

单词 TTH
释义 TTHCOCA²⁰¹⁵⁹⁹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
=thyrotrop(hic hormone) 促甲状腺激素
Conclusion: Eperisone HCl is safe and effective for TTH with abnormal cervical vertebra.
结论盐酸乙哌立松是治疗伴有颈椎异常的紧张型头痛安全有效的药物。 cnki

The patient is being treated at the TTH Communicable Disease Centre and is in stable condition.
患者目前在 TTH传染病中心,情况稳定。 yeeyan

Conclusion The negative life events that in patients with TTH suffered and the inadequacy defense mechanisms for these negative events could play an important role in their sickness onset.
结论 TTH住院军人所经历的不良生活事件及对这些生活事件所采取的不适当心理防御机制在 TTH的发病过程中起着重要作用。 cnki

In developed countries, Tension Type Headache TTH alone affects two-thirds of adult males and over 80% of females.
欧美发达国家中紧张性头痛在男性中有三分之二人发生过,女性则高达80%。 haodf

Objective To determine the role of Eperisone HCl and Lorazepam in treating tension-type headache TTH.
目的观察盐酸乙哌立松联合劳拉西泮治疗紧张型头痛的临床疗效。 dictall

Objective To study the life events and psychosomatics symptoms of patients with Tension-Type Headache TTH.
目的探讨紧张型头痛 TTH住院患者的生活事件、心身症状及其相关关系。 cnki

Objective: To evaluate the cost effectiveness analysisCEA of Zhengtian pill ZTP and Tongtian oral solution TTOS in the treatment of tension type headache TTH.
目的:从药物经济学角度评价正天丸与通天口服液治疗紧张型头痛的优劣,选择疗效佳、费用低的药物治疗方案。 dictall




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