

单词 tuaregs
释义 tuaregsCOCA¹⁴³³⁵³BNC⁷⁰⁴⁷⁵
a member of a nomadic Berber people of the Saharathe dialect of Berber spoken by the Tuareg The garrison was wiped out by Tuaregs, but my father, the last survivor, escaped over the wall.
驻军是由图阿雷格人消灭了,但我的父亲,最后的幸存者,逃脱墙。 www.en400.com

Describe the coming of age ritual that Adam had to pass on his journey? Why do you think the Tuaregs have this ritual?
描述阿达姆旅程中必须旅行的宗教仪式,你怎么看待图阿雷格人的这种宗教信仰? gz2011.qlteacher.com

Like other rebellious types in the region, such as the Tuaregs of Mali and Niger, AQIM’s fighters have long blurred the lines between Islamist militancy and organised crime.
正像该地区其它反叛类型——比如马里和尼日尔境内的图阿雷格人——一样, AQIM的战士长期以来都不会分清伊斯兰恐怖组织交战状态和有组织的犯罪之间的界线。 ecocn

Moammar Gadhafi remains popular among ethnic Tuaregs in Niger and Mali, many of whom fought in his army.
卡扎菲在尼日尔和马里的图阿雷格部族中仍然受到欢迎,他们当中有很多人加入卡扎菲的军队作战。 qiewo




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