

单词 tucked away
释义 tucked away短语¹⁵⁵⁰⁷
Exclusively tucked away from the world and surrounded by private, expansive gardens, DoublePool Villas offer guests an oasis of tranquility, an absolute retreat to invigorate the senses.
掩藏于世界的角落,被广阔的私人花园包围,双泳池别墅为来宾带来一片宁静祥和的绿洲,一场震撼感官的度假。 www.grandhotels.com.cn

The only people I went out with in high school were Cheryl and her older brother, Dale, who is now safely tucked away from the public eye somewhere in Texas.
在中学时代惟一跟我交往过的人是谢丽尔和她的哥哥戴尔,现在平安无事地隐藏在德克萨斯州的一个什么地方不肯见人。 yeeyan

There is a wealth of useful information tucked away in these views, information that can help you to understand how your database operates.
这些视图中收藏了丰富的有用信息,其中包括可以帮助您理解数据库如何运行的信息。 ibm

With a friend tucked away out of view with a video camera, the boyfriend also had two secret bystanders on hand to help, to which the girlfriend was oblivious.
男孩的朋友事先拿着摄像机藏起来了,还找了在场的两个神秘路人帮忙。不过这一切女孩都没有注意到。 hjenglish

Aside from great museums tucked away in temples or behind earthen garden walls, I saw few traces of Sian's glorious past.
除藏在寺庙里的大博物馆或在陶制花园围墙后面之外,我看到了西安辉煌历史的几处遗迹。 blog.sina.com.cn

Embarrassed officials are now appealing to people carrying such ID cards to keep them safely tucked away in metal sheaths.
尴尬的官员现在呼吁人们把这种身份证安全地藏在金属封套内。 ecocn

It might be buried in an obscure technical journal, in conference slides, or in a doctoral thesis tucked away in a university library.
它有可能隐藏在一本晦涩难懂的技术杂志、会议的幻灯片或舒服的躺在某个大学图书馆的某篇博士论文之中。 ecocn

Most families’ wealth consisted of savings accounts, savings bonds, life insurance policies, and money tucked away in cookie jars and shoe boxes.
绝大多数家庭的财富由储蓄账户、储蓄债券、人寿保单,以及藏在饼干筒子和鞋盒子里的现金组成。 yeeyan

Our house is tucked away among the trees.
我们的房子掩映在林中。 tingroom

People preserve coins as keepsakes, memorials, even talismans, such as the' lucky' quarter tucked away in a drawer or the silver dollar minted in a birth year.

Pixar's life from here on, safely tucked away inside a powerful corporation, is likely to be less visible.
被安全的安置在一个有实力的企业内部后,皮克斯从此的生活将少为外界所知。 yeeyan

Teacher Luo and his wife found us some plastic crop sheets tucked away on the dark shelf overhead to help shield our sleeping bags from the moist earth.
罗老师和他的妻子从头顶上处在黑暗中的架子上拿出盖庄稼用的朔料布给我们垫在睡袋下区隔潮湿的泥地。 blog.sina.com.cn

The cabin is tucked away in the hills.

Two front hand pockets to keep your essentials safely tucked away.
两个前置口袋,让您的要领安全卷起。 freemerce

We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance.
过去,当我们没有自由的时候,我们便发自内心的赞颂和追求自由。 degree-distance

With such gargantuan resources tucked away in the bank, the industry is aiming to increase exports and expand production steadily over the coming decade.
有了这样庞大的储备,在接下来的十年,烟草业的目标是加大出口力度,稳步扩大香烟产量。 yingjiesheng

Tucked away beyond the playroom, stretching along the entire length of the wall, cubby- hole shelves sparkle with a vast clutter of women's shoes.
远在玩室之外,伸展于那长墙末端,装书洞般框架子里稀松地放满了女人的诸多鞋子。 yeeyan

Tucked away in the corner was her high school award.
收藏在角落的是她高中时代的奖赏。 hjenglish

Tucked away in a box in the attic were old recipes from Grandpa's father, including one for lobscouse.
隐藏在一个箱子里的阁楼是老式的食谱,它来自爷爷的父亲,其中包括的一项是有关于杂烩。 hjenglish

Tucked away in your homes it might seem that all of our talk is but a dream, but you will physically experience Ascension albeit your bodies will have been suitably prepared by that time.
即使在那个时候你们的身体一经准备好了,隐蔽在你们家园的事情都将看起来显得所有我们谈到的如梦境一般,而且你们还是会亲身的体验到扬升。 callun




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