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词汇 tucks
释义 tuck·s 英tʌk美tʌk COCA³²¹³²BNC⁵²¹¹⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. 塞进

push sth into

vt. 褶起; 叠起; 卷起

gather up in a fold or folds; draw together so as to make shorter

vt. 置于…之处

put into a desired or convenient position

eatables especially sweetssports a bodily position adopted in some sports such as diving or skiing in which the knees are bent and the thighs are drawn close to the chesta narrow flattened pleat or fold that is stitched in placea straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges
fit snugly into;

insert your ticket into the slot

tuck your shirttail in

make a tuck or several folds in;

tuck the fabric

tuck in the sheet

draw together into folds or puckers
用作动词 v.
~+副词tuck carefully小心地卷起tuck cautiously小心翼翼地褶起tuck picturesquely美丽地叠起tuck repeatedly多次地塞tuck away隐蔽,藏tuck in痛快地吃喝tuck up卷起~+介词tuck around把…裹起来tuck behind把…拢到…后面tuck into尽情地吃tuck under把…塞在…下
tuck around v.+prep.

把…裹起来 put sth round sb/sth

tuck sth around sb/sthTuck this blanket around the children.用这条羊毛毯把孩子们裹起来。
tuck away v.+adv.

隐蔽; 藏 store sth in a safe place

tuck sth ⇔ awayShe's tucked my book away somewhere.她把我的书藏到什么地方去了。
Tuck father's present away until his birthday.把给爸爸的礼物藏起来,到他生日时再拿出来。
Why do you tuck your thoughts away from me?你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法?
Our house is tucked away among trees.我们的房子隐蔽在树丛中。
My hometown is tucked away in the hill.我的故乡是一个隐藏在山中的小村庄。
The map is tucked away in a pocket at the end of the book.那地图收在书后的纸袋里。
tuck behind v.+prep.

把…拢到…后面 put sth behind sth

tuck sth behind sthShe tucked her hair behind her ears.她把头发拢到耳朵后面。
tuck in v.+adv.

使…舒服地躺在床上 make (sb such as a child or sick person comfortable in bed)

tuck inCome along, children, tuck in!快来,孩子们,痛快地吃喝吧!
There is plenty for us, so tuck in!东西多得很,吃个痛快吧!tuck sth ⇔ inHe can tuck in three or four sandwiches between meals.他在两顿饭之间,还能痛痛快快地吃下三四块三明治。tuck sth ⇔ inI'm just tucking my shirt in.我正在把衬衫塞进去。
The sheets were tucked in neatly.被单叠得很整齐。tuck sb ⇔ inShe tucked the little boy in.她给小男孩盖好被子使其安睡。
tuck into v.+prep.

把…塞进…里 put sth into sth

tuck into sthHe tucked into his food.他尽情地吃他的东西。
He tucked into the cold ham.他狼吞虎咽地吃那冷火腿。tuck sth into sthShe tucked her hair into her cap.她把头发塞进帽子里。
Mother tucked the handkerchief into her pocket.妈妈把手帕塞进口袋。
Scientists tucked a probe into the muscle of the fish in order to measure its body temperature.科学家把一个探测器插入鱼的肌肉中以测量鱼的体温。
The little girl tucked the key into the lock, but she could not unlock the door.小女孩把钥匙插入锁里,但她打不开门。
A man's shirt is usually tucked into his trousers.男人的衬衫通常掖在裤子里。
tuck under v.+prep.

把…塞在…下 push sth under sth

tuck sth under sthShe tucked the napkin under her baby's chin.她把餐巾塞入婴儿的颏下。
tuck up v.+adv.

卷起 roll up

tuck sth ⇔ upThey tucked up their sleeves and began working.他们卷起袖子开始工作。
He tucked up his trousers and waded across the stream.他卷起裤腿趟过小河。
His father took the painting out from the frame and tucked it up for storage.他父亲将那幅画从画框里取出,卷好后收藏起来了。近义词 put放fold包push推pleat褶bend弯曲dart飞镖food食物nosh小吃slip滑倒place地方stick手杖gather聚集insert插入crease折痕grub动蛆pucker使折叠tucker打横褶的人pop发出砰的响声…rapier轻巧而细长的剑…
S+~+ n./pron.She tucked the dress of her daughter.她把女儿的衣服打上褶。



用作动词The baby's dress was beautifullytuckedwith tiny stitches.婴儿衫的褶裥打得针脚细密,很漂亮。
Please help metuckup my sleeves.请帮我卷起袖子。
He was asleep before Ituckedhim in.我还没来得及给他盖好被子,他就睡着了。
The hentuckedher head under her wing.那母鸡把头缩在翅膀下。
The farm wastuckedaway in the hills.那个农场隐蔽在群山之中。
He's got a fortunetuckedaway in a Swiss bank account.他把一大笔钱存在瑞士银行里了。用作名词The dress was too big, so Mother put atuckin it.衣服太大,所以妈妈在里面打了裥。 On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tucks into bed, almost falling asleep, all part of a promotional stunt advertising a chain of hotels.
看看日本的这名女士,优雅地坐在大厦外面的床上,正打算进入梦乡。原来这是一则连锁酒店的促销广告。 putclub

The curved end tucks between your knees, supporting your lower back and keeping your upper thighs apart so you can stay cool and comfortable.

