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tucci 基本例句 图奇 Tucci, a 60-year-old sales manager at a voice-recording company in Boston, admits he blew a wad on speculative tech stocks during the Internet bubble.60岁的图奇是波士顿一家录音公司的销售经理,他承认在网络泡沫期间他投了一大笔钱于高风险的科技股。 5 santiago-schwarz f, borrero m,tuccij, et al. in vitro expansion of dendriti cell precursors from multipotent progenitors is regulated by a discrete fas-mediated apoptotic schedule.j leukoc biol, 1997, 62: 493-503.声明:若《肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞在人黑色素瘤组织中的形态学观察》涉及到你的版权,请及时告知。 |