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词汇 Tunbridge Wells
释义 Tunbridge Wells dɪsˌɡʌstɪdˌtʌnbrɪdʒˈwelz
Located inTunbridge Wells, Kent, England, United Kingdom.网站简介:Offers site design; graphics and Flash.
Book online the cheapest hotels in RoyalTunbridge Wells- low prices and high discounts.网上预定在 RoyalTunbridge Wells最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
The empty yacht belonging to the Chandlers, who are fromTunbridge Wells, Kent, was found during counter-piracy operations.空游艇是来自卡塔州滕布里奇韦尔斯的钱德夫妇的,它在反海盗活动中被发现。
For more information, complete and post the coupon to: PPP International Insurance Division, PPP House,Tunbridge Wells, Kent TNI 1BJ, England. Or fax to 892 515167.欲知详情,请填好下表,无须邮资,直接寄回到英格兰肯特郡唐希里吉威尔士大街ppp大楼ppp国际保险部或传真到892515167。
You don't see many tarantulas inTunbridge Wells- or hissing Madagascan cockroaches, for that matter.And Tanzanian millipedes are pretty thin on the ground, too.在英国的TunbridgeWells,你不会常常看到毛毛的大蜘蛛,会发出嘶嘶的叫声的马达加斯加大蟑螂,或是坦尚尼亚的蜈蚣。
Back in March, when commodity prices were at a low, Rob Pemberton, of financial advisers HFM Columbus inTunbridge Wells, told investors to pile back in.但不可否认这是个具有风险的策略。




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