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tuitions tuːˈɪʃənz COCA⁵⁹⁶⁴⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.学费tuition的名词复数;课程讲授原型tuition的复数 For this chart, we took our own data and mixed it with a little outside stuff: college tuitions from U. S. News& World Report. 我们通过将自己搜集的资源与《美国新闻和世界报道》杂志里报道的高校学费数据相融合制出这张图。360doc The administrators of these colleges knew that no matter how high tuitions rose, students would be able to simply borrow more from the government in order to pay them. 学院的管理层知道,不管学费上涨多高,学生能够轻易地从政府那里得到更多贷款来支付学费。 yeeyan The children in that family have to wash their clothes and find a part-time job to support their tuitions. 这家的孩子必须自己洗衣服,做兼职付自己的学费。 iask.sina.com.cn Additionally, colleges and universities have also taken measures to help financially difficult students, including the delayed payment of tuitions, part-time jobs and difficulty aids. 此外,学校还提供各种学费减免缓、勤工助学、困难补助等帮助经济困难学生的措施。 chinabet After receiving the grant, the poor students stopped worrying about their tuitions. 贫困生们领到了助学金后都不再为学费发愁了。 websaru Almost9% of children are forced to attend such places even later than11pm, despite tuitions between10pm and5am being illegal. 尽管在晚上10点到早上5点之间授课是非法的,但差不多有9%的学生被迫在补习班学到很晚,甚至超过晚上11点。 yeeyan America's most prestigious universities have just gained a new argument to justify skyrocketing tuitions, thanks to research from one of their own professors. 美国最富盛名的大学刚刚获得了一个证明不断飙升的学费合理的新理由,这要得益于一名他们自己教授的研究结果。 kekenet And, as tuitions continue to increase, the line between merit and need blurs. 并且,随着学费不断增加,奖助学金之间的界限也变得模糊了。 hjenglish Being that laid-back will not help you succeed, pay your kid's college tuitions, get you that corner office or that black Porsche911 you've always wanted. 一直那样懒散不会有助你成功、支付孩子的大学学费、给你一直渴望的总裁办公室或是那辆黑色保时捷911。 yuloo Boys consume a lot onto online games, tuitions, things for party and fees for mobile phones. 男生的消费在于上网玩游戏、学费、参加聚会、手机话费; goodpk College tuitions are the one thing in America that never declined in price during the panic of2008. 在2008年的经济恐慌中,美国唯有高校学费从未下降。 yeeyan College tuitions now cost60% of the median U. S. income, triple the rate of20% which held strong from1950 to 1980. 大学学费现在花去美国人平均收入的60%,是从1950年到1980年的3倍,这段时期的比率一直被稳定的保持在20%。 yeeyan In2007, China exempted all the tuitions and surcharges on the rural free education. 到2007年,中国免除了所有农村义务教育学杂费。 chinabet It is time for colleges and universities to rethink their business models, cut cost, and restructure the tuitions to affordable levels. 现在该是高等专科学校和大学重新考虑它们的商业模式、降低成本,并把学费调整到不甚昂贵的水平的时候了。 yeeyan More and more educational researchers pay attention to differential tuitions of higher school which becomes one of the lever used to lever the educational equity. 普通高校差别学费越来越受到教育研究者们的重视,其成为撬动教育公平的重要杠杆之一。591-lw South Korea ranks2nd amongst OECD countries, after the United States, when it comes to college tuitions. 当提到大学学费,韩国在经合组织所有成员国中仅次于美国,排名第二。 hxen Still others want to accommodate parents and applicants who balk at rising tuitions and demand to know the return on their investment. 还有些人想照顾到那些反对增加学费的家长和入学申请人,让他们考虑下自己投资的回报。 yeeyan Students have been suffering from college tuitions rising like there is no tomorrow. 学生们因为疯长的大学学费而一直在承受痛苦。 yeeyan Therefore, the government should make every effort to pay tuitions for the students. 所以,政府应该不遗余力地去支持大学生的学费。 blog.sina.com.cn This explains why college students at state universities, even though they may grouse when the state government raises tuitions by, say,10 percent, do not desert college in droves. 这就解释了为什么在州政府将学费提高——比如说10个百分点时,州立大学的大学生们尽管抱怨,也不会成群结队地弃学。 yeeyan This is the premium end of the ESL market, where consumers pay high tuitions for a classroom-centered product with highly-trained native English teachers and professional quality curricular materials. 这块阵地是英语外语教学的高端市场,它的消费者需要支付高昂的学费,参加由训练有素的英语母语教师执教的班级课程,并使用专业水平的教材。 fortunechina To strengthen the theoretical and practical effectiveness of the study, it analyses the differential tuitions of higher school systematically and deeply based on the existing results. 本文试图以现有的研究成果为基础,对普通高校差别学费进行系统、深入的分析,以增强研究的理论性以及实践的有效性。591-lw You will not have to waste time attending tuitions in astrology school, gas or your time commuting. 你不会浪费时间,出席在占星术学校,学费气体或你的时间通勤。 seafar |