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词汇 tubal
释义 tu·bal 英ˈtuːbəl, ˈtjuː-美ˈtubəl, ˈtju-AHDt›“bəl, ty›“- 高COCA⁵²⁰³⁰BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb²⁸⁵⁰⁰

of or relating to occurring in a tube such as e.g. the Fallopian tube or Eustachian tube;

tubal ligation

tubal pregnancy

tube,管子,-al,形容词后缀。tubal ligation输卵管结扎tubal tonsil管扁桃体,咽鼓管扁桃…tubal pregnancy输卵管妊娠
用作形容词This is a rupturedtubalectopic pregnancy.这是输卵管妊娠破裂的大体标本。
Not all types oftubalsterilizations are reversible.不是所有的输卵管结扎都是可修复的。 Conclusion chronic salpingitis is the main cause of tubal pregnancy.

The decision to pursue sterilization must be taken seriously however. Although reversal is sometimes possible after vasectomy or tubal ligation sterilization of any type is considered permanent.
尽管输精管结扎术或输卵管结扎术后有失效的可能,但是一般来讲任何一种绝育手术的效果都是永久性的。 yeeyan

The events which ordinarily occur in the fallopian tubes thus occur in the laboratory, providing a sort of“ tubal bypass”.
通常在输卵管中进行的过程现在在实验室中完成,亦即形成某种“输卵管旁路”。 dxy

The diagnosis of pelvic infection if not take active treatment, then lead to tubal lumen to implicate, also cause adhesion, completely blocked can be directly to infertility.
盆腔炎如果确诊后不积极采取治疗措施,那么导致输卵管也受累,造成管腔粘连,完全阻塞可直接导致不孕。 xtkmyy

There is a 2%- to 4%- risk of an ectopic, or tubal, pregnancy if an embryo moves from the uterus into the fallopian tube.
如果胚卵从子宫腔移动到输卵管,宫外孕或输卵管妊娠的风险为2%-4%。 haodf

A fraction of people who have children using assisted reproductive technology were fertile prior to tubal ligation.
很多采用辅助生殖技术孕育孩子的人在结扎之前原本具备生育能力。 yeeyan

Conclusion Selective salpingography with fallopian tube recanalization is a minimally invasive method to treat tubal infertility.
结论选择性输卵管造影及再通术是诊治输卵管性不孕的一种微创有效的介入治疗技术。 iciba

Many women in the U.S. have found that it's difficult if not impossible to find a doctor who will perform a tubal ligation if the woman has not already had childrenand sometimes even if she has.
很多美国人发现,尚未生育的女人能轻易地找医生做结扎手术,有时候甚至已育有子女的女人也可以做手术。 yeeyan

Objective To explore the clinic pathology of tubal pregnancy.

Objective The article observed the clinical efficacy of oral administration of “ Junjun Decoction” and herbal coloclysis in the treatment of infertility due to tubal obstruction.
目的观察峻竣煎内服结合中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症的临床疗效。 iciba

Post- infection tubal damage is responsible for 30% to 40% of cases of female infertility.
感染后输卵管损伤造成30-40%的女性不孕症病例。 who

Poured postoperative, a person's own defense system affected, oviduct vulnerable to bacterial infections, causing tubal phlogistic surrounding tissue.
人流术后,人体自身的防御机制受到影响,输卵管易受细菌感染,导致输卵管周围组织炎。 xtkmyy

Research shows that nicotine and alcohol can influence of tubal pregnancy swinging, induce cilia.
研究表明,尼古丁和酒精可影响输卵管纤毛的摆动,诱发宫外孕。 xtkmyy

Results The pelvic adhesion of tubal ligation patients, because0.9% of the total number of pelvic adhesion lead to42.22%, leading to failure operation effect of surgery is not the ideal22.22%.

She was26 when she had her tubal ligation, and when I asked why she'd chosen irreversible contraception at such a young age— she's married, what if she and her husband change their minds?
她在26岁的时候就做了输卵管结扎手术,我问她为什么在这么年轻的岁数就选择这种不可挽回的节育方式? ---她当时已经结婚,要是她和她丈夫改变了主意怎么办? yeeyan

The decision between IVF and tubal reversal is highly complex and profoundly affected by the factors of age, cost and time as well as the presence of other potential infertility problems.
对采用 IVF或是输卵管复通术作出判断是相当复杂的,受到许多因素如年龄、费用以及可能存在的其他不孕因素的影响。 dxy

Tuberculosis is very uncommon in North America, but it, too, can cause tubal disease.
在北美洲,结核不常见,但结核也能导致输卵管的疾病。 haodf

Unfortunately this tubal pregnancy ruptures later and emergency surgery must be done to save your life.
不幸的是,之后的输卵管妊娠破裂需要紧急的急诊手术来挽救你的生命。 yeeyan

You can get a tubal infection after your appendix ruptures or bursts.
阑尾炎破裂或穿孔后可导致输卵管感染。 haodf




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