

单词 Tujia language
释义 Tujia language
On the basis of Tujia cultural background, Tujia Language developed and made an important carrier of Tujia culture.摘要土家语是在土家族文化背景下产生和发展起来的,它是土家族文化的重要载体。
An analysis of this verb will benefit the study of the related subjects of Tujia Language.探析这个动词,对研究与土家语言相关的其他学科,也大有裨益。
Based on the survey materials about Tujia language, this paper makes an analysis of the diachronic changes of the language's communication function, and the reasons for these changes.根据土家语调查材料,运用比较研究方法分析了土家语交际功能变化的历时过程,剖析了引起土家语交际功能变化的原因。
An Analysis of the Verb “Sheng” in Tujia Language土家语表“生”的动词刍议
On the Affirmative Sentences in Tujia Language新论土家语的判断句
Research on the origin of Tujia language试探土家语语源




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