次学会开车,全凭记忆演奏曲调。 yeeyan

Henceforth, each date in the studio would involve dedicated work on a couple of tunes, after which the band would disappear to learn the next few songs.
自此以后,在录音室里的每一天都将对许多曲子进行精心的加工,随后乐队成员都将消失去学习另外一些歌曲。 yeeyan

However, they also give us access to our favorite tunes, and we all know music is a great mood booster.
然而,它们也让我们可以分享最喜欢的曲子,并且我们也都知道音乐是最伟大的情绪增进剂。 yeeyan

I then pull up the Amazon Music Store and download some romantic tunes for tonight.
然后我打开亚马逊音乐商店并为今晚下载一些浪漫的乐曲。 yeeyan

I believe it fine- tunes goodness, solidifies strength, ripens resolve, eradicates rage, alleviates stress and elevates empathy.
我相信爱情的精细曲调,它的善,坚强的力量,成熟的决心,平和,减压还有增进彼此的共鸣。 yeeyan

I longed to hear the real tunes, to learn them, and sing them to Akshay Babu.
我渴望听到它们真正的歌调,学会它们,并且唱给阿克什先生听。 yeeyan

In a village recreation room, musicians practise the ear-splitting tunes which their ancestors played for Boxer braves heading into battle with the foreign “ hairy ones”.
村民的娱乐室中,乐师的弹奏嚣声震天,这曲子,曾被他们祖辈用来为冲锋陷阵杀“长毛”的义和团成员鼓舞士气。 yeeyan

In Changchun city of Northeast China, passionate tunes can be heard almost everywhere.
在中国东北的长春市,几乎到处都可以听到激昂的曲调。 hxen

Kentaro Abe and Dai Watanabe of Kyoto University performed a series of experiments to determine whether Bengalese finches expect the notes of their tunes to follow a certain order.
京都大学的安倍太郎和渡边大完成了一系列的实验以确定是否白腰文雀一种小的雀类曲调的音符有某种规则。 yeeyan

Light exercise helps everyone sleep better, and outdoor walks, reminiscing with old friends and singing or dancing to familiar tunes engage the body and mind.
轻松运动帮助大家有更好的睡眠,户外散步,老朋友回忆往事,唱歌,伴随熟悉的曲调跳舞,有益于身体和心灵。 yeeyan

Many of us have lots of old songs stored in our heads, but why not expand your memory by learning a few new tunes?
我们很多人头脑中都储存有许多老歌,但为什么不通过学习一些新的调子来扩充我们的记忆? ebigear

Or you could threaten to replace all their tunes with white noise.
或者你可以用白噪音来取代他们的音乐来威胁他们。 yeeyan

Put on those holiday tunes, use your Santa pen, if you have one, and let the holiday cheer flow.
换上假日的语调,用你的圣诞笔,如果你有一只的话,并且让假期的欢呼声流淌在你的周围。 yeeyan

Rent out the patio area at a local restaurant or country club, bring some tunes, and jazz- up the setting with a few decorations.
在一个当地的饭店或者乡村俱乐部,租个露台,带上几首曲子,并用一些饰品使整个环境活泼起来。 yeeyan

Rule150 generates some interesting tunes when you use sound to represent a CA, so I'll use it as an example throughout this article.
用音乐表示 CA时,150规则会生成一些有意思的曲调,因此在本文中我将用它作为例子。 ibm

So it takes time for stuff to come out but I still like it. It's got some nice tunes on it.
所以这张专辑的发行还真是花费了点时间,不过我仍然喜欢它,里面有好几处好听的曲调。 yeeyan

Though his tunes continued to be popular, Brubeck stopped writing music for many years.
虽然布鲁贝克的曲子仍然广为流传,但他却很多年都不再创作音乐。 yeeyan

When you listen to tunes that move you, the study found, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical involved in both motivation and addiction.
研究表明,如果听到的曲调触动了你,大脑就会分泌多巴胺,一种与冲动、上瘾相关的化学物质。 sinaurl.cn




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