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词汇 tumult
释义 tu·mult 英ˈtuːˌmʌlt, ˈtjuː-美ˈtuˌmʌlt, ˈtju-AHDt›“mŭlt', ty›“- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA²⁹²⁶⁸BNC²⁹⁸⁹⁰iWeb²⁴⁶⁰⁰Economist¹³³²⁹

a state of commotion and noise and confusionviolent agitationthe act of making a noisy disturbance来自拉丁语 tumultus,混乱,骚乱,来自 tumere,肿胀,肿大,词源同 tumid,tumescence.钱博士tum肿胀,膨胀+ul名词后缀+t抽象名词后缀,表状态→情绪膨胀→群情激愤⇒骚动,骚乱,吵闹,喧哗
GRE红宝书tumu土木, lt: 大兴土木-吵闹
tumult 音:土木的,大兴土木的,工地上很多工人机器在喧嚣;音:唾骂的,唾沫的,人们唾沫横飞的骂;发音也象是个国骂,都是骂,表示场面乱,情绪激动
tum肿胀,膨胀+ul名词后缀+t抽象名词后缀,表状态→情绪膨胀→群情激愤⇒骚动,骚乱,吵闹,喧哗。近义词 row排din喧嚣noise噪声uproar骚动hubbub嘈杂rumpus吵闹to-do骚动…racket球拍fracas喧噪clamor喧嚷furore轰动unrest不安bedlam混乱ruckus喧闹turmoil混乱clamour喧闹rampage暴怒faction内讧garboil混乱ruction吵闹disorder混乱fuss大惊小怪commotion骚动turbulence骚乱excitement激动pandemonium喧嚣disturbance扰乱anarchy无政府状态upheaval向上的运动tumultuousnesstumultuous的名…hullabaloo尤指人的持续的吵闹声…反义词 quiet安静的

用作名词Presently thetumultdied down.一会儿工夫骚动平息了下来。
The employer was forced to allay thetumult.雇主被迫缓和骚乱。
He could hear a greattumultin the street.他听到街上很响的嘈杂声。
One had to shout to be heard above thetumult.声音嘈杂,得大喊大叫别人才听得见。
Those three words threw him into atumultof joy.这三个字使他心花怒放。noun.uproar, confusion
同义词 agitation,commotion,convulsion,disturbance,excitement,ferment,fracas,hassle,maelstrom,outcry,pandemonium,quarrel,riot,strife,turbulence,turmoil,unrest,upheavalado,affray,altercation,babel,bedlam,brawl,clamor,din,disorder,dither,fight,fuss,jangle,lather,noise,outbreak,paroxysm,pother,racket,row,ruction,stir,upturn,wildnessseething,unsettlement
反义词 agreement,calm,calmness,harmony,order,peace,quiet,silence,stillness,tranquility
Sturm und Drangnoun storm and stress
anarchynoun lawlessness;absence of government
chaos,confusion,disorder,disorganization,insurrection,lawlessness,mob rule,mobocracy,mutiny,nihilism,nongovernment,rebellion,reign of terror,revolution,riot,tumult,turmoil,unrest
babelnoun confusion
bedlamnoun chaotic situation
brawlnoun nasty fight
affray,altercation,argument,battle,battle royal,bickering,broil,clash,disorder,dispute,donnybrook,duke out,feud,fight,fracas,fray,free-for-all,fuss,hassle,melee,quarrel,rhubarb,riot,row,ruckus,rumble,rumpus,scrap,scuffle,squabble,tumult,uproar,wrangle
bustlenoun quick and busy activity
ado,agitation,clamor,commotion,do,excitement,flurry,furor,fuss,haste,hubbub,hurly-burly,hurry,pother,rumpus,stir,to-do,tumult,turmoil,uproar,whirl,whirlpool,whirlwind After nearly three decades of rule and18 days of nerve- wracking tumult, Hosni Mubarak had resigned as their president, formally handing power to the army’s supreme command.
在将近30年的统治和18天伤透脑筋的骚乱以后,穆巴拉克辞去总统职务,正式将权利移交军方。 ecocn

But that’s not how things work in times of tumult.
但是这并不是变化高潮时代发生的情况。 yeeyan

Either of these two visions could have shaped a clear and consistent response to the tumult in the Middle East.
双方中的任何一方观点都本可以在面对中东骚乱时为英国塑造一个清晰明了、始终如一的回应。 ecocn