The top five surgical procedures performed in China last year included breast implants, liposuction, eyelid lifts, nose jobs and tummy tucks, according to the ISAPS.

This Mr Powell reads and tucks in his pocket, where it may still be today.
鲍威尔读完之后,放到了口袋里,可能直到今天还原封不动的搁在那里。 yeeyan

Using folds and tucks, pleats and ruching I used the whole flag, letting the size of it dictate a majority of the silhouette’s outcome and to help form the pieces.
面料上做出折叠和褶皱,把整面国旗都抽丝拉紧,让它的大小可以裹住绝大部分身形,这样也帮助形成衣片。 yeeyan

Americans wealthy enough to afford cosmetic surgery could be asked to pay a bit more for their tummy tucks and pectoral implants to fund treatment for Americans who cannot afford basic healthcare.
有够多钱做整容手术的美国人可能会被要求在他们做紧腹手术和隆胸手术时要多付点点钱以资助那些付不起基本医疗保健费的美国人看病。 yeeyan

As Britain tucks into its lunch on Friday, hundreds of scientists, engineers and astronomers on the other side of the planet will be nervously watching the skies.
本周五当英国人大快朵颐享用午餐时,在地球另一边的工程师和宇航员将焦虑不安地仰望天空。 yeeyan

Bear murmurs, “ Don't worry, ”and tucks them in bed. He bundles them up and he kisses each head.

But Kou Na, as she tucks in to her hot pot, admits she prefers eating Chinese food socially.
但是在自己火锅店里狼吞虎咽的吃着的冠娜承认,她更喜欢吃中国的食物。 yeeyan

David has eaten at least one sausage per day, since the age of five and routinely tucks in to as many as13 porky treats a day.
David每次至少吃一根香肠,从5岁时就已经养成吃香肠的习惯,最多一天可吃13根香肠。 kekenet

In Miami, tummy tucks were the No. 1 procedure being investigated. As for Los Angeles? Not surprisingly, it was all about augmentation — lip augmentation, that is.
在迈阿密,紧腹手术是调查中的头名。洛杉矶呢?毫不奇怪,全是“变大”——丰唇术,就是它。 yeeyan

In Miami, tummy tucks were the No. 1 procedure being investigated.
在迈阿密,紧腹手术是调查中的头名。 yeeyan

She tucks her head down against his chest and pulls with her powerful arms, shoulders and back.
她仰起头用她强壮的手臂肩膀后背来挤压他胸部。 xici

Should be selected in curved hem style shirt, both for the hem tucks in the waist, and wearing comfort, waist and hip part of smooth appearance.
应尽量选穿曲下摆式样的衬衫,既便于下摆掖进裤腰内,又使穿着舒适,腰臀部位平服美观。 xamlct

The only procedures to lose favour were tummy tucks abdominoplasty, which were down7.5% and the pinning back of prominent ears otoplasty, down17%.
唯一失宠的手术有腹部整形术下降7.5%以及将突出耳朵向后固定的耳部整形术下降17%。 yeeyan

Then he sits down, slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward.
然后,他缓慢地坐下,把拐杖放到地上,把他腿上的矫正器卸下,把一只脚向内弯曲,另一只脚向前伸。 yeeyan

These nips and tucks include giving emerging economies a greater say in its affairs, tapping new sources of administrative income, and getting out of the World Bank's way in sub-Saharan Africa.
这些讨论将包括给予新兴经济体更大的发言权,解决行政开支的新来源,找出让世界银行在次撒哈拉地区脱身的办法。 ecocn

Tummy tucks, rhinoplasty and other surgical procedures can cost thousands of dollars more than non surgical measures, and they require a longer recovery.
腹部整形、鼻部整形和其他手术美容的花费可比非手术美容多出数千美元,而且也需要有一个更长的恢复期。 com

Within months he was blind. Now his eyes often weep of their own accord; Beth, always noticing, subtly tucks a tissue in Peter’s fist to cue him.
几个月之后他就看不见了,现在他的眼中经常自己溢出泪水, Beth注意到之后就给他手中放些擦拭的东西作为提示。 yeeyan

Working- class Egyptians are getting botox, breast implants and tummy tucks in the hopes that the cosmetic surgery will boost their own marriage and job prospects, Reuters reported.




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