

单词 tube station
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The Tube station didn’t have any human guards after dark, just a CCTV to record the fare evaders.
天黑后地铁站也没有警卫,只有一个闭路电视摄像头拍摄下那些逃票的乘客。 yeeyan

At the tube station, you may encounter alternatives wearing weird sunglasses.
意思是,在地铁站,你可能会遇见带奇异太阳镜的另类人。 kekenet

At this point, follow the coal cars of the coal field Tse-wen, head off Tube station staff and coal theory, because, after a dispute over fees.
此时,跟随运煤车辆的煤场负责人张子文下车与煤管站工作人员理论,之后因为收费问题发生争执。 qingdaobanzheng

Back in the 1950s, old lifts were removed in the Notting Hill tube station in favor of more modern escalators.
追溯到20世纪50年代,那时,为了便于安装更多的现代化的自动扶梯,老式的电梯被挪到了诺丁山地铁站。 yeeyan

He added that the company was exploring other new lighting technologies“ including more efficient Tube station and tunnel lighting”.
他补充说道公司还将关注其它新的照明技术“包括更高效的地铁和隧道照明”。 yeeyan

I was standing there surprised when a policeman told me that the line was closed because tube station workers were on strike.
我正站在那儿觉得莫名其妙时,一名警察告诉我,因为地铁工人罢工,中央线停运。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was late and he had to hurry to the tube station.
此时天色已晚,他只得匆忙赶往地铁站。 yeeyan

It's just in front of the tube station, and the bus18 will bring you north of central London where you can catch another bus to get where you want.
这是前面的地铁站,和巴士18将给您带来以北的伦敦市中心的地方,你可以乘另外一辆巴士,得到你想要的位置。 youth-hostels

Jake and the girl had ventured into the warmth of the tube station, now packed with people, and she stands there in the rain, soaked with the rainwater.
杰克和少女进入了温暖的地铁站。地铁站现在挤满了人,可她还站在那里。雨水淋湿了她的头发。 hongxiu

One of the rallying points for this year’s camp was Stockwell Tube station, chosen to remind the police of a blunder in 2005 that saw an innocent man shot dead.
此次集会的露营点之一是斯托克维尔地铁站,选择这里是为了提醒警方不要重蹈2005年枪杀无辜的覆辙。 ecocn

Organisers then divided people into groups before everyone headed to Charing Cross Tube station.
组织者将参与者分成若干小组,接着活动人群便前往查令十字街地铁站。 i21st

The tube station is not even5 minutes away walking from the hotel and for2 days I got back very late to the hotel and did not have any problem.
从地铁站步行到酒店只有不足5分钟的路程,有2天我很晚才回酒店,也没有发生任何问题。 taskcn

Today, the nearby roundabout and Tube station is called Piccadilly Circus.
现在这街附近的环形地铁和地铁站就叫做皮卡迪利圆环。 yeeyan

Underneath Piccadilly Circus there is an important tube station with escalators leading down to two different lines.
在皮卡迪利广场的下面,有个重要的地铁站。自动电梯将乘客分别输送到下面两条不同的路线。 jukuu




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