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词汇 tumors
释义 tumors
And more recently we did another acquisition to deradio- surgery for removing tumors not basically using radiation therapy.

Instead of immediately cutting out masses that they suspect are tumors, oncologists often use a thick needle to remove a few cells from a lump for an analysis at a pathology lab.
当有肿块被怀疑是肿瘤,肿瘤学家们并非立即会将这些肿块全部切除,他们用一种粗针头取得肿块上的一些细胞来做病理分析. yeeyan

Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.
和寄生虫一样,癌细胞依赖于宿主而获得营养成分,这也是扼杀肿瘤的这种治疗手段会如此有效的原因。 yeeyan

The Israeli study suggested there may be an association between heavy mobile phone use and the risk of salivary gland tumors but called for further study.
以色列的研究指出也许在频繁的手机使用和唾液腺肿瘤风险之间有着联系但是呼吁更进一步的研究。 yeeyan

The major concerns for US consumers include the early onset of puberty, growth of tumors, heightened cancer risks, and genetic problems.
美国消费者主要关心的事情,包括青春期早发性、肿瘤的生长、癌症风险的提高和遗传问题。 yeeyan

The theory is that because these stem cells are fetal cells, they are designed to proliferate and give rise to new tissue, which means they have the potential to produce tumors.
由于那些干细胞来自胎儿,它们本来就是要通过自身繁殖来形成新的人体组织,因此理论上它们具有产生肿瘤的潜在可能。 yeeyan

This, however, does not prevent carcinomas from developing in sharks. There are instances of tumors in sharks on record.
然而,这也不能阻止癌在鲨鱼体内的生成,曾经发现过鲨鱼的肿瘤病例。 yeeyan

Although in many cases doctors don't know what causes it, epilepsy can be related to brain injury, tumors, or infections.
尽管大多数情况下医生并不知道明确的病因,但是癫痫和脑损伤、肿瘤或者感染相关。 yeeyan

Although this process is a normal part of the body's ability to grow and heal itself, angiogenesis is also the path through which tumors transition from benign to malignant.
这个过程是一个身体增长和愈合能力正常功能的一部分,而肿瘤从良性向恶性转变也是通过血管生成。 yeeyan

Cigarette packs in the U. K. already carry gruesome images of cancer- ridden lungs, corpses and tumors.
英国的香烟包装早已带上可怕的患有癌症的肺部,尸体和肿瘤的图片。 yeeyan

Davis could not say whether the therapy helped shrink tumors in the patients, but one patient did get a second cycle of treatment, suggesting it might be.
戴维斯还不能说明这种疗法是否有助于缩小患者的肿瘤,但其中一个患者确实接受了第二个周期的治疗,这表明或许有此可能。 yeeyan

Fibroids grow in the wall of the uterus and are sometimes called fibroid tumors, but they are not cancerous.
子宫肌瘤生长于子宫肌壁之间。有时又被称之为肌瘤肿瘤,但是并非代表它们属于恶性范畴。 yeeyan

For example, a cancer drug might be approved because it causes tumors to shrink, not because its manufacturer can prove that patients live longer after taking it.
举例而言,一个癌症药因为能使肿瘤变小就可能被批准使用,而不是因为制造商能证明病人服用之后活得更长。 yeeyan

For example, the American Cancer Society finds that a reason breast cancer survival rates are so high is that there are good methods for early detection of tumors.
例如,美国癌症协会发现,乳腺癌患者的生存率如此制高的一个原因就是有很好的检查手段能在疾病的早期发现这一肿瘤。 baidu

I counter there’s no evidence that it causes tumors, though it’s true hormones can and do make them grow faster if you have an existing one.
我反驳说,有证据显示那会引起肿瘤,然而,你身体里如果长了瘤,那荷尔蒙确实能并且会使肿瘤增长得更快。 yeeyan

In this technique, scientists use the plasmid from a bacterium that causes tumors on plants.
在应用这种技术时,科学家们使用导致植物肿瘤的细菌中的原生质。 hjenglish

It starves tumors by blocking blood flow to the growths.
它能阻断对肿瘤的生长至关重要的血液供应。 hjenglish

Physicians trying to treat brain tumors can use drugs to open the junctions between cells, but that leaves the brain temporarily vulnerable to infection.
治疗脑部肿瘤的医生虽然能够利用药物打开细胞间的接缝,但这也会使得大脑暂时很容易受到感染。 yeeyan

Researchers at the Cork Cancer Research Centre CCRC have found that harmless bacteria from probiotic yogurt bifidobacteria naturally travels through the body and can grow inside tumors.
科克癌症研究中心 CCRC的研究人员发现,酸奶中的益生菌双歧杆菌可以天然地通过人体并且在肿瘤中生长。 yeeyan

Researchers use stem-like immune cells to kill large tumors, but so far only researchers and mice are benefiting from this.
研究人员利用茎状的免疫细胞杀死巨大的肿瘤,不过,迄今为止,只有研究人员和老鼠从中获益。 yeeyan

Several weeks after the injection, tumors in about half of the patients seemed to stop growing, and shrunk in one patient.
在接受注射的几星期后,近半数患者的肿瘤似乎己停止生长,其中一位出现萎缩。 yeeyan

Sipkins said there is some evidence that other tumors that spread to the bone, such as breast and lung cancer, may have similar effects.
斯普金思说,有证据表明,其它肿瘤如乳房癌和肺癌也会扩散到骨髓,所以也可以采用相同的疗法。 yeeyan

There are instances of tumors in sharks on record.
有一些记录在案的鲨鱼长有肿瘤的例子。 yeeyan

These are the cells thought to give rise to tumors.
据说这些细胞是导致肿瘤的生长的细胞。 yeeyan

Within weeks of the first dose, it appeared to work, by preventing tumors from making proteins they need to survive.
在第一次服用后的数周内,通过阻止肿瘤形成内部所需的蛋白质,药效似乎有所显现。 yeeyan




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