For now, however, what's better established is that the individual brainwave patterns people exhibit are strong enough to remain unperturbed by the tumult of adolescence.
然而目前,已经建立的理论是个体展现的脑电波图像足够强烈,可以不被青春期的心理波动影响。 yeeyan

For the past16 years, baby boomers, who were formed by the tumult of the1960s, occupied the White House.
在过去的16年里,由上个世纪60年代的骚动形成的婴儿潮一代在白宫占据了主导。 yeeyan

Given the ongoing tumult in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia's pavilion has elicited comment, not least because it was given over to two sisters who forgo the veil when they travel abroad.
鉴于目前阿拉伯世界的骚动,沙特阿拉伯展馆引起了评论,这不仅是因为它的打造者是两个在各地旅行时不戴面纱的姐妹。 ecocn

Given the tumult of the past few years, the barter system is starting to look good.
在经历了过去几年的混乱之后,物物交换体系的形势开始好转。 yeeyan

I ask for no reason, I forget the cause, I only know that your laughter is the tumult of insurgent life.
我忘记了原由,也不想知道它,我只记得,你的欢笑就是炽热沸腾的生活。 putclub

In the tumult of the past two years, dividends have been all but forgotten. Now they are starting to make a comeback.
在过去两年的动荡中,派息这件事差不多已经被人们忘记。现在,派息又开始回归。 iciba

Inevitably, and perhaps unfairly, the current Arab tumult has been compared with the uprising against Communism in Eastern Europe in1989, the last great social upheaval of comparable scale.
目前阿拉伯世界的骚乱不可避免地,可能也是不公平地与1989年东欧针对社会主义政权的起事——也是最后一场与之相当规模的社会巨变——相比较。 yeeyan

It conveys the strains, for both Iran and America, of dealing with the daily tumult of the Islamic revolution and the long siege of the American embassy in Tehran.
节目传达了在解决伊斯兰革命带来的平频繁动荡以及在德黑兰美国大使馆遭长期包围中美伊两国所面临的尖酸苦痛。 ecocn

It expects the industry to grow by 17% this year, which has begun well, the global economic tumult notwithstanding.
该公司预测今年还会有17%的销售成长。尽管全球经济骚动不安,该公司年初表现还算不错。 yeeyan

Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.
离开喧闹的气味和阳光,在傍晚的凉爽空气中,头脑会变得冷静,身体放松下来,享受由令人满足的爱恋感而生出的内心的宁静。 yeeyan

Many wealthy people in such countries deposit money abroad because they fear tumult, or a grasping government, at home.
而这些国家的许多富豪们因为担心发生地区骚乱或者害怕专制政权的统治而纷纷将国内资产转移海外。 ecocn

Our voices are simply drowned out in the general tumult and clamor.
我们的声音被淹没在大众的吵闹和喧哗之中。 yeeyan

Some consultants are tacking toward a more progressive stance in light of pro- democracy protests, while others are dropping their clients altogether because of the tumult.
鉴于近期阿拉伯地区大范围民主抗议的性质,一些咨询顾问倾向于一种比较激进的政治态度,而其他人则因为政治骚乱陆续放弃了他们所有的中东客户。 yeeyan

The crowd was in a tumult.
人群哗然,骚动起来。 hjenglish

The whole city was in tumult.

They seemed to be warning shots, as there was no audible indication of tumult or chaos to show that the hostages were in immediate danger.
好像是警告性的射击,因为没有可信的骚动或骚乱的迹象显示人质处于直接的危险之下。 yeeyan

This first danger was past; but there still reigned a frightful tumult within him.
这第一次的危险已经过了,但是他心里仍旧惊恐难受。 ebigear

We tend to forget what's important in the din and tumult of daily life.
在日常繁忙混杂的生活中,我们常常忘记什么才是最重要的。 yeeyan

When she learns the news through gossip in the beauty parlor!, she decides to leave him, but not without going through some psychological tumult.
当她在流言中得知此事之后在美容院! ,便决定离开他,但还是经历一番心理挣扎。 yeeyan

Yet the existing dollar-centric arrangement may well survive the current tumult in spite of its obvious defects, a top economist said Wednesday.
不过一位顶级经济学家日前表示,尽管以美元为中心的货币体系存在着明显的缺陷,它很可能还是能够安然度过目前的骚乱。 yeeyan




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