

单词 tufts
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名词 tuft:
a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grassa bunch of feathers or hair用作名词Even paved parking lots often display a fewtuftsof tough grass poking up through the cracks.即使是在铺砖的停车场,也常会有几簇顽强的小草从缝隙间探出身来。
In this benign gland, the luminal contour showstuftsand papillary infoldings.下面的良性前列腺腺体内,腺腔内可见丛状和乳头状内折。
Large herds of cape buffalo, with their massive curved horns and muscular bodies, graze slowly, pulling uptuftsof grass with their wide muzzles.一大群非洲黑色大水牛,头顶弯曲而有力的巨角,肌肉强健,它们用宽嘴拔出一丛草,不慌不忙地嚼着。 A recent Tufts University study found that mice fed a high- fat diet with small amounts of curcumin gained less weight than did other mice given similar but curcumin-free meals.
塔夫茨大学最近的一项研究发现,给老鼠喂食掺有姜黄素的高脂肪食物,比那些喂食不含姜黄素的高脂肪食物的老鼠更不容易长胖。 yeeyan

Handling a baby releases maternal hormones, even among females who have never been pregnant, found researchers at Tufts University.
抚养婴儿释放了女性的荷尔蒙,即使从未怀孕过的女性,塔夫茨大学的研究者发现。 yeeyan

Interspersed between them are short, curly fibres that work like tiny springs to keep the longer tufts upright while also giving a measure of cushioning.
又短又弯的纤维分散在表面,就像细小的弹簧一样,使得长一些线头一直挺立着,同时又产生一定的缓冲作用。 ecocn

The style was furry and hairy, from the models’ matted hair through tufts creating false eyebrows and pom-poms of fur dangling at the ankles.
从模特用丛毛装饰的纠缠的头发,假眉毛到脚踝处悬挂的皮毛砰砰声都体现了发布会皮草和毛茸茸的感觉。 yeeyan

“ It was a tour-de- force of an experiment, ” said John Coffin, an expert on fossil viruses at Tufts University.
“这是一个旅程,实验的力量?”一塔夫斯大学的化石病毒专家约翰·卡宾说。 yeeyan

According to a Tufts University study, you're already eating 12% less this week and have fewer hormone- related food cravings.
据塔夫茨大学的研究,这一周你已经减少了12%的食物摄入,对跟荷尔蒙有关的食品的渴求也在降低。 yeeyan

Among these researchers are David Kaplan and others at Tufts University, whose creations have potential applications in medicine and other fields.
在这些研究者中,来自塔夫斯大学 Tufts University的大卫·卡普兰 David Kaplan等人发明了在医药和其他领域有潜在用途的蚕丝。 yeeyan

At Tufts, Dr. Kaplan thinks that eventually, genetically modified plants will produce useful spider-based silk that could be harvested like cotton.
而在塔夫斯大学,卡普兰博士最终认定转基因植物可以用来生产蛛丝,就像棉花收获一样。 yeeyan

But at this moment Winston noticed some tufts of loosestrife growing in the cracks of the cliff beneath them. One tuft was of two colours, magenta and brick- red, apparently growing on the same root.
但就在这个时候,温斯顿发现了脚下峭壁缝隙里有几株千屈草,其中一株有两种颜色,洋红色和砖红色,一看就知道是同根生的。 yeeyan

But most people are not like me, according to a new survey out of the Tufts Medical Center.
但是根据塔夫茨医学中心的一项新调查报告,大多数人不像我。 yeeyan

Daniel Drezner of Tufts University notes that any economic pain caused to Iran will be mitigated by Chinese and Russian companies filling the gap.
塔夫茨大学的丹尼尔志就指出,通过中国和俄罗斯企业对缺口的填补,伊朗国家面临的任何经济痛楚都将会有所减轻。 ecocn

George got a free ride to Tufts. Mike went to Columbia.
他俩成功了,乔治去了塔夫茨,迈克去了哥伦比亚。 yeeyan

In an initial experiment, researchers Nicholas Rule and Nalini Ambady from Tufts University perused online dating sites and carefully selected45 straight male faces and45 gay male faces.
在一项初步实验中,来自 Tufts大学的研究人员 Nicholas Rule和 Nalini Ambady从在线约会网站中精选了45张异性恋照片和45张男同性恋照片。 yeeyan

Instead of a face, all you can see is his grease- combed black hair, his big ears fuzzed with tufts of black hair.
你所能看到的不是他的脸,而是他一头梳得油光蹭亮的黑发,他的大耳朵被头发遮着看起来毛绒绒的。 yeeyan

Jose Ordovas, who studies genetics and nutrition at Tufts University, Boston, said the finding“ really supports the concept of very rapid adaptation of humans to the environment”.
约瑟·奥多瓦斯在位于波士顿的塔夫茨大学研究基因学和营养。 他说,新的发现“确实支持了人类对环境的适应能力异常迅速这一观点。” yeeyan

Mr. Knecht, Dr. Engel and Jacob S. Benner, a paleontologist at Tufts University, described the fossil impression in an article published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
耐克特先生、恩格尔博士和塔夫茨大学古生物学家雅各布· S·本纳在一遍文章中描述了这件化石,发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上。 yeeyan

NEW USES Silk creations by Tufts University researchers include a coil made of silk substrate and gold that can help tell when food goes bad.
塔夫斯大学研究者发明的新用途丝线是由丝质衬底和金元素制作而成的线圈所组成,它能够显示食物何时会变质。 yeeyan

One evening out on the Strip, I spotted Daniel Dennett, the Tufts University philosopher, hurrying along the sidewalk across from the Mirage, which has its own tropical rain forest and volcano.
有天晚上我在 Las Vegas碰到了 Tufts大学的哲学家 Daniel Dennett。 他正急匆匆沿着人行道从一片幻景中走过来,景色中有热带雨林和火山。 yeeyan

Parents may want to limit what their infants see on television, based on the study, said Donna Mumme, assistant professor of psychology at Tufts University in Boston, who led the research.
主持研究的波士顿塔夫茨大学心理学助理教授堂娜穆米说,这项研究也许会让父母们对小宝宝观看的电视内容施以限制。 edu.sina.com.cn

Sandwiched between Harvard and Tufts Universities, the city is a blue-collar bastion with a growing population of young professionals and academics.
夹在哈佛和塔夫茨大学之间,这个城市是个蓝领阶层为主的堡垒,但年轻的专家学者的人口比重不断增加。 yeeyan

The researchers, from the Tufts Medical Centre and Harvard School of Public Health, stress that the number of heart attacks actually caused by sex will be low.
Tufts医药中心和哈佛公共健康学院的研究人员强调,由性生活引发心脏病的病例其实很少。 cri

The researchers at Tufts University, Boston, believe omega-3 fatty acids offer protection against AMD by altering fat levels in the blood after a meal that can be damaging to the body.
波士顿培夫斯 Tufts大学的研究员认为,于餐后,奥米加-3脂肪酸能更改血液中的脂肪水平,以保护及对抗老年性黄斑病变。 yeeyan




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